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Sample GSM212500 Query DataSets for GSM212500
Status Public on Dec 31, 2007
Title inferior Frontal Cortex promoter array 3
Sample type genomic
Channel 1
Source name inferior frontal cortex IP
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics 16-20 week human fetal brain IPed with Foxp2 antibody
Biomaterial provider Brain and Tissue Bank for Developmental Disorders at the University of Maryland at Baltimor
Treatment protocol Cells were crosslinked and sonicated
Growth protocol Tissue was frozen and stored at -80 degrees C until crosslinking procedure
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol Hypotonic solution was used to isolate DNA and protein crosslinked material
Prepare chromatin from frozen cell pellets
Cell: two pellet, each from 0.5x 10^9 cells.
Lysis buffer 1, 100ml, add protease inhibitor tablet before use. (Zheng uses the protease inhibitors at the end of the protocol-he bought the Sigma protease panel)
5ml 1M Hepes-KOH, pH 7.5
2.8ml 5M NaCl
0.2ml 0.5M EDTA
10ml glycerol
5ml 10% NP-40
0.25ml Triton X-100
add 76.75 ml H2O
buffer 2, 100ml, add protease inhibitor tablet before use
4ml 5M NaCl
0.2ml 0.5M EDTA
0.1ml 0.5M EGTA (add .125 of 0.4M)
0.5ml 2M Tris pH 8
add 95.2 H2O
buffer 3, 100ml and add protease inhibitor tablet before use.
0.2ml 0.5M EDTA
0.1ml 0.5M EGTA
0.5ml 2M Tris-HCl, pH8
1. Resuspend each tube of cells (5x10^8 cells)(zheng only used 2x10^8) in 30ml of Lysis buffer I. Rock at 4°C for 10’. Then spin at 4000rpm in a table top centrifuge, 10’ at 4°C. -check under scope for complete lysis.
2. Resuspend each tube of cells in 24ml of buffer 2. Rock gently at room temperature for 10 min. Pellet nuclei in tabletop centrifuge by spinning at 4K rpm, 10 min at 4°C.
3. Resuspend both pellets from each tube in a total of 4ml buffer 3. Transfer into two 15ml conical tubes. Place the tube into a 50-ml tube with ice in it.
4. Sonicate the suspension in 15ml conical tube with a microtip attached to Branson 450 sonifier, setting at 5, constant power. Sonicate 8-10 times with 25sec, allowing the suspension to cool on ice for 1 min between pulses. Take 40ul of extracts every two cycles.
5. Pool all the lysate together. Add 10mg of sarkosyl (Sigma L-5125) and rock for 10min at room temperature. Transfer to falcon tubes. Spin out debris at 10K, 10min, in a ss34-rotor (13,000 RPM at 4 degrees in microfuge).
6. Proceed to next step (immunoprecipitation) or freeze cell extracts in –80°C as 1ml aliquots.
Step 3. Chromatin immunoprecipitation
Cell extracts prepared from step 2.
Antibody-coupled magnetic beads from step 0
elution buffer: to make 1 ml
50mM Tris pH8 50 ul 1M Tris
10mM EDTA 20 ul 0.5M EDTA
1% SDS 100 ul
830 ul H2O
1. set up IP reactions with crude extract:
take 1 ml cell extract; add the following:
material cconc. amount added
---------- --------- ----------------
Triton-x100 0.1% 0.01 ml of 10%
deoxycholate 0.1% 0.01ml of 10%
PMSF 1x 0.01ml of 100x
Benz 1x 0.01ml of 100x
Approtenin 1x 0.005ml of 200x
leup 1x 0.001ml of 1000x

2. Add 100ul of magnetic beads pre-coupled with antibody to the tube. incubate at 4°C overnight in a rotating platform.---Save 40 ul for elution control
3. Use a magnet MPC-E (from Dynal) to precipitate the beads, discard supernatant. In cold room

4. Wash 5 times with 1ml wash buffer, with 3’ incubation on rotating platform in cold room, and aspiration.
wash buffer, (RIPA buffer)
-------------------- final 100ml 10 ml
50mM Hepes, pH 7.6 5ml of 1M Hepes 0.5ml
1mM EDTA 200ul of 0.5M 20 ul
0.7% DOC 7ml of 10% 0.7 ml
1% NP-40 (IPGEL) 10ml of 10% 1.0 ml
0.5M LiCl 2.12g of powder [sigma] .2 grm
1mM PMSF 1ml of 100x 100 ul
leupeptin 1ml of 100x 100 ul
water 77.8 ml 7.8 ml
Add NP-40 first and then DOC to reduce cloudiness.
Wash once with 1 ml TE (pH 8.0).
After removing the TE by aspiration, spin the tubes for 3 minutes at 3000 rpm and remove any remaining liquid with a pipette.

