Domain of unknown function DUF29 This family consists of various hypothetical proteins from cyanobacteria, none of which are functionally described. The aligned region is approximately 120-140 amino acids long corresponding to almost the entire length of the proteins in the family. Swiss:Q2RPE2, PDB:3fcn, is a small protein that has a novel all-alpha fold. The N-terminal helical hairpin is likely to function as a dimerization module. This protein is a member of PFam family PF01724. The function of this protein is unknown. One protein sequence contains a fusion of this protein and a DnaB domain, suggesting a possible role in DNA helicase activity (hypothetical). Dali hits have low Z and high rmsd, suggesting probably only topological similarities (not functional relevance) (details derived from TOPSAN). The family has several highly conserved sequence motifs, including YD/ExD, DxxNVxEEIE, and CPY/F/W, as well as conserved tryptophans.