strain: Sprague-Dawley gender: male age: 6 weeks treatment: whey protein hydrolysate tissue: epitrochlearis muscle
Treatment protocol
Rats were acclimated to swimming exercise by three days of pre-training. One day before the experiment, they were fed 5 g of a restricted diet (MF, Oriental Yeast Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan). On the day of the experiment, rats swam for 2 hours. Immediately following exercise, rats were given one of two isoenergetic test solutions by gavage. These solutions contained 44 kJ in a four-test dose that represented about 15% of daily energy needs and included either a mixed meal containing carbohydrate and amino acid mixture (AAM) or a mixed meal containing carbohydrate and whey protein hydrolysate (WPH; Meiji Co., Ltd., Japan).
Extracted molecule
total RNA
Extraction protocol
Total RNA was purified with an RNeasy Fibrous Tissue Mini Kit (Qiagen K.K., Tokyo, Japan).
Label protocol
biotinylated aRNA was obtained from 100 ng of purified total RNA using a GeneChip 3’ IVT Express Kit (Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA, USA).
Hybridization protocol
Following fragmentation, 12.5 µg cRNA were hybridized for 16 hr at 45°C on Affymetrix GeneChip Rat Genome 230 2.0 Array. GeneChips were washed and stained in the Affymetrix GeneChip Fluidics Station 450.
Scan protocol
GeneChips were scanned using the Affymetrix GeneChip Scanner 3000.
Data processing
CEL files were quantified with theDistribution Free Weighted method (DFW), using the statistical language R (R-2.7.2) and Bioconductor 2.2.
Effect of ingested whey protein hydrolysate on gene expression profiles compared to an identical composition of amino acid mixture in rat skeletal muscle