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Sample GSM1613737 Query DataSets for GSM1613737
Status Public on Sep 04, 2015
Title Liver_Roundup_rep7
Sample type RNA
Source name Liver
Organism Rattus norvegicus
Characteristics gender: female
strain: Sprague-Dawley
tissue: Liver
experimental group: Roundup
age at death (days): 738
Treatment protocol Livers were extracted at autopsy and half of the organ was snap frozen for RNA subsequent RNA isolation. Samples were stored at -80 until extraction.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Frozen liver samples were homogenised and RNA extracted using MagMAX-96 for Micorarrays Kit (AM1839). The spin procedure was followed. RNA was eluted in 50ul of elution buffer.
Label Biotin
Label protocol RNA was processed using the Ambion WT Expression kit and Affymetrix WT Terminal Labelling kit.
Hybridization protocol Hybridisation cocktails were prepared using 5.5ug cDNA as described in the Eukaryotic Array manual from Affymetrix, using the Hybridisation, Wash and Stain (HWS) kit (Affymetrix)
Scan protocol Arrays were scanned using the GCS3000 7G scanner (Affymetrix) following manufacturer's protocols.
Data processing CEL files were imported into Expression Console software (Affymetrix) and normalised using RMA-sketch (gene-level).
Submission date Feb 18, 2015
Last update date Sep 04, 2015
Contact name Matthew Arno
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Phone 442078484286
Organization name King's College London
Department Genomics Centre
Lab Arno
Street address 150 Stamford Street
City London
State/province LONDON
ZIP/Postal code SE1 9NH
Country United Kingdom
Platform ID GPL17117
Series (2)
GSE66058 Wide-scale transcriptome disturbance underlies liver and kidney pathology from chronic ultra low dose Roundup exposure [liver]
GSE66060 Wide-scale transcriptome disturbance underlies liver and kidney pathology from chronic ultra low dose Roundup exposure

Data table header descriptions
VALUE RMA normalised expression signal (log2, background corrected and summarised)

Data table
17737128 4.9591
17636230 9.4223
17740660 7.7154
17739683 7.5832
17623006 9.4988
17634873 8.5776
17786900 4.6536
17648107 9.0349
17783045 7.8974
17809216 9.907
17809201 4.3773
17785441 7.5334
17843951 7.1529
17758669 6.3422
17801336 7.2836
17728781 7.1744
17768908 6.3162
17773913 3.8486
17725147 6.4493
17672358 6.336

Total number of rows: 36685

Table truncated, full table size 569 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM1613737_18_9274_L.CEL.gz 9.2 Mb (ftp)(http) CEL
Processed data included within Sample table

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