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Platform GPL28712 Query DataSets for GPL28712
Status Public on Aug 28, 2020
Title 4CMenB antigenic components protein microarray
Technology type spotted peptide or protein
Distribution non-commercial
Organism Neisseria meningitidis
Manufacturer Molecular biology Lab, AIMB, GSK Vaccines
Manufacture protocol Purified recombinant protein were diluted at final concentration of 0.5 mg/ul in 40% glycerol and transferred into 384-well microtiterplates. One droplet of 0.2 nL protein solution was deposited per spot on nitrocellulose-coated slides (FAST slides, Schleicher and Schuell) using the non-contact printer Marathon Spotter (Arrayjet, Edinburgh, UK). Printing was performed in a cabinet with controlled humidity and temperature (55-60% and 12 °C respectively), resulting in spots of 90-110 μm in diameter range. Each protein was printed in 8 replicates on each slide. Printed protein microarrays were kept at room temperature for 5 hours, dried under a stream of nitrogen and store a 4°C.
Submission date Jun 18, 2020
Last update date Aug 27, 2020
Contact name Erika Bartolini
Organization name GSK Vaccines
Department AIMB
Lab Molecular Biology
Street address Via Fiorentina 1
City Siena
State/province Italy
ZIP/Postal code 53100
Country Italy
Samples (219) GSM4626302, GSM4626303, GSM4626304, GSM4626305, GSM4626306, GSM4626307 
Series (1)
GSE152785 Immunological fingerprint of 4CMenB recombinant antigens via protein microarray

Data table header descriptions
Name common protein name
aminoacid region the aminoacid region of NHBA, fHbp and NadA proteins spotted on the protein array
GI number accession number
protein tag
manuscript code code used in the manuscript for fragment identification

Data table
ID Name aminoacid region GI number PT_ACC PT_GI protein tag manuscript code
[110] 936 (GNA2091) full length AAF42408.1 GI:7227353 AAF42408.1 7227353 Tagless A-01
[190] 936 (GNA2091) full length AAF42408.1 GI:7227354 AAF42408.1 7227354 Trx-His A-02
[217] 936 (GNA2091) full length AAF42408.1 GI:7227355 AAF42408.1 7227355 Tagless A-03
[191] 936 (GNA2091) 1-180 AAF42408.1 GI:7227356 AAF42408.1 7227356 Trx-His A-04
[154] 936 (GNA2091) 1-91 AAF42408.1 GI:7227357 AAF42408.1 7227357 Trx-His A-05
[152] fHbp var1 1-50 AAF42204.1GI: 7227128 AAF42204.1 7227128 Trx-His A-06
[157] 936 (GNA2091) 40-78 AAF42408.1 GI:7227353 AAF42408.1 7227353 Trx-His A-07
[68] 936 (GNA2091) 70-115 AAF42408.1 GI:7227354 AAF42408.1 7227354 Trx-His A-08
[150] 936 (GNA2091) 125-115; 1-96 AAF42408.1 GI:7227355; AAF42204.1GI: 7227128 AAF42408.1 7227355 Trx-His A-09
[50] 936 (GNA2091) 173-115; 1-224 AAF42408.1 GI:7227355; AAF42204.1GI: 7227129 AAF42408.1 7227356 Trx-His A-10
[51] 936 (GNA2091) 179-115; 1-174 AAF42408.1 GI:7227355; AAF42204.1GI: 7227130 AAF42408.1 7227357 His A-11
[103] fHbp var1 full length AAF42204.1GI: 7227128 AAF42204.1 7227128 His A-12
[153] fHbp var1 full length AAF42204.1GI: 7227128 AAF42204.1 7227128 Trx-His A-13
[155] fHbp var1 12-100 AAF42204.1GI: 7227128 AAF42204.1 7227128 Trx-His A-14
[54] fHbp var1 19-226 AAF42204.1GI: 7227128 AAF42204.1 7227128 His A-15
[53] fHbp var1 19-97 AAF42204.1GI: 7227128 AAF42204.1 7227128 His A-16
[52] fHbp var1 19-63 AAF42204.1GI: 7227128 AAF42204.1 7227128 His A-17
[56] fHbp var1 72-165 AAF42204.1GI: 7227128 AAF42204.1 7227128 His A-18
[57] fHbp var1 74-226 AAF42204.1GI: 7227128 AAF42204.1 7227128 His A-19
[59] fHbp var1 112-228 AAF42204.1GI: 7227128 AAF42204.1 7227128 His A-20

Total number of rows: 106

Table truncated, full table size 7 Kbytes.

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