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Sample GSM101994 Query DataSets for GSM101994
Status Public on Apr 20, 2006
Title IgG ChIP-chip, cDNA 12K array, Embryonic Drosophila Kc167 cells, replicate 2
Sample type genomic
Channel 1
Source name Embryonic Drosophila cells, Kc167 cells, ChIP IgG control
Organism Drosophila melanogaster
Characteristics IgG ChIP-chip (EXPERIMENTAL)
Growth protocol Drosophila Kc cells were grown in BPYE medium (Shields and Sang M3 Insect medium, Sigma, supplemented with 25% w/v bactopeptone, 20% w/v yeast extract, 5% heat inactivated fetal calf serum, all Gibco) at 23degC
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol The ChIP method was and adaptation of a previously published protocol (Rietveld, L.E., Caldenhoven, E. & Stunnenberg, H.G. In vivo repression of an erythroid-specific gene by distinct corepressor complexes. Embo J 21, 1389-97, 2002). Approximately 2x108 Kc cells were cross-linked by the addition of formaldehyde (1% final concentration). The reaction was quenched with 125 mM Glycine and the cells were washed twice with PBS. Subsequently, the cells were incubated 5� on ice in 1.5 ml lysis buffer (1% v/v SDS, 10 mM EDTA pH8.0, 50 mM Tris-HCl pH8.0, protease inhibitor cocktail - Roche). The cell lysates were sonicated and centrifuged to remove cell debris. We used the equivalent of 1 x 10E6 cells for one immunoprecipitation. Chromatin samples were diluted 10-fold in IP buffer (1% Triton X-100, 1.2 mM EDTA, 16.7 mM Tris-HCl pH8.0, 167 mM NaCl, protease inhibitor cocktail - Roche) and precleared with 10 ul 50% protein A Sepharose slurry containing 1mg/ml bovine serum albumine (BSA) for 1h agitation at 4degC. Precleared chromatin was incubated with 2 ug antibody overnight at 4degC. All subsequent ChIP steps were performed as described (Rietveld, L.E., Caldenhoven, E. & Stunnenberg, H.G. In vivo repression of an erythroid-specific gene by distinct corepressor complexes. Embo J 21, 1389-97, 2002). We used the following antibodies for ChIP analyses: anti-H3K27me3 - #07-449 from Upstate; anti-H3K4me3 - ab8580-50 from Abcam; and anti-IgG - 011-0000-003 from Jackson Immuno Research. The data were normalized to a parallel ChIP with anti-H3 antibody (ab1797-100 from Abcam), to correct for differences in nucleosome density.
Label Cy5
Label protocol For the microarray analysis, immunoprecipitated DNA fragments were amplified using linker-modified PCR (LM-PCR). Randomly sheared DNA fragments were made blunt using T4 DNA polymerase for 15 min at 16�C in 10 mM Tris-HCl pH8.0, 50 mM NaCl, 10 mM MgCl2, 1 mM DTT, and 0.1 mM dNTPs. Adapter ligation, PCR amplification, labeling and hybridization were carried out according to the DamID protocol (Greil, F. et al. Distinct HP1 and Su(var)3-9 complexes bind to sets of developmentally coexpressed genes depending on chromosomal location. Genes Dev 17, 2825-38, 2003)
Channel 2
Source name Embryonic Drosophila cells, Kc167 cells, ChIP Histone H3
Organism Drosophila melanogaster
Characteristics H3 ChIP-chip (REFERENCE)
Growth protocol Drosophila Kc cells were grown in BPYE medium (Shields and Sang M3 Insect medium, Sigma, supplemented with 25% w/v bactopeptone, 20% w/v yeast extract, 5% heat inactivated fetal calf serum, all Gibco) at 23degC
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol The ChIP method was and adaptation of a previously published protocol (Rietveld, L.E., Caldenhoven, E. & Stunnenberg, H.G. In vivo repression of an erythroid-specific gene by distinct corepressor complexes. Embo J 21, 1389-97, 2002). Approximately 2x108 Kc cells were cross-linked by the addition of formaldehyde (1% final concentration). The reaction was quenched with 125 mM Glycine and the cells were washed twice with PBS. Subsequently, the cells were incubated 5� on ice in 1.5 ml lysis buffer (1% v/v SDS, 10 mM EDTA pH8.0, 50 mM Tris-HCl pH8.0, protease inhibitor cocktail - Roche). The cell lysates were sonicated and centrifuged to remove cell debris. We used the equivalent of 1 x 10E6 cells for one immunoprecipitation. Chromatin samples were diluted 10-fold in IP buffer (1% Triton X-100, 1.2 mM EDTA, 16.7 mM Tris-HCl pH8.0, 167 mM NaCl, protease inhibitor cocktail - Roche) and precleared with 10 ul 50% protein A Sepharose slurry containing 1mg/ml bovine serum albumine (BSA) for 1h agitation at 4degC. Precleared chromatin was incubated with 2 ug antibody overnight at 4degC. All subsequent ChIP steps were performed as described (Rietveld, L.E., Caldenhoven, E. & Stunnenberg, H.G. In vivo repression of an erythroid-specific gene by distinct corepressor complexes. Embo J 21, 1389-97, 2002). We used the following antibodies for ChIP analyses: anti-H3K27me3 - #07-449 from Upstate; anti-H3K4me3 - ab8580-50 from Abcam; and anti-IgG - 011-0000-003 from Jackson Immuno Research. The data were normalized to a parallel ChIP with anti-H3 antibody (ab1797-100 from Abcam), to correct for differences in nucleosome density.
Label Cy3
Label protocol For the microarray analysis, immunoprecipitated DNA fragments were amplified using linker-modified PCR (LM-PCR). Randomly sheared DNA fragments were made blunt using T4 DNA polymerase for 15 min at 16�C in 10 mM Tris-HCl pH8.0, 50 mM NaCl, 10 mM MgCl2, 1 mM DTT, and 0.1 mM dNTPs. Adapter ligation, PCR amplification, labeling and hybridization were carried out according to the DamID protocol (Greil, F. et al. Distinct HP1 and Su(var)3-9 complexes bind to sets of developmentally coexpressed genes depending on chromosomal location. Genes Dev 17, 2825-38, 2003)
Description Embryonic Drosophila cells, Kc167 cells
Data processing After removal of low quality, redundant or ambiguous proves, hybridization data of 9,994 probes was used for analyses, all measured ratios were log base 2-transformed and normalized to the median value of the entire array
Submission date Mar 28, 2006
Last update date Apr 07, 2006
Contact name Maarten van Lohuizen
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Phone +31 205122030
Fax +31 205122011
Organization name NKI-AVL
Department Molecular Genetics
Street address Plesmanlaan 121
City Amsterdam
ZIP/Postal code 1066 CX
Country Netherlands
Platform ID GPL1908
Series (1)
GSE4564 Genome-wide profiling of PRC1 and PRC2 Polycomb chromatin binding in Drosophila

