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Series GSE28531 Query DataSets for GSE28531
Status Public on May 10, 2015
Title Transcriptomes of accumbens nuclei from mice submitted to a short-term cocaine-dependent conditioned place preference
Organism Mus musculus
Experiment type Expression profiling by array
Summary Molecular basis of transition to addiction in vulnerable individuals is largely unknown. We hypothesized that human susceptibility genes can be identified on the basis of conserved molecular mechanisms in rodent brains. We used a short-term cocaine-dependent conditioned place preference (CPP) to identify genetic hallmarks of early steps of reward memory in basal ganglia including accumbens nucleus (NAc), globus pallidus (GP) and subthalamic nucleus (STN). Using genome-wide microarray analysis and CPP as a quantitative trait, we found that synaptic plasticity-related genes are deregulated in these three structures. A significant enrichment in bona fide transcripts involved in dendritic spine local translation was evidenced. mGluR5 is transcriptionally deregulated in Acc and GP of cocaine-treated animals. Grin3a that encodes a NMDA receptor subunit involved in Ca++ permeability is deregulated in NAc. Furthermore, Orexin/Hcrt transcript level is decreased in STN, a region known to be involved in discriminating addictive drugs and natural rewards. We also found that mGluR5 and Grin3a expression deregulation is sufficient to induce changes in synaptic plasticity-related genes. Altogether, these results suggest that a combined deregulation of mGluR5 and Grin3A pathway in NAc, mGluR5 in GP and orexin system in STN may generate an incentive memory contrasted between addictive drugs and natural rewards. Such pathways may include clusters of genes that are potential susceptibility genes for transition to addiction.
Overall design Agilent Whole Mouse Genome oligomicroarrays (GEO accession no. GPL2872, Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA) were used. They contain 60-mer DNA probes synthesized in situ in a 44k format. Of 44,290 spots, 2756 are controls. The remaining 41,534 spots represent 33,661 unique transcripts which correspond to 20,202 unique human genes. Five independent (four accumbens nuclei from mice treated with cocaine compared to four accumbens nuclei from mice treated with saline solution) measurements were carried out for each group of biological conditions using exchanged dye-labeled RNA targets (i.e., Cy3 and Cy5 dyeswapping experiments). Each hybridization was numerized hybridization by a GenePix 4000B Microarray Scanner and an Agilent G6525 Microarray Scanner.
Contributor(s) Maussion G, Kelai S, Lepagnol-Bestel A, Chortis E, Imbeaud S, Noble F, Moalic J, Gorwood P, Simonneau M
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Submission date Apr 11, 2011
Last update date May 10, 2015
Contact name Gilles Maussion
Organization name INSERM U675
Street address 16 rue Henri Huchard
ZIP/Postal code 75018
Country France
Platforms (1)
GPL2872 Agilent-012694 Whole Mouse Genome G4122A (Feature Number version)
Samples (8)
GSM696979 CocV3-SalB5_accumbens_Axon_scan
GSM697606 CocV3-SalB5_accumbens_Agilent_scan
GSM697676 SalN9-CocV4_accumbens_Axon_scan
This SubSeries is part of SuperSeries:
GSE28828 Transcriptomes of subthalamic nuclei, globus pallidus, and accumbens nuclei from mice with low and high scores of cocaine-dependent conditioned place preference
BioProject PRJNA143041

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GSE28531_RAW.tar 53.1 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of GPR)
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