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    Name/Gene IDDescriptionLocationAliases
    ID: 42348
    Nicotinamide amidase [Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly)]Chromosome 3R, NT_033777.3 (19671450..19698742)Dmel_CG31216, AAM52663, CG31216, CG7444, CG7500, D-NAAM, Dmel\CG31216, anon-WO0172774.59, anon-WO0172774.60, dNaam
    ID: 34708
    Sirtuin 1 [Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly)]Chromosome 2L, NT_033779.5 (13165564..13169551)Dmel_CG5216, BEST:LD38188, CG5216, D.mel1, DSir2, Dmel\CG5216, SIR-2, SIR2, SIRT1, Sir2, Sir2L/dSir2, dSIR2, dSir2, dmSRT406, dsir2, l(2)05326, sir2, sirt1, Sirt1
    ID: 31271
    white [Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly)]Chromosome X, NC_004354.4 (2790599..2796466, complement)Dmel_CG2759, BACN33B1.1, CG2759, DMWHITE, DmWhite, Dmel\CG2759, EG:BACN33B1.1, W, White, c23, e(g), m(g), mini-white, mw(AT)[[13]], w
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