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Series GSE154302 Query DataSets for GSE154302
Status Public on Mar 08, 2021
Title A histone H3K4me1 specific binding protein is involved in RdDM
Organism Arabidopsis thaliana
Experiment type Genome binding/occupancy profiling by high throughput sequencing
Methylation profiling by high throughput sequencing
Non-coding RNA profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary In plants, RNA-directed DNA methylation (RdDM) pathway is a well-known de novo DNA methylation pathway that is involved in many important biological processes, such as pathogen defense, stress response and plant development. RdDM involves two plant-specific RNA polymerases, Pol IV and Pol V. In previous studies, several genetic screen systems, including a release of silencing 1 (ros1) suppressor screen, have been designed and used to discover new RdDM components. Through the ros1 suppressor screen, several new RdDM components, such as RDM1 and KTF1, have been reported. In this study, we isolated a new ros1 suppressor mutant, rdm15. Through DNA methylome and whole-genome siRNA analyses, we showed that RDM15 was required for RdDM-dependent DNA methylation and siRNA accumulation at a subset of RdDM target loci. Our further investigation revealed that RDM15 mainly contributes to Pol V-dependent downstream siRNA accumulation, and can interact with NRPE3B, a subunit specific to Pol V. DNA methylation and histone modifications are known to interact with each other to determine DNA methylation and chromatin states. Here, we showed that RDM15 can specifically recognize the histone 3 lysine 4 monomethylation (H3K4me1) mark by its C-terminal tudor domain. The structure of RDM15 tudor domain in complex with an H3K4me1 peptide highlights the specific recognition of H3K4me1 by an aromatic cage and specific hydorgen bonding interactions, which is different from all previously reported lower methyllysine recognition mechanisms. In addition, at the genome wide level, RDM15 and H3K4me1 showed similar distribution patterns at RDM15-dependent RdDM loci, suggesting that RDM15 recognition of H3K4me1 is associated with RDM15 function in RdDM. In summary, we identified and characterized a histone H3K4me1 specific binding protein as a new RdDM component, and the structural analysis of RDM15 revealed a new type of chemical feature-based lower methyllysine recognition mechanism.
Overall design Study the function of gene RDM15 using Bisulfite-Seq, Small RNA Sequencing, and ChIP-Seq.
Contributor(s) Niu Q, Song Z, Tang K, Liu R, Ban T, Guo Z, Zhang H, Duan C, Zhang H, Zhu J, Du J, Lang Z
Citation(s) 34099688
Submission date Jul 13, 2020
Last update date Jun 09, 2021
Contact name Jian-Kang Zhu
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Organization name Purdue University
Department Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Street address 625 Agriculture Mall Dr.
City West Lafayette
State/province IN
ZIP/Postal code 47907
Country USA
Platforms (1)
GPL17639 Illumina HiSeq 2500 (Arabidopsis thaliana)
Samples (22)
GSM4668633 Col0_BS_rep1
GSM4668634 Col0_BS_rep2
GSM4668635 rdm15-2_BS_rep1
BioProject PRJNA645828
SRA SRP271551

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GSE154302_RAW.tar 1.4 Gb (http)(custom) TAR (of BEDGRAPH, WIG)
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