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Sample GSM119715 Query DataSets for GSM119715
Status Public on Mar 14, 2007
Title RDV_1
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name Mock_inoculation1
Organism Oryza sativa
Characteristics cultivar : Nipponbare
Age: 18 days
Tissue : shoot
Treatment protocol Nine-day-old rice seedlings were exposed to approximately fifty virus-free insects (leafhoppers)
Growth protocol Ten rice seeds (Oryza sativa L. cv. Nipponbare) were sown in a pot that has been filled with a commercial soil mixture (Bonsol; Sumitomo Chemical, Osaka, Japan). The pot was then submerged in water inside a container and was kept in a growth chamber at 25±3°C under natural sunlight for 9 days.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol kit : RNeasy maxi kit
Manufacture : Qiagen
Label Cy3
Label protocol kit : Low input RNA linear amplification kit
Manufacture : Agilent Technologies
Channel 2
Source name RDV_infection1
Organism Oryza sativa
Characteristics cultivar : Nipponbare
Age: 18 days
Tissue : shoot
Treatment protocol Nine-day-old rice seedlings were exposed to approximately fifty viruliferous insects (leafhoppers)
Growth protocol Ten rice seeds (Oryza sativa L. cv. Nipponbare) were sown in a pot that has been filled with a commercial soil mixture (Bonsol; Sumitomo Chemical, Osaka, Japan). The pot was then submerged in water inside a container and was kept in a growth chamber at 25±3°C under natural sunlight for 9 days.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol kit : RNeasy maxi kit
Manufacture : Qiagen
Label Cy5
Label protocol kit : Low input RNA linear amplification kit
Manufacture : Agilent Technologies
Hybridization protocol Kit : in situ hybridization kit plus
Manufacture : Agilent Technologies
Scan protocol Scanner : Agilent DNA microarray scanner
Manufacture: Agilent Technologies
Description Keyword : Oryza sativa
Keyword : Rice Dwarf virus
Data processing Feature Extraction ver (Agilent Technologies)
Submission date Jul 11, 2006
Last update date Mar 14, 2007
Contact name Takumi SHIMIZU
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Phone +81-29-838-8932
Fax +81-29-838-8929
Organization name National Agricultural Research Center
Street address Kannondai 3-1-1
City Tsukuba
ZIP/Postal code 305-8666
Country Japan
Platform ID GPL892
Series (1)
GSE5286 Rice plants infected by Rice dwarf virus

Data table header descriptions
VALUE log10 [normalized Ch2 / normalized Ch1]
PVALUE Significance level of the value computed for a feature
NORM_SIG_CH1 Dye-normalized signal intensity of CH1
NORM_SIG_CH2 Dye-normalized signal intensity of CH2
MeanSignal_CH1 Raw mean CH1 signal of feature
MeanSignal_CH2 Raw mean CH2 signal of feature
BGMeanSignal_CH1 Mean local background CH1 signal
BGMeanSignal_CH2 Mean local background CH2 signal

Data table
ID_REF VALUE PVALUE NORM_SIG_CH1 NORM_SIG_CH2 MeanSignal_CH1 MeanSignal_CH2 BGMeanSignal_CH1 BGMeanSignal_CH2
1 -2.412788202 8.87276E-35 8617.079 33.30979 864.4909 74.14545 33.2381 61.35165
2 0 1 24.38243 42.56514 47.18966 66.87931 34.07117 62.121
3 0 1 26.44108 35.78291 49.19643 70.10714 34 61.88699
4 0 1 24.69593 38.2601 48.0678 66.9322 33.74558 61.71731
5 -0.169695057 0.878534467 51.06204 34.54642 53.65 72.73333 33.76727 61.66545
6 -0.19445228 0.860098403 52.77284 33.72548 53.85246 73.78689 34.09854 62.4708
7 -2.450613622 4.45304E-35 10670.87 37.80821 1055.167 75.24074 34.18248 61.67883
8 0.069050051 0.907672666 72.90235 85.46565 55.79661 84.83051 34.16788 62.04015
9 -0.071953293 0.151375796 5937.095 5030.611 603.9828 1178.828 34.17857 62.5
10 0 1 25.18453 34.17553 48.7963 72.16667 34.21404 62.87368
11 0.113720958 0.022507374 44955.85 58412.69 4160.721 13269.52 34.55755 62.69424
12 -0.255995231 0.016347134 669.0328 371.0669 112.2632 147.8772 34.22028 62.53497
13 0 1 27.11138 31.75994 50.79365 73.01587 34.59926 62.63603
14 -2.337581861 5.59606E-35 10392.53 47.76828 1026.857 77.55357 34.78873 62.68662
15 -0.190072787 0.000364941 3763.497 2429.511 399.9123 605.6667 34.55596 62.5343
16 -0.309053514 0.153698 312.3718 153.3269 78.92308 100.1731 34.50179 61.93548
17 -0.543193069 0.000472626 579.0524 165.7772 104.3091 103.0182 34.46786 62.20714
18 -0.027172391 0.72650463 804.2367 755.46 124.6066 233.459 34.52612 62.4403
19 -0.128369935 0.010280101 374171.9 278420.5 33330.49 64779.49 35.24561 64.67018
20 0.125641784 0.243887889 423.2044 565.1868 89.35593 190.2542 34.53817 62.75954

Total number of rows: 22575

Table truncated, full table size 1801 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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