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Sample GSM136944 Query DataSets for GSM136944
Status Public on Dec 06, 2006
Title FOS vs. FOS+glucose Rep#1
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name FOS only
Organism Lacticaseibacillus paracasei
Characteristics strain 1195
Extracted molecule total RNA
Label Cy5
Channel 2
Source name FOS+glucose
Organism Lacticaseibacillus paracasei
Characteristics strain 1195
Extracted molecule total RNA
Label Cy3
Description Cells (2% inoculum from overnight culture in MRS broth) were grown in 100 ml of modified MRS supplemented with 2% FOS until an OD625nm 0.6. The culture was split into two 50-ml portions, and glucose was added to one of the portions at a 2% final concentration. Both cultures were grown for another 60 min (OD625 ca. 1.0) before harvested for total RNA isolation.
Data processing Hybridized arrays were scanned with ScanArray 5000 (Packard Instrument Co., Downers Grove, IL) at 10 micrometer per pixel resolution. The relative fluorescent intensity of Cy3 and Cy5 for each of the 7,680 features was quantified from TIFF image files (generated by ScanArray 5000) using ImaGene v.4.2 (BioDiscovery, Inc., Marina Del Rey, CA). The fluorescent signal intensities of the array spots for each channel were obtained by subtracting the median intensities of background pixels from the mean pixel intensities. Global mean normalization of the spot intensities from each channel on individual slides was performed using SNOMAD. All array data were composited using a Perl-based program, FormatALL (J. Wise and A. K. Benson, unpublished data), yielding the ratio representing the fold change in genes expression levels in FOS conditions (Cy5) with relative to FOS + glucose (Cy3).
Submission date Sep 21, 2006
Last update date Dec 06, 2006
Contact name Yong Jun Goh
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Organization name University of Nebraska
Department Food Science and Technology
Street address 332 Food Industry Complex
City Lincoln
State/province NE
ZIP/Postal code 68583-0919
Country USA
Platform ID GPL4355
Series (1)
GSE5890 Identification of candidate genes involved in fructooligosaccharides (FOS) utilization by Lactobacillus paracasei

Data table header descriptions
CH1_SIG_MEAN channel 1 mean signal
CH1_BKD_MEAN channel 1 mean background signal
CH1_SIG_MED channel 1 median signal
CH1_BKD_MED channel 1 median backgroud signal
CH1_SIG_ SD channel 1 standard deviation of intensities over local signal region
CH1_BKD_SD channel 1 standard deviation of intensities over local background region
CH2_SIG_MEAN channel 2 mean signal
CH2_BKD_MEAN channel 2 mean background signal
CH2_SIG_MED channel 2 median signal
CH2_BKD_MED channel 2 median backgroud signal
CH2_SIG_ SD channel 2 standard deviation of intensities over local signal region
CH2_BKD_SD channel 2 standard deviation of intensities over local background region
PRE_VALUE normalized Cy5/normalized Cy3 ratio

Data table
1 -0.5506 1093.170455 914.8488746 733.5 786 1019.211786 646.5827757 973.1590909 711.9807074 873.5 504 654.8013385 612.673352 0.682757805
2 -2.1672 1224.601036 1132.569106 1051 981.5 829.4269583 1025.675142 1134.166667 720.805668 962 556 836.2069205 670.148931 0.222642995
3 0.2221 2830.412429 1128.447699 2677 975 1351.293991 816.8245155 2191.595628 732.4894515 2021 585 1150.738247 617.4347545 1.166443373
4 -0.1640 1907.4375 1245.075221 1766.5 963.5 1060.737414 1966.637476 1488.723958 746.6299559 1169.5 540 1256.230137 725.5650052 0.892558458
5 -0.6994 2775.836257 1139.654135 2411 990.5 1733.026649 748.1991969 3404.794737 747.8286853 3043.5 556 1832.517215 619.5291736 0.615808441
6 -1.4366 2228.658333 1043.541176 2103.5 893.5 793.6171463 782.4690605 3983.22293 775.2376238 3629 596 1911.167861 676.3951939 0.36942724
7 -1.3425 1203.113636 1031.773333 986.5 870 705.0451055 784.6737067 1281.577778 847.088 1232 710 739.7411706 657.2820239 0.394348295
8 -0.4975 10892.85714 1163.365217 10017 963.5 6041.54092 886.0351434 14670.39175 934.1869919 13645 714 8066.893992 740.1827323 0.708310053
9 0.2751 1683.36 1062.861017 1409 901 977.1012181 749.9951532 1199.916667 687.1491525 974 510 888.7410532 588.1950312 1.210098078
10 -1.2494 1965.475524 968.9080882 1863 832 775.728873 919.4675623 3130.977143 761.7254098 2913 559 1471.419618 699.4626527 0.420625391
11 -0.6431 1957.303867 875.8210117 1843 760 804.6541424 609.1906213 2326.634921 637.76 2147 480.5 1192.02807 511.5992322 0.640356987
12 -0.8459 7014.653846 922.5436893 6801.5 724 2772.757838 694.0706334 11811.29237 861.7794118 11812 648 5128.382069 729.9103459 0.556381839
13 -0.6464 1193.5 955.3011765 1112 736 483.0121634 1548.57221 1124.0625 751.2164706 1215 516 640.6516671 782.6051248 0.638866462
14 -1.2285 1332.217391 826.0053908 1059 648 874.236095 631.6751869 1970.652174 784.5067385 1795 544 1263.600398 768.9685337 0.426770601
15 -0.5178 2290.59589 954.4966887 2123 837 1004.453641 641.2553693 2639.459627 726.5233333 2564 495.5 1218.075271 639.86106 0.698454625
16 938.5507246 978.5368957 843 850 609.3883257 687.8432453 1023.246377 718.9516539 856 539 741.7455208 624.1306791 0
17 -0.2879 5294.009569 1047.904762 4936 868 2175.955262 718.0788158 6040.033493 856.008658 5724 687 2775.856346 718.2847052 0.819074936
18 2.1471 1311.4375 760.3263708 1255.5 616 610.5212905 567.4247864 814.875 690.4543081 655.5 480 618.6917523 574.1937495 4.429417011
19 -0.7835 1064.680233 850.1013216 1003 702 626.5131887 668.7340287 1035.97093 666.6123348 906 436 732.5028092 809.8464147 0.580950095
20 -0.6509 5103.224359 861.993311 4895.5 767 2167.614018 559.6306952 7373.264706 714.1164384 7327.5 540.5 3864.628725 623.867308 0.636902931

Total number of rows: 7680

Table truncated, full table size 1029 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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