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Sample GSM208538 Query DataSets for GSM208538
Status Public on Jul 18, 2007
Title 9a5ccy5 x 36fcy3-Replica 2
Sample type genomic
Channel 1
Source name Xylella fastidiosa 36f cells grown in PW medium
Organism Xylella fastidiosa
Characteristics Total DNA from Xylella fastidiosa (isolate 36f), grown on solid PW medium
Biomaterial provider Helvécio D. Coletta-Filho
Treatment protocol Bacteria have been recovered from -70oC glycerol stocks and inoculated onto PW agar plates. Plates were maintained for 10 days at 28oC. The colonies were transferred once to new plates containing the same medium, grown for 20 days and harvested for DNA extraction
Growth protocol Bacteria have been recovered from -70oC glycerol stocks and inoculated onto PW agar plates. Plates were maintained for 10 days at 28oC. The colonies were transferred once to new plates containing the same medium, grown for 20 days and harvested for DNA extraction
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol Total genomic DNA was extracted according to : Dungan, D. (1989) in: Current Protocols in Molecular Biology (Ausubel, F.M., Brent, R., Kingston, R.E., Moore, D.D., Seidman, J.G., Smith, J.A. and Struhl, K., Eds.), pp. 241-242. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
Label Cy3-dCTP
Label protocol DNA labelling was performed as described by: Behr, M.A., Wilson, M.A., Gill, W.P., Salamon, H., Schoolnik, G.K., Rane, S. and Small, P.M. (1999) Comparative genomics of BCG vaccines by whole-genome DNA Microarray. Science 284, 1520-1523.
Channel 2
Source name Xylella fastidiosa 9a5c cells grown in PW medium
Organism Xylella fastidiosa
Characteristics Total DNA from Xylella fastidiosa (isolate 9a5c), grown on solid PW medium
Biomaterial provider Helvécio D. Coletta-Filho
Treatment protocol Bacteria have been recovered from -70oC glycerol stocks and inoculated onto PW agar plates. Plates were maintained for 10 days at 28oC. The colonies were transferred once to new plates containing the same medium, grown for 20 days and harvested for DNA extraction
Growth protocol Bacteria have been recovered from -70oC glycerol stocks and inoculated onto PW agar plates. Plates were maintained for 10 days at 28oC. The colonies were transferred once to new plates containing the same medium, grown for 20 days and harvested for DNA extraction
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol Total genomic DNA was extracted according to : Dungan, D. (1989) in: Current Protocols in Molecular Biology (Ausubel, F.M., Brent, R., Kingston, R.E., Moore, D.D., Seidman, J.G., Smith, J.A. and Struhl, K., Eds.), pp. 241-242. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
Label cy5-dCTP
Label protocol DNA labelling was performed as described by: Behr, M.A., Wilson, M.A., Gill, W.P., Salamon, H., Schoolnik, G.K., Rane, S. and Small, P.M. (1999) Comparative genomics of BCG vaccines by whole-genome DNA Microarray. Science 284, 1520-1523.
Hybridization protocol Labelled DNAs were mixed, dried in a Savant speed vacuum and resuspended in 100 ul of 1X Hybridization buffer, containing 6X SSC, 5X Denhardts solution, 0,25 mg/ml salmon sperm DNA, 0,01% SDS´and 50% formamide. Arrays were hybridized overnight (42oC) in a Gene-Tac Hybridization Station (Genomic Solutions, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI) and washed twice (42oC) in 0.5 X SSC, 0.01 % SDS, followed by two washes in 0.06 X SSC, 0.01 % SDS and two final washes in 0.06 X SSC. All washing steps consisted of 1 min of flow, followed by 5 min of incubation. Slides were then dried and subjected to fluorescent detection
Scan protocol Slides were subjected to fluorescent detection with a GMS (Affymetrix) 418 Array Scanner (Affymetrix Inc., Santa Clara, CA) Cy3 channel was scanned at 100% laser power and 80% PMT gain Cy5 channel was scanned at 100% laser power and 80% PMT gain
Description This hybridization is part of an experiment aimed at performing comparative genomic analyses among different isolates of Xylella fastidiosa
Data processing Hybridized arrays were scanned in an Affymetrix 418 Array Scanner and images were analyzed with Affymetrix Jaguar v 2.0. Quality control of the hybridized spots was automatically performed by the software, based on spot morphology and local signal-to-background ratio, using the Easy Threshold and Variable Circle Size Algorithms. In all experiments, reliable hybridization signals could be obtained for more than 90% of the arrayed probes. Normalization between the intensities in the two channels was achieved with the Jaguar Control Spots option, using a list of 30 control ORFs that shared sequence identity in the genomes of strains 9a5c and Temecula-1.
Submission date Jul 06, 2007
Last update date Jul 18, 2007
Contact name Luiz R. Nunes
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Phone (55) (11) 4798-7104
Organization name UFABC - Universidade Federal do ABC
Department Centro de Ciências Naturais e Humanas
Lab Laboratório de Genômica Funcional e Estrutural
Street address Rua Santa Adélia 166
City Santo André
State/province SP
ZIP/Postal code 09210-170
Country Brazil
Platform ID GPL4683
Series (1)
GSE8493 Comparative Genomic Analyses among Citrus-Associated strains of Xylella fastidiosa

