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Sample GSM186186 Query DataSets for GSM186186
Status Public on May 23, 2007
Title T8 mglA A
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name Amplified RNA from bone marrow derived macrophages from female mice 2 months old C57/bl6
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics Amplified RNA from bone marrow derived macrophages
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol 1000000 macrophages were lysed in 1mL Trizol and flashed frozen in liquid nitrogen. Total RNA was extracted with chloroform, followed by Ethanol precipitation and purification using RNeasy kit (Qiagen USA, Valencia, CA)"
Label Cy5
Label protocol RNA extracted from the samples was amplified using Amino Allyl MessageAmp II aRNA kit from Ambion. The amplified material was then labeled with Cy5 using cyTM dye Post-labelling Reactive Dye pack (Amersham)."
Channel 2
Source name mouse universal reference RNA (Stratagene)
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics Universal RNA reference pool
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol RNA from the Mouse Universal reference (Stratagene)
Label Cy3
Label protocol RNA from the Mouse Universal reference (Stratagene) was amplified using Amino Allyl MessageAmp II aRNA kit from Ambion. The amplified material was then labeled with Cy3 using cyTM dye Post-labelling Reactive Dye pack (Amersham)?
Hybridization protocol Cy5 labeled sample was hybridized to the MEEBO array in 3 SSC at 63C 36 hours."
Scan protocol MEEBO arrays were scanned with an Axon 4000B scanner (Axon Instruments, Union City, CA, USA) and gridded using the bundled GenePix 3.0 software."
Description T8 mglA A
Data processing Spot analysis was performed with GenePix v3.0 and stored in a relational database (NOMAD).
Submission date May 01, 2007
Last update date May 22, 2007
Contact name Sajeev Batra
Organization name UCSF
Street address Box 2240, 600 16th Street S474
City San Francisco
State/province CA
ZIP/Postal code 94143
Country USA
Platform ID GPL5137
Series (1)
GSE7684 Type I interferon signaling is required for activation of the inflammasome during Francisella infection

Data table header descriptions
VALUE log2 of the normalized Ratio_Of_Medians_635_532 with flag values -50 and -100 and 100000.0 ratios removed
PRE_VALUE Normalized Ratio_Of_Medians_635_532
UNF_VALUE log2 of the normalized Ratio_Of_Medians_635_532

Data table
ID_REF VALUE Ratio_Of_Medians_635_532 Regression_Correlation_635_532 Median_Intensity_635 Median_Intensity_532 Median_Background_635 Median_Background_532 Spot_Flag PRE_VALUE UNF_VALUE
mMC018086 -0.1997 0.899 0.947 7434 8337 74 152 0 0.8707527238738976 -0.1997
mMC023197 0.2874 1.26 0.96 889 787 61 130 0 1.2204098243393893 0.2874
mMC001049 -3.9895 0.065 0.52 98 616 67 142 0 0.06295764966830182 -3.9895
mMC012540 0.2479 1.226 0.137 113 154 75 123 0 1.187478130666739 0.2479
mMC020499 -2.0752 0.245 0.928 1072 4230 70 142 0 0.23730191028821457 -2.0752
mMC014163 -1.3536 0.404 0.715 139 324 63 136 0 0.39130600716913755 -1.3536
mMR030729 -0.7081 0.632 0.78 505 818 83 150 0 0.612142070621027 -0.7081
mMC012333 -0.4288 0.767 0.931 4374 5745 85 154 0 0.7429002660859616 -0.4288
mMC024289 -2.3971 0.196 0.924 491 2271 73 141 0 0.18984152823057165 -2.3971
mMC003277 1.8708 3.776 0.379 284 192 65 134 0 3.6573551561155027 1.8708
mMC012228 -0.3518 0.809 0.431 122 188 67 120 0 0.7835805935639413 -0.3518
mMR030057 0.3056 1.276 0.748 473 456 94 159 0 1.235907091950048 0.3056
mMC010615 -0.8146 0.587 0.586 115 215 78 152 0 0.5685560054660488 -0.8146
mMA034599 0.0502 1.069 0.937 920 937 87 158 0 1.0354111922371485 0.0502
mMC016064 0.105 0.335 86 173 84 154 -50 0.1017008186949491 -3.2976
mMC021038 0.9010 1.928 0.938 17006 8925 81 148 0 1.8674207470843986 0.9010
mMC000980 -0.102 0.026 119 257 128 169 0 -0.09879508101795055
mMO036025 0.2724 1.247 0.778 311 336 69 142 0 1.207818294405729 0.2724
mMC022220 0.813 0.568 108 187 82 155 -50 0.7874549104666059 -0.3447
mMA031793 -4.3680 0.05 0.115 112 504 95 161 0 0.0484289612833091 -4.3680

Total number of rows: 38467

Table truncated, full table size 2731 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM186186.gpr.gz 3.3 Mb (ftp)(http) GPR

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