Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd07245: VOC_like 
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uncharacterized subfamily of vicinal oxygen chelate (VOC) family
The vicinal oxygen chelate (VOC) superfamily is composed of structurally related proteins with paired beta.alpha.beta.beta.beta motifs that provide a metal coordination environment with two or three open or readily accessible coordination sites to promote direct electrophilic participation of the metal ion in catalysis. VOC domain is found in a variety of structurally related metalloproteins, including the bleomycin resistance protein, glyoxalase I, and type I ring-cleaving dioxygenases. A bound metal ion is required for protein activities for the members of this superfamily. A variety of metal ions have been found in the catalytic centers of these proteins including Fe(II), Mn(II), Zn(II), Ni(II) and Mg(II). The protein superfamily contains members with or without domain swapping. The proteins of this family share three conserved metal binding amino acids with the type I extradiol dioxygenases, which shows no domain swapping.
PSSM-Id: 319909
Aligned: 21 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 114.722
Created: 23-Feb-2009
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
dimer interfaceputative metal
Conserved site includes 26 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:dimer interface [polypeptide binding site]
  • Structure:2QQZ_A; dimer interface of a putative glyoxalase family protein from Bacillus anthracis, by 4A distance.

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1        ##### #               ## #               #  ##    #                             
2QQZ_A        11 IDHVQVAAPvgCEEEARAFYGeTIGXEEIPKPEelkkrgGCWFKCGNq--EIHIGVeqnfn------------------- 69  Bacillus anthra...
AAK97724      21 LNHVSRLCK--DVKKSLKFYTkVLGFVEIERPAsfd-fdGAWLFNYGv--GIHLVQakdqdklps----------dtdhl 85  thale cress
NP_717565      6 LDHFTIRTP--ILAETVQFYQvILGLTQGWRPRfg--fpGHWLYAEEk-pILHLVEvgsraldaylg------esnalfg 74  Shewanella onei...
EDX83311      28 WNHINISASpaLIEQVKRFYVeIVGLTVGPRARld--heGYWLYAGRs-pILHLSArahltea--------------geq 90  Synechococcus s...
NP_682488      3 FLHVAINVT--NLERAAAFYEgVLGLTAVDRPLkf---pGRWYQIGAv--EIHLIQaekvvdtc------------qdqr 63  Thermosynechoco...
EDX84173      11 PLHVAIQVS--DLAVSDRFYTdIVGLRKVDRQLsf---pGSWYQIGDf--QLHLIVskwaanpv------------redk 71  Synechococcus s...
ABK26449       6 LDHVARATT--DVQRLARFYEeVFGFQRMDVPNfg--feVVWLSTVPpsiTLHIIQknpnsnlpesphsagpdvkkdlel 81  Sitka spruce
XP_001764314  12 LHHIARETS--DVNRLVDFYQqVFGFKKLETPQsfgdfnVTWLHLPPi-ySLHVVErdpksrlpespfvvpsdanadvsa 88  Physcomitrella ...
XP_001695866  18 LNHVSRCCE--DVARSFAFYTdVLGFIPVKRPTsfe-feGAWMFNYGi--GLHLVKgnpaprd--------------ski 78  Chlamydomonas r...
AAM65027       4 LGHIARESS--DITRLAQFYKeVFGFEEIESPDfgd-lkVVWLNLPGa-fAMHIIQrnpstnlpegpysa-tsavkdpsh 78  thale cress
Feature 1            ########   ##  #                                  ##
2QQZ_A        70 pakrAHPAFYVLKIDEFKQELIKQGIEVIddhar----pdviRFYVSDPFGNRIEF 121 Bacillus anthracis str. Ames
AAK97724      86 dpmdNHISFQCEDMEALEKRLKEVKVKYIkrtvgdekdaaidQLFFNDPDGFMVEI 141 thale cress
NP_717565     75 sgrvDHLSFRGTNLAQMQQHLCRQQCQFRerivp---eigehQLFIEDPNGITVEM 127 Shewanella oneidensis MR-1
EDX83311      91 kgflSHVSLSCVGLRDAIARLQEAEIPYRvatvl---dtgqtQLFVRDPAGISVEL 143 Synechococcus sp. PCC 7335
NP_682488     64 wgrnPHFALGVTDLASLEQRLVAAQIPWQrsas------graAIFVADPDGNLIEL 113 Thermosynechococcus elongatus BP-1
EDX84173      72 wgrhPHVTFAIADLSSIKQSLIEQEVPFQmsss------graALFVKDPDGNVVEL 121 Synechococcus sp. PCC 7335
ABK26449      82 lprsHHISLGVPDYDGFVKSLKEKGIPIYektqq---egkikQVFFCDPDGNGLEV 134 Sitka spruce
XP_001764314  89 lwrgPHLSFRVSDYDAAINTLKAKDIKYFektqq---ggkvkQCFFFDPDGNGLEI 141 Physcomitrella patens subsp. patens
XP_001695866  79 epktCHISFQSISLEEMEAHLKEWGLDYVkqvfve-dgvevgQLFFHDPDNNMIGE 133 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
AAM65027      79 lpmgHHICFSVPNFDSFLHSLKEKGIETFqkslp---dgkvkQVFFFDPDGNGLEV 131 thale cress

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