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Sample GSM157010 Query DataSets for GSM157010
Status Public on Aug 15, 2007
Title PMBCL11
Sample type genomic
Channel 1
Source name PMBCL11
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics PMBCL tumor DNA
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Label Cyanine 3
Label protocol Random prime reaction
Channel 2
Source name Female pooled genomic DNA
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics Female pooled genomic reference DNA
Biomaterial provider Novagen
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Label Cyanine 5
Label protocol Random prime reaction
Hybridization protocol Hybridization solution: 80% DIG-easy, 10% sheared herring sperm DNA, 10% yeast tRNA. Probe was blocked using 100ug human CoT-1 DNA and hybridized to the slide at 45C for ~36 hours under a 24x60mm coverslip in a hybrization cassette. Wash: 4X 0.1% SDS/0.1X SSC at 45C. Rinse: 4X 0.1X SSC, room temp. Dried with an oil-free air stream.
Scan protocol Scanned at 10um resolution on a Applied Precision Instruments AutoE CCD-based scanner.
Description tumor DNA (cy3) hybridized against normal male pooled reference DNA (cy5)
Data processing Data was obtained from the scanned image files generated using SoftWoRx Tracker software from Applied Precision. Obtained data was normalized using a three-step normalization procedure; (Khojasteh et al BMC Bioinformatics 2005;6:274).
Submission date Jan 18, 2007
Last update date Aug 15, 2007
Contact name Lindsey Kimm
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Organization name BC Cancer Research Centre
Department Cancer Genetics
Lab Wan Lam Lab
Street address 675 W10th Ave
City Vancouver
State/province British Columbia
ZIP/Postal code V5Z 1L3
Country Canada
Platform ID GPL2735
Series (1)
GSE7383 Frequent occurrence of deletions in primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma

Data table header descriptions
Spot Mean Intensity (Cy3) Mean spot pixel intensity - cy3 channel
Spot Mean Intensity (Cy5) mean spot pixel intensity - cy5 channel
Background Median Intensity (Cy3) median background pixel intensity - cy3 channel
Background Median Intensity (Cy5) median background pixel intensity - cy5 channel
Spot Normalized Intensity (Cy3) spot mean with background subtracted - cy3 channel
Spot Normalized Intensity (Cy5) spot mean with background subtracted - cy5 channel
Spot SNR (Cy3) signal to noise ratio - cy3 channel
Spot SNR (Cy5) signal to noise ratio - cy5 channel
Spot Ratio (Cy3) Cy3/Cy5 ratio
Spot Ratio (Cy5) Cy5/Cy3 ratio
Spot Log2 Ratio (Cy3) Log2 ratio (Cy3/Cy5) - global mean set to 0
VALUE normalized log2 ratio (Cy3/Cy5)

Data table
ID_REF Spot Mean Intensity (Cy3) Spot Mean Intensity (Cy5) Background Median Intensity (Cy3) Background Median Intensity (Cy5) Spot Normalized Intensity (Cy3) Spot Normalized Intensity (Cy5) Spot SNR (Cy3) Spot SNR (Cy5) Spot Ratio (Cy3) Spot Ratio (Cy5) Spot Log2 Ratio (Cy3) VALUE
1 4249.1 4849.81 694 1859 3555.1 2990.807 161.5811 89.9794 0.9711661 1.029664 -0.04220992 -0.087122111
2 3201.13 3934.48 702 1876.5 2499.129 2057.982 126.3388 55.6854 0.9921508 1.007886 -0.0113687 -0.013658714
3 3947.73 4583.06 695.5 1860 3252.23 2723.058 137.7232 96.8739 0.9757876 1.024787 -0.03536095 -0.04662932
4 4794.49 5219.7 705.5 1873 4088.99 3346.7 169.9837 121.5364 0.9982296 1.001748 -0.002556337 -0.012520373
5 3369.49 4036.65 717 1862 2652.488 2174.651 141.234 70.8505 0.9965394 1.003447 -0.005001231 -0.007337547
6 2981.119 3443.86 702 1859 2279.119 1584.857 100.5882 50.8009 1.174918 0.8511019 0.2325598 0.239612007
7 3467.66 4150.61 703 1860.5 2764.663 2290.114 101.2928 75.0468 0.9863149 1.013849 -0.0198798 -0.016571473
8 3691.18 4275.85 705 1885 2986.177 2390.847 118.0503 71.3155 1.020456 0.9799294 0.02921389 0.03487387
9 3855.9 4437.48 719 1889 3136.905 2548.476 137.2568 81.6132 1.00566 0.9943464 0.008143293 0.011054923
10 3974.57 4424.67 717 1883.5 3257.57 2541.167 98.1557 58.4549 1.04735 0.9547666 0.06674372 0.073482098
11 4218.11 4752.83 712.5 1851.5 3505.61 2901.332 62.3013 65.8507 0.9871807 1.01296 -0.01861398 -0.005053832
12 3225.89 4019.17 714 1866 2511.892 2153.169 46.5202 51.3433 0.9531329 1.049145 -0.06925079 -0.045788062
13 5570.55 5605.79 715 1864 4855.55 3741.79 181.4778 124.5297 1.060206 0.9431896 0.08434404 0.100791114
14 3215.9 3777.33 715 1875 2500.905 1902.333 121.0022 60.9493 1.074091 0.9309962 0.1031165 0.132856934
15 3135.153 3910.33 710.5 1872.5 2424.653 2037.829 110.6038 69.9674 0.9721032 1.028672 -0.04081871 -0.008080895
16 4244.7 4764.72 699 1865 3545.7 2899.72 127.411 90.1982 0.9990242 1.000952 -0.001408531 0.02449411
17 3752.35 4406.66 705 1866.5 3047.349 2540.163 107.1133 68.5918 0.9801473 1.020229 -0.02892957 -0.004285002
18 4182.57 4772.56 744 1897 3438.57 2875.56 93.6765 71.6307 0.9769813 1.023535 -0.03359713 -0.279244545
19 4377.11 5061.95 754 1927 3623.11 3134.952 111.3388 74.4309 0.9442366 1.05903 -0.08277968 -0.054750065
20 3683.14 4548.5 724 1889 2959.143 2659.5 80.4136 47.2553 0.9090683 1.1 -0.1375394 -0.114774196

Total number of rows: 98208

Table truncated, full table size 10337 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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