
Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd00138: PLDc_SF 
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Catalytic domain of phospholipase D superfamily proteins
Catalytic domain of phospholipase D (PLD) superfamily proteins. The PLD superfamily is composed of a large and diverse group of proteins including plant, mammalian and bacterial PLDs, bacterial cardiolipin (CL) synthases, bacterial phosphatidylserine synthases (PSS), eukaryotic phosphatidylglycerophosphate (PGP) synthase, eukaryotic tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 1 (Tdp1), and some bacterial endonucleases (Nuc and BfiI), among others. PLD enzymes hydrolyze phospholipid phosphodiester bonds to yield phosphatidic acid and a free polar head group. They can also catalyze the transphosphatidylation of phospholipids to acceptor alcohols. The majority of members in this superfamily contain a short conserved sequence motif (H-x-K-x(4)-D, where x represents any amino acid residue), called the HKD signature motif. There are varying expanded forms of this motif in different family members. Some members contain variant HKD motifs. Most PLD enzymes are monomeric proteins with two HKD motif-containing domains. Two HKD motifs from two domains form a single active site. Some PLD enzymes have only one copy of the HKD motif per subunit but form a functionally active dimer, which has a single active site at the dimer interface containing the two HKD motifs from both subunits. Different PLD enzymes may have evolved through domain fusion of a common catalytic core with separate substrate recognition domains. Despite their various catalytic functions and a very broad range of substrate specificities, the diverse group of PLD enzymes can bind to a phosphodiester moiety. Most of them are active as bi-lobed monomers or dimers, and may possess similar core structures for catalytic activity. They are generally thought to utilize a common two-step ping-pong catalytic mechanism, involving an enzyme-substrate intermediate, to cleave phosphodiester bonds. The two histidine residues from the two HKD motifs play key roles in the catalysis. Upon substrate binding, a histidine from one HKD motif could function as the nucleophile, attacking the phosphodiester bond to create a covalent phosphohistidine intermediate, while the other histidine residue from the second HKD motif could serve as a general acid, stabilizing the leaving group.
PSSM-Id: 197200
Aligned: 77 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 37.111
Created: 1-Nov-2000
Updated: 17-Jan-2013
Aligned Rows:
putative activecatalytic site
Conserved site includes 5 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:putative active site [active site]
  • Comment:The HKD signature motif (expanded to H-x-K-x(4)-D-x(6)-G-S-x-N, where x represents any amino acid residue) characterizes the PLD superfamily.
  • Comment:Most residues in the HKD motif are part of the active site.
  • Structure:1V0R_A; Streptomyces sp. phospholipase D bi-lobed monomer with two catalytic domains bind tungstate; contacts at 4A.
  • Structure:1BYS_A; Salmonella typhimurium Nuc complexed with tungstate; contacts at 4A.
  • Structure:1XDP_A; Escherichia coli Polyphosphate kinase binds AMP-PNP; contacts at 4A.

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                                                                        
1BYS_A        17 VLVLSaidsakTSIRMMAysf------------------------taPDIMKALvaak--krgvDVKIVIDergntgras 70   Salmonella typ...
1V0R_A        69 AKMTEnignatRTVDISTlapfp-------------------ngafqDAIVAGLkesaakgnklKVRILVGaapvyhmnv 129  Streptomyces s...
P0A6H8       136 RDIQLa----rHNIEMVFyiwqp--------------------ggmaDQVAESLmaaa--rrgiHCRLMLDsagsvaffr 189  Escherichia co...
1V0R_A       317 SALRAlvasakGHIEISQqdlnatc---------------pplprydIRLYDALaakm--aagvKVRIVVSdpanrgavg 379  Streptomyces s...
A6ND36       167 KMISQaq--kvIAVVMDMft--------------------------dVDIFKDLldagf-krkvAVYIIVDesnvkyflh 217  human
2F5T_X        13 EMFREslysakNEVIVVTpse------------------------ffETIREDLiktl--ergvTVSLYIDkipdlse-- 64   Thermococcus l...
ZP_03462164   39 SLLEKnlqnvkEINFVIRdvkflphqseiahe--feinptdvlfnayDITEKNKlqhf--skarSMHDFIEkh------- 107  Bacteroides pe...
ZP_05814711   38 SLLEKnlknvkEINFIIRdtkfiptnkevshe--feinpndilynsyDITEKNKlkhf--skakAMHDFIEkh------- 106  Fusobacterium ...
ZP_05902339   37 TALEKnlknvkEINFIIRdtkfipkndeisre--feitpndilynsyDIKEKNKlkhf--akakAMYDFIKnn------- 105  Leptotrichia h...
ZP_01666295   40 SELSKnlknveKINFIIRntayvpagrelprefeirqndtdlffnsyDIIQKNKlqhf--akakSMYDFIQkh------- 110  Thermosinus ca...
Feature 1                                                                     # #            # # 
1BYS_A        71 ia---------------------------amnyiansgiPLRTDsnf-----------piQHDKVIIVdnvtVETGSFNf 112  Salmonella typ...
1V0R_A       130 ipskyrd-----------------eltaklgkaaenitlNVASMttskt-------afswNHSKILVVdgqsALTGGINs 185  Streptomyces s...
P0A6H8       190 sp---------------------------wpelmrnagiEVVEAlkvnlmrvflrrmdlrQHRKMIMIdnyiAYTGSMNm 242  Escherichia co...
1V0R_A       380 sggysqikslseisdtlrnrlanitggqqaaktamcsnlQLATFrsspngkw-adghpyaQHHKLVSVdsstFYIGSKNl 458  Streptomyces s...
A6ND36       218 mce------------------------racmhlghlknlRVRSSggtefftrsatkfkgaLAQKFMFVdgdrAVCGSYSf 273  human
2F5T_X        65 --------------------------------fkgkgnfFVRQFy--------------kLNHLIGMTdg-kEVVTIQNa 97   Thermococcus l...
ZP_03462164  108 --------------------------------------vNIRKVnag-----------irIGGNILIIdddfMIQGSSSl 138  Bacteroides pe...
ZP_05814711  107 --------------------------------------vNIKKVnse-----------vrITGNILIIdddfMIQGSSSl 137  Fusobacterium ...
ZP_05902339  106 --------------------------------------vNVRKVkpy-----------qkVNGNILIIdddfMIQGTSSl 136  Leptotrichia h...
ZP_01666295  111 --------------------------------------vNVRKAkdp-----------gkITGNIIMIddeiAIHGTSSl 141  Thermosinus ca...
Feature 1                        #     
1BYS_A       113 tka-------aetkNSENAVVI 127  Salmonella typhimurium
1V0R_A       186 wkddy---ldtthpVSDVDLAL 204  Streptomyces sp. PMF
P0A6H8       243 vdpryfkqdagvgqWIDLMARM 264  Escherichia coli K-12
1V0R_A       459 yp----------swLQDFGYIV 470  Streptomyces sp. PMF
A6ND36       274 tw---------saaRTDRNVIS 286  human
2F5T_X        98 tf----------dsIGPPSFKS 109  Thermococcus litoralis
ZP_03462164  139 evskk---ssrdafSNINFDTI 157  Bacteroides pectinophilus ATCC 43243
ZP_05814711  138 eihd-----nkeklKKYNINFD 154  Fusobacterium sp. 3_1_33
ZP_05902339  137 eiye-----krtnrYDFDTTIK 153  Leptotrichia hofstadii F0254
ZP_01666295  142 evsrkt-krgelapIHFNSAVT 162  Thermosinus carboxydivorans Nor1

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