5. Elution from beads and reversal of cross links
Add 50 µl elution buffer, vortex briefly to resuspend the beads and incubate at 65°C for 12 minutes. Vortex lightly every 2 minutes during the incubation.
6. Spin for 30 seconds at maximum speed and transfer 50 µl of supernatant to a new tube. Discard the rest.
7. Add 150 µl of TE/SDS to the supernatant in the new tube in order to reverse the crosslinking reaction. In the meanwhile, take 40ul of cell extract taken in the step 1, add 120ul of TE/SDS. Incubate overnight at 65°C in an incubator.
Label Cy5
Label protocol Random prime labeling
Channel 2
Source name control
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics total genome control-no IP
Biomaterial provider Brain and Tissue Bank for Developmental Disorders at the University of Maryland at Baltimor
Treatment protocol total genome control-no IP
Growth protocol Tissue was frozen and stored at -80 degrees C until crosslinking procedure
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol Hypotonic solution was used to isolate DNA and protein crosslinked material
Prepare chromatin from frozen cell pellets
Cell: two pellet, each from 0.5x 10^9 cells.
Lysis buffer 1, 100ml, add protease inhibitor tablet before use. (Zheng uses the protease inhibitors at the end of the protocol-he bought the Sigma protease panel)
5ml 1M Hepes-KOH, pH 7.5
2.8ml 5M NaCl
0.2ml 0.5M EDTA
10ml glycerol
5ml 10% NP-40
0.25ml Triton X-100
add 76.75 ml H2O
buffer 2, 100ml, add protease inhibitor tablet before use
4ml 5M NaCl
0.2ml 0.5M EDTA
0.1ml 0.5M EGTA (add .125 of 0.4M)
0.5ml 2M Tris pH 8
add 95.2 H2O
buffer 3, 100ml and add protease inhibitor tablet before use.
0.2ml 0.5M EDTA
0.1ml 0.5M EGTA
0.5ml 2M Tris-HCl, pH8
1. Resuspend each tube of cells (5x10^8 cells)(zheng only used 2x10^8) in 30ml of Lysis buffer I. Rock at 4°C for 10’. Then spin at 4000rpm in a table top centrifuge, 10’ at 4°C. -check under scope for complete lysis.
2. Resuspend each tube of cells in 24ml of buffer 2. Rock gently at room temperature for 10 min. Pellet nuclei in tabletop centrifuge by spinning at 4K rpm, 10 min at 4°C.
3. Resuspend both pellets from each tube in a total of 4ml buffer 3. Transfer into two 15ml conical tubes. Place the tube into a 50-ml tube with ice in it.
4. Sonicate the suspension in 15ml conical tube with a microtip attached to Branson 450 sonifier, setting at 5, constant power. Sonicate 8-10 times with 25sec, allowing the suspension to cool on ice for 1 min between pulses. Take 40ul of extracts every two cycles.
5. Pool all the lysate together. Add 10mg of sarkosyl (Sigma L-5125) and rock for 10min at room temperature. Transfer to falcon tubes. Spin out debris at 10K, 10min, in a ss34-rotor (13,000 RPM at 4 degrees in microfuge).
6. Proceed to next step (immunoprecipitation) or freeze cell extracts in –80°C as 1ml aliquots.
Step 3. Chromatin immunoprecipitation
Cell extracts prepared from step 2.
Antibody-coupled magnetic beads from step 0
elution buffer: to make 1 ml
50mM Tris pH8 50 ul 1M Tris
10mM EDTA 20 ul 0.5M EDTA
1% SDS 100 ul
830 ul H2O
1. set up IP reactions with crude extract:
take 1 ml cell extract; add the following:
material cconc. amount added
---------- --------- ----------------
Triton-x100 0.1% 0.01 ml of 10%
deoxycholate 0.1% 0.01ml of 10%
PMSF 1x 0.01ml of 100x
Benz 1x 0.01ml of 100x
Approtenin 1x 0.005ml of 200x
leup 1x 0.001ml of 1000x

