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Series GSE124293 Query DataSets for GSE124293
Status Public on Dec 21, 2021
Title Maintenance of meiotic crossover against reduced DSB formation in fission yeast lacking histone H2A.Z
Organism Schizosaccharomyces pombe
Experiment type Genome binding/occupancy profiling by genome tiling array
Summary Meiotic crossover (CO) recombination is a process in which programmed DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) around hotspots are repaired by homologous chromosomes (homologs), and thus exchanges DNA molecules between two homologs. CO is critical for most sexually-reproducing organisms because it promotes accurate chromosome segregation and creates genetic diversity. Therefore, faithful accomplishment of CO formation must be ensured, but the bases of the regulation are not fully understood. Our previous study using fission yeast has revealed that mutants lacking the conserved histone H2A.Z are defective in DSB formation but maintain CO frequency at three loci tested. Here, we tested five additional sites to show that H2A.Z-lacking cells exhibit normal and increased CO frequency at two and three loci, respectively. Detailed interrogation on one of the intervals revealed that CO increase in the mutant would be genetically separable from DSB reduction, and regulated at least partly at the recombination intermediate level. In addition, through genetic analyses of model regions containing a hotspot flanked by two markers as well as genome-wide analyses, we propose that, in the absence of H2A.Z, CO arose from non-hotspot DSBs may compensate for DSB reduction at hotspots. These observations provide clues to further our understanding on CO control.
Overall design S. pombe pat1-114 rad50S rec12+-FLAG cells in wild type, or pht1 deletion background were induced to enter meiosis by the pat1 haploid meiosis system, and harvested five hours after the induction. ChIP were performed using anti-FLAG antibodies. Input DNA was purified from pat1-114 cells in wild type background and harvested four hours after the induction.
Contributor(s) Yamada T, Yamada S, Ding DQ, Fujita Y, Takaya E, Hiraoka Y, Murakami H, Ohta K
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Submission date Dec 21, 2018
Last update date Dec 23, 2021
Contact name Shintaro Yamada
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Street address 1275 York Avenue
City New York
State/province New York
ZIP/Postal code 10065
Country USA
Platforms (1)
GPL7715 [Sp20b_M] Affymetrix S. pombe Tiling 1.0FR Array
Samples (2)
GSM3528287 Rec12_wt
GSM3528288 Rec12_pht1D
BioProject PRJNA511483

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GSE124293_RAW.tar 62.9 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of BAR, CEL)
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