Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd15551: PHD_PYGO 
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PHD finger found in PYGO proteins
The family includes Drosophila melanogaster protein pygopus (dPYGO) and its two homologs, PYGO1 and PYGO2. dPYGO is a fundamental Wnt signaling transcriptional component in Drosophila. PYGO1 is essential for the association with Legless (Lgs)/Bcl9 that acts an adaptor between Pygopus (Pygo) and Arm/beta-catenin. dPYGO and PYGO2 function as context-dependent beta-catenin coactivators, and they bind di- and trimethylated lysine 4 of histone H3 (H3K4me2/3). Moreover, PYGO2 acts as a histone methylation reader, and a chromatin remodeler in a testis-specific and Wnt-unrelated manner. It also mediates chromatin regulation and links Wnt signaling and Notch signaling to suppress the luminal/alveolar differentiation competence of mammary stem and basal cells. PYGO2 also plays a new role in rRNA transcription during cancer cell growth. It regulates mammary tumor initiation and heterogeneity in MMTV-Wnt1 mice. All family members contain a plant homeodomain (PHD) finger.
PSSM-Id: 277026
Aligned: 17 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 60.4557
Created: 15-Aug-2013
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
Zn binding siteH3K4me bindingBCL9 HD1
Conserved site includes 8 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1: Zn binding site [ion binding site], 8 residue positions
Conserved feature residue pattern:C C C C H C C CClick to see conserved feature residue pattern help

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1          #  #               #   #    #  #                     #  #
2XB1_A          5 PCGaCRSevn---ddQDAILCEaSCQKWFHRECTGMtesaYGLLTte-asAVWACDLC 58   human
3ZPV_A          7 PCGmCHKevn---dnDEAVFCEsGCNFFFHRTCVGLteaaFQMLNke-vfAEWCCDKC 60   fruit fly
XP_002128934  288 TCCnCSNdiq---ptDDAIRCLaSCNKWFHRTCVGLtesaCNFLRse-elALWACDNC 341  Ciona intestinalis
CBY10910      222 KCGkCKSdifpkadiEELVRCF-SCKTWFRRTCVGLselaYKRLVmeqeyVAWSCQSC 278  Oikopleura dioica
XP_003389155   24 QCPiCEDavy--ddsQDSIFCNgPCNTWIHRGCAGLtrpaFTKTKs---sGHFHCPSC 76   Amphimedon queenslandica
XP_003726098   64 PCTrCNNnvk---ygQRGLECD-ECKAWTHNQCAGVdndtYDNLVet--sFSWVCPLC 115  purple urchin
NP_001161263  540 LCKfCKGliv--dinDQGIFCEsGCNFWYHRHCIGMtpiaYELLMne-scAEWVCDNC 594  jewel wasp
EDO37666        8 PCGiCQKevn---ddDDAILCEtGCGRWYHRVCTGLtimaYNLLTae-tsAEWVCNSC 61   starlet sea anemone
XP_003385401   27 PCGiCFEevk---deDEGILCEsGCDKWYHRQCAGMsknaYDLLTre-dsAEWACDTC 80   Amphimedon queenslandica
XP_002110816   46 PCGaCGKevn---dnDDAILCEsGCDVWFHRACTGLsqsaYGYLTse-enAEWICDNC 99   Trichoplax adhaerens

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