Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd02233: cupin_HNL-like 
Granulicella tundricola hydroxynitrile lyase (GtHNL) and related proteins, cupin domain
This family includes archaeal, eukaryotic, and bacterial proteins homologous to hydroxynitrile lyase from Granulicella tundricola (GtHNL), a novel class of HNLs that does not show any sequence or structural similarity to any other HNL and does not contain conserved motifs typical of HNLs. HNLs comprise a diverse group of enzymes that vary in terms of their substrate specificity, enantioselectivity and the need for a co-factor. In plants, they catalyze the reversible cleavage of cyanohydrins, yielding HCN and aldehydes or ketones. Also included in this family is TM1010 from Thermotoga maritima, a protein of unknown function. Some but not all members of this family have N- or C-terminal carboxymuconolactone decarboxylase domains in addition to the cupin domain. Members of this family belong to the cupin superfamily with a conserved "jelly roll-like" beta-barrel fold capable of homodimerization.
PSSM-Id: 380361
Aligned: 179 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 104.171
Created: 31-Jan-2005
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
metal bindingdimer interface
Conserved site includes 4 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1: metal binding site [ion binding site], 4 residue positions
Conserved feature residue pattern:H [NH] [QHE] HClick to see conserved feature residue pattern help
  • Comment:The four-coordinate metallocenter usually includes three histidines and one glutamate; however, proteins in this subfamily may bind metal via different amino acids.
  • Citation:PMID 8612079

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                           # #    #                                     
2F4P_D        29 FTGNVWVKXLVTdengvfntQVYDVVFEPgARTHWHSHp-gGQILIVTrgKGFYQErgKPARILKkGDVVEIPp------ 101 Thermotoga mari...
CDE52411      40 FTGTVHRRDLIEpekmggvpQTNVITFEPgSRSAWHTHg--AMTVIGIagLGIYQEwgKPAVWIRpGDVIEIPa------ 111 Sutterella sp. ...
KQR66975      29 YVGKGYMKPLAArk----nyAVVSFVFEAgARNNWHLHpgaEQLLYVLegEGYYQQegKPKQIIKkGDLIIVPp------ 98  Pedobacter sp. ...
KXK28233      40 HVGNVWLNELSPadkv-fsySTAVATFDAgARLDWHSHp-gGQILLITqgVGYYQErgQAKQIVRkGDVIKCQp------ 111 Bacteroidetes b...
WP_068084831  42 HTGDIWLKELNVgddv-fdpSIAVADYGPgAKLDWHIHp-gGQVLVITqgTGYYQEkgKPARLVHkGDVIKSAp------ 113 Novosphingobium...
OIQ34939      40 YIGEAWLNSLFHaden-anyNITKATFKAnSTLDWHKHe-sTQILIVVegEGYYQErgKDPIIMQvGDVIKCNk------ 111 Bacteroidetes b...
SHI75405      78 FTGIAYIAPLINndeeynfpQTNNVTFEPgARSNWHSHg--GMVILVTggVGYYQEegKAAQIIReGDVIECAp------ 149 Desulfosporosin...
SJZ52272      52 FLGNVYLKPMIRegeglefpATNLVTFEPkARSAWHRHg--GMILLVTdgVGYYQEkgKPAQILRrGDVKGLNtgmtqqr 129 Fibrobacter int...
WP_083535431 229 FTGKVFFKNLIQkdsvynfpITNHITFAPgARSSWHVHg--GMEILVTggKGIYQEegKKAQIIRkGDVVHIPa------ 300 Fibrobacter sp....
PKN41645      51 HAGAVRIEQSFTaspl-arlVGEQFTFEPgARSAWHSSp-mGQILLITsgKMIVQEenGPLEEAFsGDVVIFPp------ 122 Deltaproteobact...
Feature 1              #                                       
2F4P_D       102 ---nVVHWHGAApdEELVHIGISTqv---------hlGPAEWLGSV 135 Thermotoga maritima MSB8
CDE52411     112 ---gVSHWHGAAknSRFQQFVVYDknwkapeglkvhtGKVTDAEYD 154 Sutterella sp. CAG:351
KQR66975      99 ---dTKHWNGASpkGRFLHLSLSDhs---------nqGHVKWFAKA 132 Pedobacter sp. Leaf176
KXK28233     112 ---gVEHWHGATpeSGVTYVATSPaq----------nGKTVWLKRV 144 Bacteroidetes bacterium OLB12
WP_068084831 114 ---gVEHWHGATpsSDFSYFAVTPtq----------kGKTVWLLPV 146 Novosphingobium rosa
OIQ34939     112 ---nTEHWHSSTknSDVTYLALYGk------------QPTIWTEVL 142 Bacteroidetes bacterium MedPE-SWsnd-G1
SHI75405     150 ---gVNHWHGATpdSWFSQMVIYDvg---------ysGGKGSEEPV 183 Desulfosporosinus lacus DSM 15449
SJZ52272     130 tagfRKWWFTIPa-GKELTVAMLLnlf--------rmKNISICRKK 166 Fibrobacter intestinalis
WP_083535431 301 ---gVKHWHGAApdSWFSQIVIYDaewkp---eagdaHSAHGAEPV 340 Fibrobacter sp. UWCM
PKN41645     123 ---kVKGWFGASpdTAASVLVMAEav---------dgGTATWFEHV 156 Deltaproteobacteria bacterium HGW-Deltaproteobact...

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