Data table header descriptions
VALUE log2 of normalized IA/IB ratio
X Row position of the spot (in um)
Y Column position of the spot (in um)
Intensity_A Median spot intensity in channel A (Cy3)
StdevA Standard deviation for spot intensity in channel A (Cy3)
Background_A Median background intensity value for channel A (Cy3)
BgSD_A Standard deviation for median background intensity value in channel A (Cy3)
Intensity_B Median spot intensity in channel B (Cy5)
Stdev_B Standard deviation for spot intensity in channel B (Cy5)
Background_B Median background intensity value for channel B (Cy5)
BgSD_B Standard deviation for median background intensity value in channel B (Cy5)

Data table
ID_REF VALUE X Y Intensity_A StdevA Background_A BgSD_A Intensity_B Stdev_B Background_B BgSD_B
1 -1.5522 222 973 1398.15 2788 117 80.5 4099 3104 0 0
2 -1.0679 246 974 271.358 521 55.5 48 569 546 0 0
3 1.1846 270 975 1688.98 3722 99 79 743 629 0 0
4 -1.2142 295 975 2808.73 6309 108.5 76.5 6514 6235 0 0
5 -0.6171 319 975 340.171 841 80 60.5 522 522 0 0
6 0.1609 345 976 695.18 1495 89 63.5 622 515 0 0
7 -0.2934 371 976 1683.98 3695 87.5 61 2063 1850 0 0
8 -1.7760 395 976 1926.58 4271 77.5 66 6593 6020 0 0
9 -1.6850 420 975 1365.32 3079 76.5 52.5 4386 4194 0 0
10 -1.3255 445 975 1180.77 2858 98 62.5 2960 2904 0 0
11 -0.6552 468 976 3428.42 5805 78 64 5398 5007 0 0
12 -0.4228 494 977 5104.79 8038 96 85 6839 4593 0 0
13 -1.7563 518 975 1069.85 2109 81 78 3610 2819 0 0
14 -0.7346 541 976 419.556 868 91 63.5 698 570 0 0
15 -0.7322 567 976 1733.13 4006 102 51.5 2877 2614 0 0
16 0.0115 592 977 1873.35 4468 129 68.5 1859 1851 0 0
17 -1.2379 617 977 644.729 1368 74 64 1519 1317 0 0
18 -0.5585 641 977 687.575 1477 69.5 63 1013 822 0 0
19 -0.9051 667 977 2161.96 5431 87 69.5 4049 3839 0 0
20 0.0286 691 978 536.409 839 65 55 526 413 0 0

Total number of rows: 2688

Table truncated, full table size 149 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided
Processed data included within Sample table

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