2. Add 100ul of magnetic beads pre-coupled with antibody to the tube. incubate at 4°C overnight in a rotating platform.---Save 40 ul for elution control
3. Use a magnet MPC-E (from Dynal) to precipitate the beads, discard supernatant. In cold room

4. Wash 5 times with 1ml wash buffer, with 3’ incubation on rotating platform in cold room, and aspiration.
wash buffer, (RIPA buffer)
-------------------- final 100ml 10 ml
50mM Hepes, pH 7.6 5ml of 1M Hepes 0.5ml
1mM EDTA 200ul of 0.5M 20 ul
0.7% DOC 7ml of 10% 0.7 ml
1% NP-40 (IPGEL) 10ml of 10% 1.0 ml
0.5M LiCl 2.12g of powder [sigma] .2 grm
1mM PMSF 1ml of 100x 100 ul
leupeptin 1ml of 100x 100 ul
water 77.8 ml 7.8 ml
Add NP-40 first and then DOC to reduce cloudiness.
Wash once with 1 ml TE (pH 8.0).
After removing the TE by aspiration, spin the tubes for 3 minutes at 3000 rpm and remove any remaining liquid with a pipette.

5. Elution from beads and reversal of cross links
Add 50 µl elution buffer, vortex briefly to resuspend the beads and incubate at 65°C for 12 minutes. Vortex lightly every 2 minutes during the incubation.
6. Spin for 30 seconds at maximum speed and transfer 50 µl of supernatant to a new tube. Discard the rest.
7. Add 150 µl of TE/SDS to the supernatant in the new tube in order to reverse the crosslinking reaction. In the meanwhile, take 40ul of cell extract taken in the step 1, add 120ul of TE/SDS. Incubate overnight at 65°C in an incubator.
Label Cy3
Label protocol Random prime labeling
Hybridization protocol Previous step: LM-PCR and labeling
hyb buffer: 70% formamide/3XSSC/14.3% dextran sulfate
Make this a few hours ahead of time to allow the dextran sulfate to go into solution.
To make 10 ml:
1.43 grm dextran sulfate
1.5 ml of 20xSSC
7 ml formamide
Bring up to 10 ml with water.
-2% of BSA: 1 g of BSA in 50 ml of Mili-Q water
-Array Pre-hybridization Solution 2XSSC/0.05%SDS/0.2%BSA. (to make take premade solution and add 0.16 grm of BSA to 80 ml solution)
-DNA: purified from random labeling step.
-Cot-1 DNA (from Invitrogen), need to measure DNA concentration for each tube. Do not trust the concentration of company label.
-One water bath at 42 degrees
-One water bath at 60 degrees
-Heat block at 95 degrees
-Incubator at 37 degrees
A. Array Pre-hybridization
1. Fresh made pre-hybridization solution: 2X SSC/0.05% SDS/0.2% BSA (use fresh made BSA).
2. Add 80 ml of pre-hyb solution into a Coplin jar and warm up solution to 42°C in water bath (take about 20-30 min).
3. Soak slides in the Coplin jar (max. 4 slides/jar) and incubate for 40 min, at 42°C. Then rinse with RO water for 10 sec, then spin at 2k rpm in epperdurf 5840 for 30”).
Place in Corning Hyb chamber.
B. Preparing the Hybridization Solution
In the meanwhile, Mix 2.0ug Cy3 labeled DNA and 2.0ug of Cy5 labeled DNA, add 36ug of human Cot-1 DNA, and dH2O so that final volume is 130ul. Add 14ul 3M NaOAc, 280ul EtOH. Mix by vortexing, freeze in dry ice for 15’, then spin 15’ at 14k in cold room. Wash 1x, and dry in air. Dissolve the pellet in 22.4 ul of buffer (2.2x ssc, 0.22% SDS), incubate at 37°C for 10 min to dissolve. Resuspend by pipeting. Add 20 µl Hybridization buffer. Denature probe at 95 C for 5 min, then spin for 30 seconds,
