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Series GSE6246 Query DataSets for GSE6246
Status Public on Nov 10, 2006
Title Gene expression profiling: breast cancer formation in WAP-SVT/t transgenic animals
Organism Mus musculus
Experiment type Expression profiling by array
Summary Microarray studies revealed that as a first hit, SV40 T/t-antigen causes deregulation of 462 genes in mammary gland cells (ME-cells) of WAP-SVT/t transgenic animals. The majority of deregulated genes are cell-proliferation specific and Rb-E2F dependent, causing ME-cell proliferation and gland hyperplasia but not breast cancer formation. In the breast tumor cells, a further 207 genes are differentially expressed, most of them belonging to the cell communication category. In tissue culture, breast tumor cells frequently switch off WAP-SVT/t transgene expression and regain the morphology and growth characteristics of normal-ME-cells, although the tumor-revertant cells are aneuploid and only 114 genes regain the expression level of normal-ME-cells. The profile of retransformants shows that only 38 deregulated genes appear to be tumor-relevant and that none of them is considered to be a typical breast cancer gene.
Keywords: Tumorigenesis, Breast cancer, SV40 T/t antigen
Overall design We have analyzed nine mammary gland tissue segments from three normal NMRI, three WAP-SVT/t mice on the first day of lactation and from three WAP-SVT/t breast cancers (583-tumor 1, 585-tumor 2, 597-tumor 3) as well as three distinct breast cancer derived cell lines (ME-A cells, revertant-ME-B cells and ME-B-T/t cells).
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Contributor(s) Klein A, Guhl E, Zollinger R, Tzeng Y, Wessel R, Hummel M, Graessmann M, Graessmann A
Citation(s) 15662539
Submission date Nov 08, 2006
Last update date Jan 08, 2019
Contact name Andreas Klein
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Phone +49 30 450 528087
Fax +49 30 450 52945
Organization name Charité (CCO)
Department Institute of Biochemistry
Street address Charitéplatz 1
City Berlin
ZIP/Postal code 10117
Country Germany
Platforms (1)
GPL339 [MOE430A] Affymetrix Mouse Expression 430A Array
Samples (12)
GSM143330 NOR LAK sample III: NMRI mouse on the first day of lactation
GSM143697 NOR LAK sample I: NMRI mouse on the first day of lactation
GSM143891 NOR LAK sample II: NMRI mouse on the first day of lactation
BioProject PRJNA97521

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GSE6246_RAW.tar 42.5 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of CEL)

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