Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd02966: TlpA_like_family 
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TlpA-like family; composed of TlpA, ResA, DsbE and similar proteins. TlpA, ResA and DsbE are bacterial protein disulfide reductases with important roles in cytochrome maturation. They are membrane-anchored proteins with a soluble TRX domain containing a CXXC motif located in the periplasm. The TRX domains of this family contain an insert, approximately 25 residues in length, which correspond to an extra alpha helix and a beta strand when compared with TRX. TlpA catalyzes an essential reaction in the biogenesis of cytochrome aa3, while ResA and DsbE are essential proteins in cytochrome c maturation. Also included in this family are proteins containing a TlpA-like TRX domain with domain architectures similar to E. coli DipZ protein, and the N-terminal TRX domain of PilB protein from Neisseria which acts as a disulfide reductase that can recylce methionine sulfoxide reductases.
PSSM-Id: 239264
Aligned: 305 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 55.3201
Created: 14-Oct-2004
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
Conserved site includes 2 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:catalytic residues [active site]

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                        #  #                                           
1JFU_A       42 DLAFEDADg-KPKKLSdfr--gkTLLVNLWATWCVPCRKEMPALDELQgkls-gpnfEVVAINIDtr-dpEKPKTFLKea 116 Bradyrhizobium j...
AAQ67124     23 AVSLKNIEg-KTVQTNklenagkPMIISFFATNCKPCLRELKAIQEVYadwqdetgvRLIAVSIDegqnaQKVKPLADgn 101 Porphyromonas gi...
YP_076381    72 DIRAKDVFtgEVLTLSdlk--gtPVLLNFWATWCGPCREEMPEMEEFHqemg--davRVVAVSADsgdspEKMAAFAEal 147 Symbiobacterium ...
AAU92451     32 ALGFTTIEg-QRVNLEewr--grPVLLAFWASNCRSCLEEMPELAAMFrdyq-gqglRMAAVAMPyd-vpSRVVSLAGke 106 Methylococcus ca...
CAH08088     40 IESTSDAQ--YNFDLTdlk--gkYVLLSFWASYDAQSRMQNASLSNALrsts--qdvEMVSVSFDey--qSVFQETIRkd 111 Bacteroides frag...
ZP_00580712  55 QMKMTTIDg-KAIDLAdly-gkkPVYIKFWATWCVPCREQMPSFEDIYkkyg--dkvEVIAVNTGisdniKSVTEFSQkm 130 Shewanella balti...
ZP_00582350  38 DIALKTYPeqQQVTLGsva-gnkPIYLKFWATWCQPCMEQMPHFEALQkkyq--dkiNIVAVNINineeqPKIADVIArf 114 Shewanella balti...
ZP_00621742  52 TFELADEA--GQGHLSdye--gkYVLLNFWATWCPPCRKEMPMLSALQeefg-gdsfEVVTLATGrn-npAGIKKFFDei 125 Silicibacter sp....
ZP_00631835  49 ATAFTDPEg-GTHSLAdwq--gkVVLLNFWATWCAPCREEMPSLDALQaemg-gedfEVVAIAAGhn-ppPAVRKFLDee 123 Paracoccus denit...
Feature 1                                                          
1JFU_A      117 nltrLGYFNDq----kAKVFQDLKaigralgMPTSVLVDPqg-ceIATIAG 162 Bradyrhizobium japonicum
AAQ67124    102 g-weYEVLLDs----nGDFKRAMNvs----lIPAVFIVDGng-kiVYNHTG 142 Porphyromonas gingivalis W83
YP_076381   148 g-ltFSVVHDg-----GSAARAYRvg----aIPTSFFIDGeg-viQVRYTG 187 Symbiobacterium thermophilum IAM 14863
AAU92451    107 g-wpFPVALDp----lGQLAGALGve----lVPNCYLLDGdg-aiVATYLG 147 Methylococcus capsulatus str. Bath
CAH08088    112 q-ivTPTCFAetkgesSGLFKKYRln----rGFTNYLLDGng-viIAKNIS 156 Bacteroides fragilis NCTC 9343
ZP_00554555 149 gvttLPQHRDi----nQQIAREMGif----gLPITVVLDPsg-qeIARLRG 190 Jannaschia sp. CCS1
ZP_00580712 131 g-ltMPITIDd-----GKLARAFHlr----vTPQHLLIDKn---gKFAYFG 168 Shewanella baltica OS155
ZP_00582350 115 g-ltMPVWLDn----eGELGVALGlv----gTPYSVLINRggdvvYTSHES 156 Shewanella baltica OS155
ZP_00621742 126 gvtnLPRHQDp----kSAVARDMTvl----gLPITVILDPkg-neIARLRG 167 Silicibacter sp. TM1040
ZP_00631835 124 githLPVHLDp----rQQLAREMGvm----gMPVTVLIDReg-neIARLIG 165 Paracoccus denitrificans PD1222

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