Incubate at 42°C for 2 minutes. Add 4ul yeast tRNA (at 10ug/ul). Add 3.0ul of 2% BSA. Incubate at 42°C for 5 min. Spin briefly.
C. Hybridization: spot 47ul to the array in three evenly spaced droplets. Place cover slip on and incubate at 60°C for overnight. (16 hours at least).
Step 10---washing
400ml 2x SSC, 0.1% SDS, preheated to 60°C
300ml 0.1x SSC, 0.1% SDS
1 liter of 0.1X SSC.
Note: Although the 2X SSC solutions are preheated to 60°C the washes are actually done at room temperature.
1. Fill a Coplin jar with 50ml 2X SSC, 0.1% SDS pre-heated to 60ºC. Gently place the array into the jar, barcode up. Let the Gene Array sit for 1 minute then remove each array slowly from the Coplin jar leaving the cover slip behind.
2. Place the array into a slide rack submersed in 2X SSC, 0.1% SDS pre-heated to 42ºC in a Wheaton glass staining dish. Incubate the array for 5 minutes with gentle agitation (rocking on the rocker platform).
3. Remove the slide rack from the 2X SSC, 0.1% SDS solution and place in 250ml of room temperature 0.1X SSC, 0.1% SDS in a Wheaton glass staining dish. Incubate for 10 minutes with gentle agitation.
4. Remove the slide rack from the 0.1x SSC, 0.1% SDS solution and place in 250ml of room temperature 0.1X SSC in a Wheaton glass staining dish for 15 seconds. Agitate gently by hand. This quick wash removes much of the residual SDS.
5. Remove the slide rack from the 250ml of 0.1X SSC solution and place it in 250ml of 0.1X SSC in a glass staining dish. Incubate for 1 minutes (with gentle agitation if desired).
6. Repeat step 5 two more times (3 total)
7. After 15 seconds remove the array slowly from the slide rack and place into the rack on centrifuge. Balance well. Spin for 1 minute at 1500rpm in eppendurf 5840. After spin, store slides in slide boxes. Protect slides from dust and light until analyzed.
Scan protocol Arrays were scanned on a GenePix 4000B (Molecular Devices, Sunnyvale, CA) and image analysis was performed with GenePix Pro 6.0.
Description n/a
Data processing Normalized ratios were obtained subtracting the log2-transformed
expression value in the control sample from the log2-transformed
expression value in the experimental sample, after median normalization.
Submission date Jul 21, 2007
Last update date Dec 21, 2012
Contact name Daniel H Geschwind
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Organization name UCLA
Department Neurology
Lab Geschwind
Street address 695 Charles E Young Drive
City Los Angeles
State/province CA
ZIP/Postal code 90095
Country USA
Platform ID GPL5630
Series (1)
GSE8547 Transcriptional targets of FOXP2 in human brain and lung

Data table header descriptions
F635 Median
F635 Mean
F532 Mean - B532
F635 SD
B635 Median
B635 Mean
F635 Mean - B635
B635 SD
% > B635+1SD
% > B635+2SD
F635 % Sat.
Ratio of Medians (635/532)
Ratio of Means (635/532)
F532 Median
F532 Mean
F532 SD
B532 Median
B532 Mean
B532 SD
% > B532+1SD
% > B532+2SD
F532 CV
B532 CV
F532 % Sat.
Median of Ratios (635/532)
F635 CV
B635 CV
Mean of Ratios (635/532)
Ratios SD (635/532)
Rgn Ratio (635/532)
Rgn R2 (635/532)
F Pixels
B Pixels
F532 Total Intensity
Sum of Medians (635/532)
SNR 532
Sum of Means (635/532)
Log Ratio (635/532)
F635 Total Intensity
SNR 635
F635 Median - B635
F532 Median - B532

