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Platform GPL23474 Query DataSets for GPL23474
Status Public on Mar 07, 2018
Title Protein Microarray_Neisseria meningitidis [fHbp, NHBA and NadA]
Technology type spotted peptide or protein
Distribution non-commercial
Organism Neisseria meningitidis
Manufacturer Molecular biology Lab, AIMB, GSK Vaccines
Manufacture protocol Purified recombinant protein were diluted at final concentration of 0.5 mg/ul in 40% glycerol and transferred into 384-well microtiterplates. One droplet of 0.2 nL protein solution was deposited per spot on nitrocellulose-coated slides (FAST slides, Schleicher and Schuell) using the non-contact printer Marathon Spotter (Arrayjet, Edinburgh, UK). Printing was performed in a cabinet with controlled humidity and temperature (55-60% and 12 °C respectively), resulting in spots of 90-110 μm in diameter range. Each protein was printed in 8 or 16 replicates on each slide. Printed protein microarrays were kept at room temperature for 5 hours, dried under a stream of nitrogen and store a 4°C.
Submission date May 12, 2017
Last update date Mar 07, 2018
Contact name Erika Bartolini
Organization name GSK Vaccines
Department AIMB
Lab Molecular Biology
Street address Via Fiorentina 1
City Siena
State/province Italy
ZIP/Postal code 53100
Country Italy
Samples (37) GSM2617129, GSM2617130, GSM2617131, GSM2617132, GSM2617133, GSM2617134 
Series (2)
GSE98878 Epitope mapping of human Fabs directed against 4CmenB protein components by protein microarray
GSE98883 Epitope mapping of human antibodies directed against 4CmenB protein components

Data table header descriptions
Name common protein name
GI number accession number of spotted protein
aminoacid region the amino acid region of proteins spotted on the protein array
PT_ACC protein accession

Data table
ID Name GI number aminoacid region PT_ACC accession_string
[1] NadA 610425912 10-51 AHW74788.1 AHW74788.1GI: 610425912
[101] NadA 610425912 1-350 AHW74788.1 AHW74788.1GI: 610425912
[102] NHBA 254547343 full length ACT66702.1 gi|254547343|ref|ACT66702.1
[103] fHbp var1 7227128 full length AAF42204.1 AAF42204.1GI: 7227128
[104] fHbp var2 7228704 full length AAF42586.1 gi|7228704|ref|AAF42586.1
[105] fHbp var3 106073479 full length ABF82029.1 ABF82029.1GI: 106073479
[108] NUbp 7226269 full length AAF41429.1 gi|7226269|ref|AAF41429.1
[11] NadA 610425912 74-143 AHW74788.1 AHW74788.1GI: 610425912
[111] NHBA 254547343 full length ACT66702.1 gi|254547343|ref|ACT66702.1
[12] NadA 610425912 75-128 AHW74788.1 AHW74788.1GI: 610425912
[13] NadA 610425912 97-130 AHW74788.1 AHW74788.1GI: 610425912
[15] NadA 610425912 107-195 AHW74788.1 AHW74788.1GI: 610425912
[152] fHbp var1 7227128 1-50 AAF42204.1 AAF42204.1GI: 7227128
[153] fHbp var1 7227128 181-434 AAF42204.1 AAF42204.1GI: 7227128
[155] fHbp var1 7227128 192-280 AAF42204.1 AAF42204.1GI: 7227128
[156] fHbp var1 7227128 380-434 AAF42204.1 AAF42204.1GI: 7227128
[159] NadA 610425912 100-275 AHW74788.1 AHW74788.1GI: 610425912
[160] NadA 610425912 110-191 AHW74788.1 AHW74788.1GI: 610425912
[161] NadA 610425912 158-350 AHW74788.1 AHW74788.1GI: 610425912
[162] NadA 610425912 150-255 AHW74788.1 AHW74788.1GI: 610425912

Total number of rows: 102

Table truncated, full table size 6 Kbytes.

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