Samples were prepared from 4 biological replicates of 50 ml broth cultures (5 x 107 cells/ml) of Borrelia hermsii
Extracted molecule
total RNA
Extraction protocol
Total RNA was isolated from 50 ml B. hermsii DAH cultures (5 x 107 cells/ml) using the RNeasy kit (Qiagen, Inc., Valencia, CA) and contaminating DNA was removed using the DNA-free kit (Ambion, Inc, Austin, TX).
Label protocol
Biotinylated cRNA were prepared according to the standard Affymetrix protocol
Hybridization protocol
All cRNAs were hybridized to a custom Affymetrix GeneChip
Scan protocol
GeneChips were scanned using the Affymetrix GeneChip Scanner 7GPlus.
Flagellar export apparatus protein, FliH, is involved in post-transcriptional regulation of FlaB, motility and virulence of the relapsing fever spirochete Borrelia hermsii
Data table header descriptions
indicating whether the transcript was present (P), absent (A), or marginal (M)