Data table
ID_REF VALUE X Y Dia. F635 Median F635 Mean F532 Mean - B532 F635 SD B635 Median B635 Mean F635 Mean - B635 Index B635 B635 SD % > B635+1SD % > B635+2SD F635 % Sat. Ratio of Medians (635/532) Ratio of Means (635/532) F532 Median F532 Mean F532 SD B532 Median B532 Mean B532 B532 SD % > B532+1SD % > B532+2SD F532 CV B532 CV F532 % Sat. Median of Ratios (635/532) F635 CV B635 CV Mean of Ratios (635/532) Ratios SD (635/532) Rgn Ratio (635/532) Rgn R2 (635/532) F Pixels B Pixels Circularity Flags Normalize Autoflag F532 Total Intensity Sum of Medians (635/532) SNR 532 Sum of Means (635/532) Log Ratio (635/532) F635 Total Intensity SNR 635 F635 Median - B635 F532 Median - B532
2.19 -0.337816806 14190 38770 140 1949 2102 1735 722 668 709 1434 5355 668 303 98 91 0 0.869 0.827 3289 3550 983 1815 1882 1815 366 98 91 27 19 0 0.846 34 42 0.819 1.782 0.814 0.714 156 1109 100 0 0 0 553744 2755 4.557 3169 -0.202 327846 4.597 1281 1474
DEC1 -0.972072737 13930 35670 140 1368 1531 1600 695 679 691 852 4650 679 203 85 67 0 0.696 0.533 2701 3311 1298 1711 1724 1711 199 99 94 39 11 0 0.542 45 29 0.516 1.967 0.518 0.708 156 1119 100 -100 0 0 516590 1679 7.975 2452 -0.523 238899 4.138 689 990
101F6 0.827744076 8820 32600 110 1274 1274 322 295 677 692 597 4184 677 228 88 68 0 2.01 1.854 1982 2007 251 1685 1693 1685 207 65 32 12 12 0 1.635 23 32 1.879 2.827 2.039 0.132 80 656 100 0 0 0 160576 894 1.517 919 1.007 101888 2.553 597 297
13CDNA73 -0.732486572 17680 14330 140 1417 1513 1352 543 663 685 850 1079 663 234 91 77 0 0.668 0.629 2777 3000 879 1648 1666 1648 213 99 97 29 12 0 0.658 35 34 0.634 1.855 0.611 0.638 156 1088 100 0 0 0 467973 1883 6.263 2202 -0.582 236099 3.538 754 1129
54TM null 13340 33430 180 609 623 -7 204 668 674 -45 4392 668 202 11 1 0 3.688 6.429 1504 1513 191 1520 1539 1520 198 14 1 12 12 0 1.24 32 29 1.166 4.054 3.361 0.012 256 1598 100 -50 0 0 387274 -75 -0.131 -52 1.883 159508 -0.252 -59 -16
6H9A 0.483721848 4200 14290 140 3099 3056 1628 657 678 731 2378 1031 678 358 100 99 0 1.473 1.461 3348 3332 380 1704 1725 1704 227 100 99 11 13 0 1.459 21 48 1.448 1.329 1.55 0.827 156 998 100 0 0 0 519837 4065 7.079 4006 0.558 476739 6.494 2421 1644
A14GALT 0.636421279 5030 14850 150 4129 4815 2541 2491 689 738 4126 1162 689 368 100 100 0 1.894 1.624 3580 4305 1796 1764 1801 1764 261 100 99 41 14 0 1.668 51 49 1.687 1.284 1.587 0.92 156 1151 100 0 0 0 671539 5256 9.594 6667 0.922 751217 11.079 3440 1816
A2BP1 -0.032357488 4910 33960 140 3303 3781 3082 1426 633 657 3148 4490 633 214 100 100 0 1.196 1.021 3930 4779 1903 1697 1711 1697 202 100 100 39 11 0 1.08 37 32 1.097 1.381 0.936 0.88 156 1078 100 0 0 0 745503 4903 15.188 6230 0.258 589772 14.598 2670 2233
AADAC 0.01745102 5320 14560 140 2334 2675 1885 1184 682 732 1993 1099 682 323 100 96 0 1.136 1.057 3223 3654 991 1769 1838 1769 354 100 98 27 19 0 1.05 44 44 1.01 1.377 1.121 0.867 156 1094 100 0 0 0 570036 3106 5.13 3878 0.184 417325 6.015 1652 1454
