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Sample GSM136928 Query DataSets for GSM136928
Status Public on Dec 06, 2006
Title FOS vs. Fructose Rep#1
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name 1% FOS, 30 min
Organism Lacticaseibacillus paracasei
Characteristics strain 1195
Extracted molecule total RNA
Label Cy5
Channel 2
Source name 1% fructose, 30 min
Organism Lacticaseibacillus paracasei
Characteristics strain 1195
Extracted molecule total RNA
Label Cy3
Description L. paracasei (2% [v/v] inoculum from overnight culture in MRS broth) were grown in 300 ml of modified MRS basal medium (with no added sugar source) until the cells reached a final OD625 nm of ca. 0.3. The culture was then divided into two 150-ml portions, where FOS or fructose was added to a 1% final concentration. Cells were collected for total RNA isolation after 30 min incubation (OD625 nm 0.3 – 0.4).
Data processing Hybridized arrays were scanned with ScanArray 5000 (Packard Instrument Co., Downers Grove, IL) at 10 micrometer per pixel resolution. The relative fluorescent intensity of Cy3 and Cy5 for each of the 7,680 features was quantified from TIFF image files (generated by ScanArray 5000) using ImaGene v.4.2 (BioDiscovery, Inc., Marina Del Rey, CA). The fluorescent signal intensities of the array spots for each channel were obtained by subtracting the median intensities of background pixels from the mean pixel intensities. Global mean normalization of the spot intensities from each channel on individual slides was performed using SNOMAD. All array data were composited using a Perl-based program, FormatALL (J. Wise and A. K. Benson, unpublished data), yielding the ratio representing the fold change in genes expression levels in FOS conditions (Cy5) with relative to FOS + glucose (Cy3).
Submission date Sep 20, 2006
Last update date Dec 06, 2006
Contact name Yong Jun Goh
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Organization name University of Nebraska
Department Food Science and Technology
Street address 332 Food Industry Complex
City Lincoln
State/province NE
ZIP/Postal code 68583-0919
Country USA
Platform ID GPL4355
Series (1)
GSE5890 Identification of candidate genes involved in fructooligosaccharides (FOS) utilization by Lactobacillus paracasei

Data table header descriptions
CH1_SIG_MEAN channel 1 mean signal
CH1_BKD_MEAN channel 1 mean background signal
CH1_SIG_MED channel 1 median signal
CH1_BKD_MED channel 1 median backgroud signal
CH1_SIG_ SD channel 1 standard deviation of intensities over local signal region
CH1_BKD_SD channel 1 standard deviation of intensities over local background region
CH2_SIG_MEAN channel 2 mean signal
CH2_BKD_MEAN channel 2 mean background signal
CH2_SIG_MED channel 2 median signal
CH2_BKD_MED channel 2 median backgroud signal
CH2_SIG_ SD channel 2 standard deviation of intensities over local signal region
CH2_BKD_SD channel 2 standard deviation of intensities over local background region
PRE_VALUE normalized Cy5/normalized Cy3 ratio

Data table
1 1.7114 16855.41121 4645.663934 9054 3897.5 15576.99821 3958.543782 5043.093023 1314.76943 3090.5 689.5 4658.294275 2894.353475 3.274862542
2 0.5649 6439.902174 4394.594828 6099 3848 1848.147175 2873.544852 2297.950617 915.3185841 1989 705 1043.740861 965.8818729 1.479285375
3 1.3285 14262.05369 4458.07037 12002 3753.5 9168.693976 3153.754046 5044.629371 1140.888087 4315 789 3486.304346 1301.130505 2.511432651
4 1.6197 11071.63448 4188.552727 10241 3839 4948.61901 1967.101652 3349.041667 1109.19 2898.5 683 2055.411724 1275.791177 3.07300785
5 0.3731 8187.913333 3905.988 7162 3628 4550.143592 1921.451785 4384.632353 1078.469231 3740.5 841.5 2676.308396 1231.196705 1.295134322
6 -0.3026 5917.027027 3365.5 5741 3299.5 1355.106528 567.4007457 4102.817568 955.8219178 3659.5 750.5 1842.695089 788.3733095 0.810781873
7 0.6446 4015.831081 2920.160959 3943 2914 588.2101044 406.8517006 1496.062069 795.2 1428 617 926.2187514 676.8056156 1.563317763
8 -0.4003 4457.372671 2968.894958 4340 3001 691.5129494 475.1608767 2703.028571 738.6160714 2320 551 1662.618394 641.7562781 0.757721565
9 1.7013 3416.093023 2473.302583 3350 2444 520.3250243 432.8883053 1003.365517 713.4527559 849 536 703.9548067 595.6004544 3.251979788
10 -0.4887 3730.951724 2248.220339 3681 2211 644.2716211 392.5621906 2764.430556 683.9594595 2414.5 495.5 1566.464422 588.1332858 0.712690211
11 0.0983 2763.351955 2035.73444 2706 2029 506.3776652 339.6093619 1323.744186 644.0604839 1138.5 504 862.6407291 483.3243422 1.070523706
12 -0.0958 9183.856459 1859 8474 1803 4741.234495 355.3983947 8600.924731 772.9313305 7422.5 561 4994.261801 708.0861799 0.935725937
13 0.2321 2167.031496 1559.265176 2138 1563 326.5255398 292.5516529 1005.201389 487.7525424 806.5 347 747.1087473 404.1568119 1.174543773
14 0.1174 2997.97546 1416.610738 2909 1363 771.3511526 420.1652872 2035.219512 577.4832215 1918 432.5 1091.556201 490.2505195 1.084808502
15 -0.1130 2162.434286 1342.358885 2121 1340 418.6898135 272.6709804 1414.06135 527.1546392 1202 366 824.3662648 452.0094806 0.924646742
16 0.2621 1642.891192 1343.581498 1626 1316 327.0082212 305.6054671 781.7512953 532.1681416 627 374 567.9443163 477.2781494 1.199238368
17 0.1118 2664.878453 1284.231317 2572 1247 865.9060892 295.2856266 1912.25 634.5516129 1811 515.5 1049.224408 490.4034767 1.080573593
18 -0.2503 1722.305785 1187.174545 1667 1144 351.5077052 299.0935009 1213.8 577.3067729 1077 379 751.1036716 585.9869102 0.840749307
19 0.4205 1857.518293 1171.391489 1792 1132 461.9737543 307.5806345 1162.79021 650.1333333 1029 465 838.970055 547.76814 1.33837433
20 0.3464 5786.291005 1174.982456 5457 1142 2430.19563 315.0166518 4499.680982 872.7664975 4147 739 2161.048884 664.5708407 1.271413641

Total number of rows: 7680

Table truncated, full table size 1044 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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