Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd22665: FHA_MDC1 
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forkhead associated (FHA) domain found in mediator of DNA damage checkpoint protein 1 (MDC1) and similar proteins
MDC1, also called nuclear factor with BRCT domains 1 (NFBD1), is a nuclear chromatin-associated protein that is required for checkpoint mediated cell cycle arrest in response to DNA damage within both the S and G2/M phases of the cell cycle. It directly binds phosphorylated histone H2AX to regulate cellular responses to DNA double-strand breaks. MDC1 contains a forkhead-associated (FHA) domain and two BRCT domains, as well as an internal 41-amino acid repeat sequence. The FHA domain is a small phosphopeptide recognition module.
PSSM-Id: 438717
Aligned: 33 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 90.3674
Created: 4-Sep-2020
Updated: 17-Oct-2022
Aligned Rows:
Conserved site includes 10 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:phosphopeptide binding site [polypeptide binding site]
  • Structure:3UOT; Homo sapiens MDC1 in complex with a phosphorylated peptide from the MDC1 N-terminus, contacts at 4A

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                     #                           #####                   
3UOT_A         16 GRLHIFSgah--gpEKDFPLHlGKNVVGRXp---------------dCSVALPf--PSISKQHAEIEILawdKAPILRDC 76   human
XP_005834102  234 ARIVLVDqat-glnFFHYVLP-GKNLVGKSre--------------qVDIVLDs--RACSKKHGYLERRe--ARFFVGDL 293  Guillardia th...
CUI15627       74 VPYVLLNmv----tGVTFPLFeGRNVIGRSpspi----------hdvFFINLEsprSAISRVHAEIVVAp-nGDVWVADA 138  Bodo saltans
GAX79469       32 GYLVWLIne---tvAREWPLFqGPNLLGRReedhqqtlheegdtlavDGILIPh--SSLSRKHAIIFVDekgLSFSVQDL 106  Chlamydomonas...
XP_001020133   13 AILAVFQnplkklvPSKYYLYeGQNNIGSDst--------------kSEVVIEa--EGVSPLHAEIYITn-dGDAYIQDL 75   Tetrahymena t...
KRX09469        7 AELVICGgndkkssEQVFGLFpGENVVGLNkk--------------kCQVAVDk-qIKLDDQHCMISIEd--GEYTIEDL 69   Pseudocohnile...
RHW73044        2 KRYFLIDes----tGRIMRLLtGENIIRRGaeia---------vkgaNVVCVGttcINVSRTHAIIKLCe-nGEAWLRDC 67   Trypanosoma b...
KYQ90714       12 LKVKLTSdpi--rpHAEFKIKmGKTSVGRAp---------------sNSIYLKg-eSSVSSYHAQFEFDg--KNIELEDL 71   Tieghemosteli...
WP_036514683    1 MKLKSQTs-----sAHDVVLLpGENLLGRGs---------------gCTHVLSd--THVSGQHIRIFQTs--AGWMLEDL 56   Nitrincola ni...
RLD11659      142 FQLRYRLqg---gaWNTFVLLpGDITIGRDe---------------dNDLCLDd--HEVSRLHGTITVDa--GTLWITDL 199  Chloroflexi b...
Feature 1           ##                                    ##       
XP_005834102  294 GSTNGTFVGtfp--gtsFRRVEPGAGVEIVD---GQLLMFAD-VECTLV 336  Guillardia theta CCMP2712
CUI15627      139 KSTNGTHIAvre---gaGIALEVDRSYYCVS---GTRMLFGD-VELTLV 180  Bodo saltans
GAX79469      107 GSVNKTFTGsmdesfsiWKMVKPYQSVSVSP---GQPLKFGQ-VNCLVN 151  Chlamydomonas eustigma
XP_001020133   76 NSKQGIFKKasfn-pnkKVRLEQNQRFSIIP---DHEFYIGK-YKCYVV 119  Tetrahymena thermophila SB210
KRX09469       70 KSQNGTFKVnqs---gkQIKLKPNKAYDLGSdneTKTFYLGQ-YKCLLR 114  Pseudocohnilembus persalinus
RHW73044       68 ESTNGTFLHsdt---gvSVRLEPGVFYQLKR---GNHVTFGD-LKLRFE 109  Trypanosoma brucei equiperdum
KYQ90714       72 SSLNKTLIQfkq--gdkEVQCKPNEKYKLMS---GSKISFGS-VSCQIQ 114  Tieghemostelium lacteum
WP_036514683   57 CSTNGTYLN--------GARLVPGQHYMLVH---GQQVMLGDaAICFEV 94   Nitrincola nitratireducens
RLD11659      200 DSTNGIELD--------GLPLKPREKYQFDA---GQKITIGNhELCVEV 237  Chloroflexi bacterium

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