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Sample GSM157139 Query DataSets for GSM157139
Status Public on Aug 15, 2007
Title PMBCL17
Sample type genomic
Channel 1
Source name PMBCL17
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics PMBCL tumor DNA
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Label Cyanine 3
Label protocol Random prime reaction
Channel 2
Source name Female pooled genomic DNA
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics Female pooled genomic reference DNA
Biomaterial provider Novagen
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Label Cyanine 5
Label protocol Random prime reaction
Hybridization protocol Hybridization solution: 80% DIG-easy, 10% sheared herring sperm DNA, 10% yeast tRNA. Probe was blocked using 100ug human CoT-1 DNA and hybridized to the slide at 45C for ~36 hours under a 24x60mm coverslip in a hybrization cassette. Wash: 4X 0.1% SDS/0.1X SSC at 45C. Rinse: 4X 0.1X SSC, room temp. Dried with an oil-free air stream.
Scan protocol Scanned at 10um resolution on a Applied Precision Instruments AutoE CCD-based scanner.
Description tumor DNA (cy3) hybridized against normal male pooled reference DNA (cy5)
Data processing Data was obtained from the scanned image files generated using SoftWoRx Tracker software from Applied Precision. Obtained data was normalized using a three-step normalization procedure; (Khojasteh et al BMC Bioinformatics 2005;6:274).
Submission date Jan 19, 2007
Last update date Aug 15, 2007
Contact name Lindsey Kimm
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Organization name BC Cancer Research Centre
Department Cancer Genetics
Lab Wan Lam Lab
Street address 675 W10th Ave
City Vancouver
State/province British Columbia
ZIP/Postal code V5Z 1L3
Country Canada
Platform ID GPL2735
Series (1)
GSE7383 Frequent occurrence of deletions in primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma

Data table header descriptions
Spot Mean Intensity (Cy3) Mean spot pixel intensity - cy3 channel
Spot Mean Intensity (Cy5) mean spot pixel intensity - cy5 channel
Background Median Intensity (Cy3) median background pixel intensity - cy3 channel
Background Median Intensity (Cy5) median background pixel intensity - cy5 channel
Spot Normalized Intensity (Cy3) spot mean with background subtracted - cy3 channel
Spot Normalized Intensity (Cy5) spot mean with background subtracted - cy5 channel
Spot SNR (Cy3) signal to noise ratio - cy3 channel
Spot SNR (Cy5) signal to noise ratio - cy5 channel
Spot Ratio (Cy3) Cy3/Cy5 ratio
Spot Ratio (Cy5) Cy5/Cy3 ratio
Spot Log2 Ratio (Cy3) Log2 ratio (Cy3/Cy5) - global mean set to 0
VALUE normalized log2 ratio (Cy3/Cy5)

Data table
ID_REF Spot Mean Intensity (Cy3) Spot Mean Intensity (Cy5) Background Median Intensity (Cy3) Background Median Intensity (Cy5) Spot Normalized Intensity (Cy3) Spot Normalized Intensity (Cy5) Spot SNR (Cy3) Spot SNR (Cy5) Spot Ratio (Cy3) Spot Ratio (Cy5) Spot Log2 Ratio (Cy3) VALUE
1 2784.107 3166.06 719 1857 2065.107 1309.06 84.7635 40.2353 0.9947772 1.005231 -0.007554609 -0.189593578
2 1872.155 2593.274 729 1848 1143.155 745.274 54.0236 23.78774 0.9672345 1.033856 -0.04806246 -0.142235883
3 2450.349 2947.554 729 1846.5 1721.349 1101.054 89.7358 30.81464 0.9858321 1.014352 -0.02058609 -0.149025386
4 3194.12 3395.96 723.5 1822 2470.622 1573.963 97.3624 47.539 0.9898157 1.01027 -0.0147682 -0.17911079
5 2590.471 2780.483 722 1819 1868.471 961.483 83.2216 27.49491 1.225427 0.8160263 0.293285 0.16745186
6 2030.329 2423.282 718 1823 1312.329 600.282 54.4085 20.88519 1.378573 0.7253738 0.463176 0.367488179
7 1965.578 2771.398 713 1813 1252.578 958.398 50.7361 33.0194 0.8241416 1.213361 -0.279036 -0.392520087
8 2353.46 2816.931 714 1808 1639.46 1008.931 67.0655 35.7558 1.024665 0.9759102 0.03515218 -0.096384
9 2442.881 2894.345 730 1821 1712.881 1073.345 74.362 42.8378 1.006307 0.9937139 0.00907008 -0.123190632
10 2801.726 3001.143 730 1826 2071.726 1175.143 100.3104 36.677 1.111692 0.8995129 0.1527566 -0.032672902
11 2957.354 3207.7 736 1841 2221.354 1366.695 78.9419 41.0996 1.024917 0.97567 0.03550724 -0.162373968
12 2208.138 2802.747 746 1848 1462.138 954.747 53.8326 24.4141 0.965701 1.035498 -0.05035164 -0.219255758
13 4183.77 3581.67 744 1840 3439.77 1741.667 158.7005 43.8028 1.245396 0.8029421 0.3166046 0.069159534
14 1907.321 2445.524 735 1808.5 1172.321 637.024 56.5055 23.26867 1.160469 0.8617041 0.2147081 0.06699415
15 2587.506 2721.626 731 1805 1856.506 916.626 86.3746 33.7466 1.277164 0.78297 0.3529436 0.187512426
16 3191.69 2905.072 724 1804.5 2467.69 1100.572 114.0712 38.1011 1.413888 0.707256 0.499668 0.305040059
17 2277.631 2762.726 718 1803 1559.631 959.726 80.2064 30.86007 1.024748 0.9758309 0.03526948 -0.116796922
18 2224.333 2607.845 715 1805.5 1509.333 802.345 69.445 24.64473 1.186224 0.8429954 0.2463758 0
19 3069.193 2625.663 712.5 1803.5 2356.693 822.163 96.7444 23.57868 1.80754 0.5532275 0.8540276 0.687669534
20 1676.092 2388.356 719 1790.5 957.092 597.856 43.8102 17.32354 1.009484 0.990586 0.01361839 -0.082907007

Total number of rows: 98208

Table truncated, full table size 10377 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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