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Sample GSM172586 Query DataSets for GSM172586
Status Public on Jun 08, 2007
Title Slividans_Scoelicolor_CGH_1
Sample type genomic
Channel 1
Source name S. lividans TK21 gDNA
Organism Streptomyces lividans
Characteristics Sheared genomic DNA
Growth protocol Spores for S. lividans TK21 were generated on Mannitol-Soy flour or R5 agar Cultures for genomic DNA preparation were performed in YEME medium with 0.5% glycine supplement at 30°C until early stationary phase (refer to T Kieser, MJ Bibb, MJ Buttner, KF Chater, DA Hopwood: Practical Streptomyces Genetics: The John Innes Foundation, Norwich, UK; 2000).
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol Genomic DNA (gDNA) extraction was carried out using Kirby mix procedure as described elsewhere (T Kieser, MJ Bibb, MJ Buttner, KF Chater, DA Hopwood: Practical Streptomyces Genetics: The John Innes Foundation, Norwich, UK; 2000). About 500 µl of 20 µg/µl gDNA was sonicated briefly for 30-40 sec for shearing them to ~500 bp average size (confirmed by gel electrophoresis).
Label Cy5
Label protocol The DNA was labeled with Label IT® Cy5 Labeling Kit (Mirus Bio Corp., Madison, WI) according to suppliers instructions.
Channel 2
Source name S. coelicolor M145 gDNA
Organism Streptomyces coelicolor
Characteristics Sheared genomic DNA
Growth protocol Spores for S. coelicolor M145 were generated on Mannitol-Soy flour or R5 agar Cultures for genomic DNA preparation were performed in YEME medium with 0.5% glycine supplement at 30°C until early stationary phase (refer to T Kieser, MJ Bibb, MJ Buttner, KF Chater, DA Hopwood: Practical Streptomyces Genetics: The John Innes Foundation, Norwich, UK; 2000).
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol Genomic DNA (gDNA) extraction was carried out using Kirby mix procedure as described elsewhere (T Kieser, MJ Bibb, MJ Buttner, KF Chater, DA Hopwood: Practical Streptomyces Genetics: The John Innes Foundation, Norwich, UK; 2000). About 500 µl of 20 µg/µl gDNA was sonicated briefly for 30-40 sec for shearing them to ~500 bp average size (confirmed by gel electrophoresis).
Label Cy3
Label protocol The DNA was labeled with Label IT® Cy3 Labeling Kit (Mirus Bio Corp., Madison, WI) according to suppliers instructions.
Hybridization protocol Samples containing ~500 ng each of Cy3 and Cy5 labeled gDNA from S. coelicolor M145 and S. lividans TK21 respectively were hybridized to a whole-genome S. coelicolor microarray as described previously (S Mehra, W Lian, KP Jayapal, SP Charaniya, DH Sherman, WS Hu: A framework to analyze multiple time series data: a case study with Streptomyces coelicolor. J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol 2006, 33:159-72).
Scan protocol Hybridizations were carried out in triplicate for ~16 hr at 50°C; arrays were washed and scanned using ScanArray5000 (Perkin Elmer, Wellesley, MA). Images were analyzed using GenePix (Axon Instruments, Union City, CA) to obtain raw intensity data for each spot. The median fluorescence intensity from each spot was used for all subsequent analysis.
Description No additional description
Data processing Raw relative intensity values for each spot were first normalized by scaling one of the gDNA channel signal intensities by a normalization factor to set the total intensity from both channels as equal. Log2 hybridization signal ratios were then calculated from normalized intensities as log2[gDNASliv/gDNAScoe] and values were averaged using the median from triplicate experiments.
Submission date Mar 01, 2007
Last update date Jun 08, 2007
Contact name Karthik P Jayapal
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Organization name University of Minnesota
Department Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
Lab Hu lab
Street address 421 Washington Ave SE
City Minneapolis
State/province MN
ZIP/Postal code 55414
Country USA
Platform ID GPL4908
Series (1)
GSE7167 S. lividans TK21 - S. coelicolor M145 Comparative Genomic Hybridizations

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Normalized average Log2(Cy5/Cy3 Ratio) (gDNA-Sliv:gDNA-Scoe)
Cy5_Sig_Median(1) CH1 gDNA-Sliv Foreground Median Intensity (replicate 1)
Cy5_Bkd_Median(1) CH1 gDNA-Sliv Background Median Intensity (replicate 1)
Cy3_Sig_Median(1) CH2 gDNA-Scoe Foreground Median Intensity (replicate 1)
Cy3_Bkd_Median(1) CH2 gDNA-Scoe Background Median Intensity (replicate 1)
Cy5_Sig_Median(2) CH1 gDNA-Sliv Foreground Median Intensity (replicate 2)
Cy5_Bkd_Median(2) CH1 gDNA-Sliv Background Median Intensity (replicate 2)
Cy3_Sig_Median(2) CH2 gDNA-Scoe Foreground Median Intensity (replicate 2)
Cy3_Bkd_Median(2) CH2 gDNA-Scoe Background Median Intensity (replicate 2)

Data table
ID_REF VALUE Cy5_Sig_Median(1) Cy5_Bkd_Median(1) Cy3_Sig_Median(1) Cy3_Bkd_Median(1) Cy5_Sig_Median(2) Cy5_Bkd_Median(2) Cy3_Sig_Median(2) Cy3_Bkd_Median(2)
SCO0001 -1.603349048 665 304 1804 488 446 241 1173 456
SCO0003 -3.66214293 421 220 5716 1532 352 213 3856 807
SCO0005 -2.376766942 546 193 2662 277 640 221 3250 369
SCO0008 -1.773470633 528 230 1498 404 553 265 2141 266
SCO0009-long -2.575749551 458 252 2355 528 379 218 2432 416
SCO0012 -2.361154958 401 243 2329 329 416 268 1823 593
SCO0013 -1.838460765 575 308 1554 387 513 263 2171 278
SCO0014 -1.654357727 562 237 1751 363 578 248 1731 243
SCO0015 -3.349371342 402 158 3809 247 379 188 3890 496
SCO0016 -1.240529708 523 255 1097 269 472 259 1044 295
SCO0017 -2.208724048 485 209 2090 230 467 201 2245 239
SCO0018 -3.009937984 456 180 4387 274 495 203 3188 254
SCO0019 -2.606798159 302 168 1604 260 371 202 2397 693
SCO0020 -2.67952001 507 295 2690 406 476 258 3463 1146
SCO0021 -2.249309558 432 224 2138 331 471 224 2072 390
SCO0022 -2.67886998 331 210 2527 968 302 236 1548 383
SCO0025 -0.599317342 747 266 1064 304 948 231 1402 382
SCO0026 0.808954323 3765 279 1619 285 2468 326 1852 596
SCO0027 -0.871547725 994 231 1560 226 233 218 260 255
SCO0028 0.075354276 709 379 646 339 497 271 1665 1167

Total number of rows: 7567

Table truncated, full table size 412 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM172586.gpr.gz 1.2 Mb (ftp)(http) GPR
Processed data included within Sample table

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