AANAT -0.318058983 2490 17900 160 2460 2835 2622 1505 638 679 2197 1601 638 278 97 93 0 0.919 0.838 3672 4312 1973 1690 1733 1690 274 99 99 45 15 0 0.86 53 40 0.843 1.457 0.815 0.877 208 1362 100 0 0 0 896858 3804 9.412 4819 -0.121 589748 7.755 1822 1982
AARS 0.821833259 14250 23580 130 3230 3486 1524 1002 672 690 2814 2667 672 221 100 100 0 1.739 1.846 3057 3110 609 1586 1595 1586 186 100 100 19 11 0 1.861 28 32 1.895 1.364 1.889 0.875 120 940 100 0 0 0 373210 4029 8.145 4338 0.798 418349 12.652 2558 1471
AASDHPPT -0.544407671 18830 9030 110 1838 2209 2118 1229 692 717 1517 123 692 228 90 85 0 0.653 0.716 3543 3905 1295 1787 1822 1787 287 98 92 33 15 0 0.727 55 31 0.634 1.79 0.336 0.507 80 656 100 -100 0 0 312381 2902 7.258 3635 -0.616 176724 6.544 1146 1756
AB026190 0.459340678 13590 42120 150 5038 5282 3198 2144 689 751 4593 5865 689 410 100 100 0 1.414 1.436 4762 4884 1680 1686 1720 1686 246 100 100 34 14 0 1.448 40 54 1.495 1.27 1.451 0.93 156 1214 100 0 0 0 761951 7425 12.862 7791 0.5 823964 11.051 4349 3076
ABAT -0.552877057 11520 8680 150 2163 2158 2108 911 657 674 1501 33 657 201 92 87 0 0.711 0.712 3585 3575 1035 1467 1472 1467 162 100 100 28 11 0 0.698 42 29 0.608 2.043 0.76 0.826 156 1208 100 0 0 0 557681 3624 12.981 3609 -0.492 336711 7.383 1506 2118
ABCA1 -1.477963666 11460 17700 180 649 651 8 176 648 658 3 1569 648 187 15 2 0 0.111 0.375 1498 1497 144 1489 1497 1489 153 16 1 9 10 0 1.337 27 28 1.4 4.814 -20.934 0.001 256 1630 100 -50 0 0 383194 10 0 11 -3.17 166676 -0.037 1 9
ABCA3 -0.493765522 5320 14840 140 1338 1365 918 385 684 724 681 1163 684 299 85 56 0 0.741 0.742 2599 2635 387 1717 1773 1717 308 97 76 14 17 0 0.749 28 41 0.697 1.8 0.868 0.582 156 1112 100 0 0 0 410985 1536 2.799 1599 -0.431 212980 2.144 654 882
ABCA4 -0.592538353 11520 8960 160 1782 1770 1598 546 663 678 1107 97 663 205 98 91 0 0.703 0.693 3084 3090 612 1492 1499 1492 166 100 99 19 11 0 0.659 30 30 0.649 1.524 0.732 0.771 208 1370 100 0 0 0 642721 2711 9.584 2705 -0.509 368227 5.327 1119 1592
ABCA8 null 13420 19670 180 631 648 67 204 658 671 -10 2024 658 207 15 3 0 -0.333 -0.149 1558 1544 160 1477 1488 1477 165 30 3 10 11 0 0.999 31 30 1.051 5.155 32.826 0 256 1419 100 -50 0 0 395279 54 0.339 57 Error 165849 -0.111 -27 81
ABCB10 0.16228127 4600 37340 110 1938 1867 1024 663 670 708 1197 5001 670 251 91 83 0 1.186 1.169 2750 2705 511 1681 1690 1681 198 96 85 18 11 0 1.108 35 35 1.068 1.926 1.316 0.637 80 656 100 0 0 0 216411 2337 5.126 2221 0.246 149321 4.618 1268 1069
ABCB11 -0.571223594 12830 24140 130 1239 1264 852 286 665 690 599 2790 665 202 95 75 0 0.672 0.703 2398 2396 199 1544 1549 1544 156 100 100 8 10 0 0.676 22 29 0.632 1.827 0.87 0.423 120 940 100 0 0 0 287494 1428 5.429 1451 -0.573 151634 2.842 574 854

Total number of rows: 5741

Table truncated, full table size 1410 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided
Processed data not provided for this record

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