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Sample GSM23250 Query DataSets for GSM23250
Status Public on Jul 02, 2004
Title LFY10h3
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name Callus of 35S:LFY-GR plants treated for 10 hours with a control solution
Organism Arabidopsis thaliana
Extracted molecule total RNA
Channel 2
Source name Callus of 35S:LFY-GR plants treated for 10 hours with a dexamethasone-containing solution
Organism Arabidopsis thaliana
Extracted molecule total RNA
Description Dye-labeled RNA samples derived from dexamethasone- or mock-treated 35S:LFY-GR root explants were co-hybridized to a cDNA array enriched for flower-specific transcripts. The data were analyzed with Rosetta Resolver as described in Wagner et al. (2004).
Submission date May 17, 2004
Last update date May 27, 2005
Contact name Frank Wellmer
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Phone 626-395-8438
Organization name California Institute of Technology
Department Biology 156-29
Lab Meyerowitz
Street address 1200 E. California Blvd.
City Pasadena
State/province CA
ZIP/Postal code 91125
Country USA
Platform ID GPL1069
Series (1)
GSE1411 LEAFY-GR time-course experiment in callus

Data table header descriptions
Intensity1 Absolute intensity measurement for the mock-treated sample after background subtraction and normalization
Intensity2 Absolute intensity measurement for the dexamethasone-treated sample after background subtraction and normalization
P-value Value describing the confidence that the element's expression ratio reflects a change in expression not due to measurement errors
VALUE Log10 ratio (Intensity2 divided by Intensity1)
Flagged? Indicates whether data from the array element were marked as failed during quality control procedures

Data table
ID_REF Intensity1 Intensity2 P-value VALUE Flagged?
GP000A1 0.2429 0.32233 0.72136 0.13358 FALSE
GP000A2 0.0657 0.05921 0.80649 -0.03448 FALSE
GP000A3 0.08293 0.25348 0.03803 0.49595 FALSE
GP000A4 0.04058 0.04148 0.96588 0.02023 FALSE
GP000B1 0.04606 0.0346 0.58885 -0.11362 FALSE
GP000B2 0.01401 0.00473 0.5323 -0.4607 FALSE
GP000B3 0.0134 0.01577 0.85826 0.08149 FALSE
GP000B4 0.03048 0.03491 0.81829 0.06973 FALSE
GP000C1 0.08442 0.08322 0.97309 0.00449 FALSE
GP000C2 0.01736 0.03171 0.47502 0.27232 FALSE
GP000C3 0.01157 0.01143 0.99382 0.0055 FALSE
GP000C4 0.61576 0.58656 0.94381 -0.01039 FALSE
GP000D1 0.06461 0.05005 0.87385 -0.10012 FALSE
GP000D2 0.05086 0.04609 0.96757 -0.03206 FALSE
GP000D3 0.05807 0.05301 0.89767 -0.02888 FALSE
GP000D4 0.05554 0.05104 0.9439 -0.02597 FALSE
GP000E1 0.01766 0.01814 0.94288 0.02221 FALSE
GP000E2 0.01831 0.02484 0.71099 0.1431 FALSE
GP000E3 0.00622 0.0034 1 -0.25201 TRUE
GP000E4 0.01831 0.01617 0.93718 -0.04346 FALSE

Total number of rows: 10816

Table truncated, full table size 484 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM23250.gpr.gz 879.1 Kb (ftp)(http) GPR

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