Data table header descriptions
VALUE normalized log2 ratios of medians defined as CH1 divided by CH2
CH1_SIG_MEAN Channel 1 mean intensity
CH1_BKG_MEAN Channel 1 mean background intensity
CH1_SIG_MEDIAN Channel 1 median intensity
CH1_BKG_MEDIAN Channel 1 median background intensity
CH2_SIG_MEAN Channel 2 mean intensity
CH2_BKG_MEAN Channel 2 mean background intensity
CH2_SIG_MEDIAN Channel 2 median intensity
CH2_BKG_MEDIAN Channel 2 median background intensity

Data table
AT01046 6.13E-01 372.1351 109.1569 369 109 4820.5278 247.7126 3732.5 234
AT01047 8.09E-02 265.4285 128.37 261 115 2852.9213 267.0744 3068.5 228.5
AT01267 -6.67E-01 182.0466 108.1646 181 107 2419.5407 220.7852 2634 217
AT01314 9.06E-02 367.9558 112.7803 376.5 110 4647.289 238.3345 5386.5 237
AT01380_ReAmp -2.65E-01 308.49 106.8906 319 105 4806.1816 217.409 5505 213
AT01413 -4.65E-01 387.0955 107.8767 399.5 105 6941.5834 208.5812 8569 205
AT01448 -4.01E-02 370.2437 103.8178 382.5 102 5541.0478 193.6733 6126 192
AT01479 -3.41E-01 126.2068 104.5309 123 105 722.6024 225.9276 693 224
AT01495 1.56E-01 444.0211 112.6648 458 111 5551.1137 244 6646 240
AT01533 -2.12E-01 304.7171 104.6838 310.5 104 4435.102 202.479 5121.5 200
AT01547 -4.88E-01 388.7517 105.1096 393 105 7321.6352 196.706 8508 196
AT01605 7.81E-01 160.1785 117.2942 156.5 118 800.4666 356.3074 809 348
AT01616 3.40E-01 500.1257 113.4214 519 112 5874.5292 254.2137 6863.5 249.5
AT01633 -1.46E-01 308.5759 105.546 320 104 4472.5908 210.4058 5126 208.5
AT01661 -7.92E-01 289.3399 105.0838 286.5 103 5912.1674 195.2628 6732 193
AT01695 9.95E-01 162.5862 117.844 158 118 763.9251 371.86 781 368
AT01736 -1.45E-01 359.9277 104.2398 372.5 103 5570.373 209.8231 6336 206
AT01764 -8.25E-02 296.4725 104.8972 305 104 4221.3095 195.4092 4573 194
AT01776 1.38E+00 155.1128 118.3798 150.5 118 631.5479 362.3493 617 360.5
AT01806 -6.12E-01 292.559 112.8637 291 111 5021.0927 255.5882 5913 252

Total number of rows: 9993

Table truncated, full table size 698 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM101994.txt.gz 301.6 Kb (ftp)(http) TXT

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