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Sample GSM157140 Query DataSets for GSM157140
Status Public on Aug 15, 2007
Title PMBCL18
Sample type genomic
Channel 1
Source name PMBCL18
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics PMBCL tumor DNA
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Label Cyanine 3
Label protocol Random prime reaction
Channel 2
Source name Female pooled genomic DNA
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics Female pooled genomic reference DNA
Biomaterial provider Novagen
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Label Cyanine 5
Label protocol Random prime reaction
Hybridization protocol Hybridization solution: 80% DIG-easy, 10% sheared herring sperm DNA, 10% yeast tRNA. Probe was blocked using 100ug human CoT-1 DNA and hybridized to the slide at 45C for ~36 hours under a 24x60mm coverslip in a hybrization cassette. Wash: 4X 0.1% SDS/0.1X SSC at 45C. Rinse: 4X 0.1X SSC, room temp. Dried with an oil-free air stream.
Scan protocol Scanned at 10um resolution on a Applied Precision Instruments AutoE CCD-based scanner.
Description tumor DNA (cy3) hybridized against normal male pooled reference DNA (cy5)
Data processing Data was obtained from the scanned image files generated using SoftWoRx Tracker software from Applied Precision. Obtained data was normalized using a three-step normalization procedure; (Khojasteh et al BMC Bioinformatics 2005;6:274).
Submission date Jan 19, 2007
Last update date Aug 15, 2007
Contact name Lindsey Kimm
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Organization name BC Cancer Research Centre
Department Cancer Genetics
Lab Wan Lam Lab
Street address 675 W10th Ave
City Vancouver
State/province British Columbia
ZIP/Postal code V5Z 1L3
Country Canada
Platform ID GPL2735
Series (1)
GSE7383 Frequent occurrence of deletions in primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma

Data table header descriptions
Spot Mean Intensity (Cy3) Mean spot pixel intensity - cy3 channel
Spot Mean Intensity (Cy5) mean spot pixel intensity - cy5 channel
Background Median Intensity (Cy3) median background pixel intensity - cy3 channel
Background Median Intensity (Cy5) median background pixel intensity - cy5 channel
Spot Normalized Intensity (Cy3) spot mean with background subtracted - cy3 channel
Spot Normalized Intensity (Cy5) spot mean with background subtracted - cy5 channel
Spot SNR (Cy3) signal to noise ratio - cy3 channel
Spot SNR (Cy5) signal to noise ratio - cy5 channel
Spot Ratio (Cy3) Cy3/Cy5 ratio
Spot Ratio (Cy5) Cy5/Cy3 ratio
Spot Log2 Ratio (Cy3) Log2 ratio (Cy3/Cy5) - global mean set to 0
VALUE normalized log2 ratio (Cy3/Cy5)

Data table
ID_REF Spot Mean Intensity (Cy3) Spot Mean Intensity (Cy5) Background Median Intensity (Cy3) Background Median Intensity (Cy5) Spot Normalized Intensity (Cy3) Spot Normalized Intensity (Cy5) Spot SNR (Cy3) Spot SNR (Cy5) Spot Ratio (Cy3) Spot Ratio (Cy5) Spot Log2 Ratio (Cy3) VALUE
1 2981.153 3270.25 780 1872 2201.153 1398.247 45.9391 33.9669 1.262351 0.7920411 0.3361134 0.339745271
2 2083.849 2896.186 813 1888 1270.849 1008.186 38.5436 30.81223 1.010805 0.9891468 0.01550397 0.000832765
3 2465.071 3291.29 797.5 1890.5 1667.571 1400.794 55.7745 37.3935 0.9546052 1.04738 -0.06702381 -0.097675986
4 3065.415 3785.61 780 1889 2285.415 1896.61 118.0536 54.8157 0.9662753 1.03473 -0.0494937 -0.092091517
5 2509.494 3180.47 769 1893 1740.494 1287.471 80.7578 41.1227 1.084049 0.9223143 0.1164302 0.088026418
6 1991.321 2887.69 768 1891 1223.321 996.69 56.2538 29.08364 0.9842246 1.01586 -0.02294052 -0.046387255
7 2595.643 3287.77 761.5 1877 1834.143 1410.774 112.5522 45.3782 1.042533 0.9590434 0.06009253 0.026540555
8 2126.181 2979.229 775 1871 1351.181 1108.229 58.0221 30.12473 0.9776825 1.022657 -0.03256208 -0.056699087
9 3314.12 3569.78 792 1885 2522.12 1684.783 93.8009 51.4598 1.200427 0.8328988 0.2635475 0.217436696
10 2295.607 3099.774 799 1900 1496.607 1199.774 59.2059 36.4978 1.000282 0.9995525 0.000406381 -0.041304982
11 3266.98 3806.53 805 1909 2461.977 1897.529 99.7081 50.5191 1.040422 0.9609894 0.05716824 0.001053888
12 2993.786 3646.44 823 1930 2170.786 1716.44 79.0542 35.5494 1.01415 0.9858839 0.02027085 -0.033148388
13 3636.76 4305.38 794.5 1907.5 2842.262 2397.881 82.2368 32.8458 0.9504963 1.051907 -0.07324708 -0.128781831
14 2268.238 3025.536 770 1850 1498.238 1175.536 82.5931 36.9835 1.022019 0.9782931 0.03142193 -0.008822845
15 3024.274 3359.45 772.5 1851 2251.774 1508.452 103.3965 48.0304 1.197036 0.8352583 0.2594662 0.209699935
16 3234.24 3791.49 781 1852.5 2453.238 1938.988 131.2051 64.0796 1.014562 0.9854837 0.0208567 -0.041724539
17 3264.6 3463.55 777 1856 2487.602 1607.554 117.0838 57.1309 1.240879 0.8057469 0.3113618 0.246676326
18 2165.143 2951.988 778 1854 1387.143 1097.988 65.4215 43.8226 1.013065 0.9869392 0.01872736 0
19 2901.471 3537.35 778 1873 2123.471 1664.353 122.5333 67.1172 1.023092 0.9772668 0.03293609 -0.019271236
20 2686.512 3111.049 787 1878.5 1899.512 1232.549 118.5215 41.7961 1.235811 0.8090512 0.3054575 0.262100964

Total number of rows: 98208

Table truncated, full table size 10353 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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