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Sample GSM1468709 Query DataSets for GSM1468709
Status Public on Sep 28, 2014
Title AM WT d11 biological rep1
Sample type RNA
Source name AM from lungs of 2 PPARg fl/fl mice at d11 after birth
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics background strain: C57BL/6
Treatment protocol Organs were minced and digested with 2 mg/ml of type IV collagenase (Worthington) and 0.02 mg/ml DNaseI (Sigma) at 37°C for 45 minutes and subsequently passed through a 70 μm cell strainer. Cells were stained with eF780, anti-mouse CD45, CD11c, CD11b and Siglec-F. Mature AM were sorted as eF780-CD45+CD11chighautofluorescencehighSiglec-F+ and CD11blow or CD11bhigh from 11 days old or adult Ppargfl/fl and CD11c-Cre/Ppargfl/fl mice, respectively (BD FACSAria IIIu) and pre-AM (eF780-CD45+F4/80+CD11chigh and Siglec-FintCD11bint or Siglec-FlowCD11bhigh) were sorted from 2 days old mice.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol RNA was prepared from sorted populations using Trizol extraction and PureLink RNA Mini Kit (ambion, Life Technologies Co.) according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Label biotin
Label protocol Sense-stranded cDNA (5 µg) was fragmented and biotin-labeled according to the standard Affymetrix protocol (GeneChip® WT Terminal Labeling and Hybridization User Manual, 2011, Affymetrix)
Hybridization protocol Samples were further hybridized for 20 hr at 48ºC on Affymetrix® Mouse Gene 1.1 ST Array Strip in the Affymetrix GeneAtlas Hybridization Station. Arrays were then washed and stained using Affymetrix GeneAtlas Fluidics Station.
Scan protocol An Affymetrix GeneAtlas Imaging Station was used to measure the fluorescent intensity emitted by the labeled target.
Description mature AM
Data processing R (version 2.15.2)/Bioconductor (version 2.11) was used to perform RMA with package "affy".
Submission date Aug 08, 2014
Last update date Sep 28, 2014
Contact name Christoph Schneider
Organization name ETH Zurich
Department Department of Biology, Institute of Molecular Health Sciences
Lab Molecular Biomedicine
Street address Otto-Stern-Weg 7
City Zurich
ZIP/Postal code 8093
Country Switzerland
Platform ID GPL11533
Series (2)
GSE60247 PPARγ controls alveolar macrophage identity [part1]
GSE60249 PPARγ controls alveolar macrophage identity

Data table header descriptions
VALUE log2-normalized signal intensities.

Data table
10531737 4.537
10547657 5.433
10358339 4.542
10557862 6.224
10500204 6.352
10462507 5.246
10518751 5.061
10407072 4.937
10550877 5.587
10347335 6.021
10493820 6.221
10485357 4.825
10476443 4.996
10427628 6.216
10446229 5.545
10360173 4.712
10600210 5.986
10435641 7.217
10376950 7.758
10583100 8.063

Total number of rows: 28874

Table truncated, full table size 419 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM1468709_WT_d11_1.cel.gz 4.5 Mb (ftp)(http) CEL
Processed data included within Sample table

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