This array is identical to GPL1261 but a custom, remapped CDF environment is used to extract data. This is version 9 of the remapped CDF. The CDF for various platforms can be found at the link below.
CDF file was created by Microarray Lab at the Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience Institute at the University of Michigan. Oligonucleotide probes on GeneChips were reorganized based on the latest genome and transcriptome information. In this particular case the Entrez Gene database (build: 05/04/2006) was used as source. For the CDF file based on Entrez Gene: A probe must hit only one genomic location; Probes that can be mapped to the same target sequence in the correct direction are grouped together in the same probe set; Each probe set must contain at least three oligonucleotide probes and probes in a set are ordered according to their location in the corresponding exon. For detailed description please see the paper and website.