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Sample GSM1359076 Query DataSets for GSM1359076
Status Public on Jan 15, 2015
Title SW620 Post-Selection-2
Sample type RNA
Source name SW620 Post-Intrahepatic Sample-2
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics cell line: SW620
transduced with: Lenti-miR library
injected into: liver of immunodeficient mice
time point: after in vivo selection
Treatment protocol SW620 cells were cultured in McCoy media and transduced with the Lenti-miR library (System Biosciences). A portion of cells were saved as reference samples. A separate portion was injected into the liver of immunodeficient mice to allow for in vivo selection. The resulting liver nodule was extracted after 3-5 weeks.
Growth protocol SW620 cells were routinely cultured in McCoy media supplemented with 10% FBS, glutamine, pyruvate, pen-strep and fungizone.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Genomic DNA was extracted from reference samples and from liver nodule using Qiagen Dneasy Kit and lenti-viral derived miRNA were enriched by vector specific PCR and in vitro transcription according to manufacturer's protocol. RNA was cleaned up using Ambion's Mega Clear kit and sent to Genosensor for profiling.
Label Cy5
Label protocol Labeling was performed by Genosensor using in-house protocol.
Hybridization protocol Genoexplorer miRNA arrays (human) were used for hybridization. One miRNA microarray chip were used for each sample. The hybrization was performed at 42 dgrees celcius for 16hrs, then stained by streptavidin-Cy5 dye. After washes, the arrays were dried and scanned.
Scan protocol Arrays were scanned using Axon 400B. Raw data with signal intensity were analyzed by GenePix Software.
Description miRNA present after intrahepatic selection
Data processing Raw intensity values for each of the three probes for every miRNA or control were averaged and standard deviation was also calculated. Array background was calculated as the average of signal intensity of all negative controls and buffers, and a signal threshold was determined by array background + 2x background's standard deviation, for each array; only averaged miRNA intensities higher than the signal threshold were considered. Across individual samples, raw data was median normazlized.
Submission date Mar 28, 2014
Last update date Jan 15, 2015
Contact name Jia Min Loo
Organization name The Rockefeller University
Street address 1230 York Avenue #342
City New York
State/province NY
ZIP/Postal code 10065
Country USA
Platform ID GPL18485
Series (2)
GSE56318 Lenti-miR Library SW620, Pre vs Post Intrahepatic Selection
GSE56320 Identification of miRNAs that regulate Colorectal Cancer Metastasis

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Normalized signal intensity

Data table
has-mir-033b 143.6666667
has-miR-548a-5P 148.3333333
hsa-let-7a 5490
hsa-let-7a-1-pre 11030.66667
hsa-let-7a-2-pre 162
hsa-let-7a-3-pre 2829.666667
hsa-let-7a* 332.3333333
hsa-let-7b 4167.666667
hsa-let-7b-pre 1839.333333
hsa-let-7b* 1035
hsa-let-7c 8581.666667
hsa-let-7c-pre 25259
hsa-let-7c* 146.6666667
hsa-let-7d 3672
hsa-let-7d-pre 7184.666667
hsa-let-7d* 147.3333333
hsa-let-7e 1248.666667
hsa-let-7e-pre 13459
hsa-let-7e* 163.3333333
hsa-let-7f 929.3333333

Total number of rows: 1329

Table truncated, full table size 30 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM1359076_SW620_Post-2.txt.gz 52.7 Kb (ftp)(http) TXT
Processed data included within Sample table

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