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Sample GSM1077303 Query DataSets for GSM1077303
Status Public on Sep 17, 2013
Title rat_Ad-1
Sample type RNA
Source name LVCP, adult
Organism Rattus norvegicus
Characteristics strain: Sprague-Dawley
developmental stage: adult
tissue: lateral ventricle choroid plexus
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA was isolated from two batches of 6 to 10 LVCP, sampled from E19, P2, and adult rats, using the RNeasy® Micro Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA, USA), and was DNase-treated according to the manufacturer's protocol. Total RNA was quantified using OD 260nm on a NanoDrop 2000c spectrophotometer (ThermoScientific, Baltimore, MA, USA) and quality was assessed with the Agilent 2100 Bioanalyser (Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA, USA). 100 ng of total RNA were amplified using the GeneChip 3' IVT Express Kit (Affymetrix).
Label biotin
Label protocol Biotinylated cRNA was prepared according to the standard Affymetrix protocol (Expression Analysis Technical Manual, 2001, Affymetrix).
Hybridization protocol Hybridization was performed according to the Affymetrix protocol ( Briefly, 10 µg of labelled cRNA was fragmented and denaturated in hybridization buffer, then hybridized on a chip during 16 hours at 45°C with constant mixing by rotation at 60 rpm in a GeneChip hybridization oven 640 (Affymetrix). After hybridization, arrays were washed and stained with streptavidin-phycoerythrin (GeneChip® Hybridization Wash and Stain Kit) in a Fluidic 450 (Affymetrix) according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Scan protocol The arrays were read with a confocal laser (GeneChip scanner 3000, Affymetrix). Then, CEL files were generated using the Affymetrix GeneChip Command Console (AGCC) software 3.0.
Description Sprague-Dawley rat_Ad-1.
Gene expression data from CP of adult rats.
Data processing The obtained data were normalized with Affymetrix Expression Console software using the MAS5 statistical algorithm. Two batches of animals were used for each stage and the mean value of both was used for further analysis.
Submission date Feb 04, 2013
Last update date Sep 17, 2013
Contact name Ingrid Kratzer
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Organization name INSERM
Street address Rue Guillaume Paradin
City Lyon
ZIP/Postal code 69372
Country France
Platform ID GPL1355
Series (1)
GSE44056 Gene expression data from lateral ventricle choroid plexuses of developing and adult rats

Data table header descriptions
VALUE MAS5.0 signal intensity
ABS_CALL indicating whether the transcript was present (P), absent (A), or marginal (M)
DETECTION P-VALUE p-value that indicates the significance level of the detection call

Data table
AFFX-BioB-5_at 523.877 P 0.00010954
AFFX-BioB-M_at 849.716 P 4.42873e-05
AFFX-BioB-3_at 412.938 P 7.00668e-05
AFFX-BioC-5_at 1119.32 P 4.42873e-05
AFFX-BioC-3_at 1508.05 P 4.42873e-05
AFFX-BioDn-5_at 2668.39 P 0.000258358
AFFX-BioDn-3_at 5343.8 P 5.16732e-05
AFFX-CreX-5_at 11819.6 P 5.16732e-05
AFFX-CreX-3_at 14096.6 P 4.42873e-05
AFFX-DapX-5_at 368.469 P 6.02111e-05
AFFX-DapX-M_at 872.268 P 0.000169227
AFFX-DapX-3_at 1525.21 P 4.42873e-05
AFFX-LysX-5_at 99.3071 P 0.000146581
AFFX-LysX-M_at 132.526 P 0.000972149
AFFX-LysX-3_at 235.315 P 6.99729e-05
AFFX-PheX-5_at 107.794 P 0.000581214
AFFX-PheX-M_at 147.537 P 0.00010954
AFFX-PheX-3_at 197.951 P 0.000389797
AFFX-ThrX-5_at 86.651 P 0.00359458
AFFX-ThrX-M_at 192.481 P 0.000662269

Total number of rows: 31099

Table truncated, full table size 949 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM1077303_09_25adulte_Rat230_2_.CEL.gz 2.5 Mb (ftp)(http) CEL
GSM1077303_09_25adulte_Rat230_2_.mas5.CHP.gz 260.7 Kb (ftp)(http) CHP
Processed data included within Sample table
Processed data provided as supplementary file

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