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Sample GSM234621 Query DataSets for GSM234621
Status Public on Nov 01, 2007
Title 7758-99-8 Copper(II) Sulfate 10mM 3rd H
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name CuSO4 treated for 2 h, Cy5
Organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Characteristics strain S288C
Biomaterial provider Yasokawa D
Treatment protocol Copper(2) Sulfate Pentahydrate (Nacalai tesque 09604-85)
Growth protocol Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain S288C was grown in YPD medium (2% polypeptone, 1% yeast extract, 2% glucose) at 25 C with shaking. Chemical solution were added into OD=1 (exponential growing) culture with 10 mM (final concentration) then the yeast cells were exposed for 2 h.
Extracted molecule polyA RNA
Extraction protocol Hot-phenol and oligotex dt mRNA purification kit (TaKaRa)
Label Cy5-dUTP
Label protocol Cyscribe first-strand cDNA labelling kit (Amersham Biosciences)
Channel 2
Source name control (without treatment for 2 h), Cy3
Organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Characteristics strain S288C
Biomaterial provider Yasokawa D
Treatment protocol without treatment
Growth protocol Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain S288C was grown in YPD medium (2% polypeptone, 1% yeast extract, 2% glucose) at 25 C with shaking until OD=1, then grown for 2 h without any treatment.
Extracted molecule polyA RNA
Extraction protocol Hot-phenol and oligotex dt mRNA purification kit (TaKaRa)
Label Cy3-dUTP
Label protocol Cyscribe first-strand cDNA labelling kit (Amersham Biosciences)
Hybridization protocol Hybridized for 16-18 h at 65 C
Scan protocol Scan Array 4000 (PerkinElmer Japan Co., Ltd) was used for scanning. Array images were analyzed with Gene Pix Pro 4.0 (Axon Instrument).
Description In order to rescue data that had a higher intensity than the scanning range, the array were scanned twice with different laser power. This data were result from high power scanning. Data with flag value 0 were used for LOWESS normalization processing, although original raw data were remaining in this table. Merging high and low scanned data were done on the GeneSpring and represented as “AVG_VALUE”. However, the data in “AVG_VALUE” was not used for further analysis.
Data processing GeneSpring ver 7.3.1 (Agilent Technologies Inc.)
Submission date Oct 04, 2007
Last update date Aug 14, 2011
Contact name Emiko Kitagawa
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Phone +81-29-861-8508
Fax +81-29-861-8508
Organization name National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Street address Onogawa 16-1
City Tsukuba
State/province Ibaraki
ZIP/Postal code 305-8569
Country Japan
Platform ID GPL1945
Series (1)
GSE9231 Copper(II) Sulfate treatment with 10 mM for 2 h

Data table header descriptions
Normalized ratio LOWESS normalized ratio (non-log)
VALUE LOWESS normalized log2 (treated/control) ratio
AVG_VALUE average log ratio from high and low scanned data (log2)
Cy5F Cy5 inner intensity (median)
Cy5B Cy5 intensity surrounding each spot (background), (median)
Cy3F Cy3 inner intensity (median)
Cy3B Cy3 intensity surrounding each spot (background), (median)
Cy5FB Cy5 intensity subtracted from background intensity
Cy3FB Cy3 intensity subtracted from background intensity
FlagGPR Flag from GenePix Pro analysis
Flag Additional flags by LOCUS_NAME1 as following; TE, TE; NG, NGT; QU, _ or -; C3, Cy3; C5, Cy5; EM, empty. Additional flags by Cy5F and Cy3F as following; BL, both data Cy3F and Cy5F is less than reliable limit; 5L, Cy5F is less than reliable limit; 3L, Cy3F is less than reliable limit; BM, both data Cy3F and Cy5F is over than scanning range; 5M, Cy5F is over than scanning range; 3M, Cy3F is over than scanning range.

Data table
ID_REF Normalized ratio VALUE AVG_VALUE Cy5F Cy5B Cy3F Cy3B Cy5FB Cy3FB FlagGPR Flag
1010101 1.0895088 0.123677849 0.199346946 9917 354 3790 266 9563 3524 0 0
1010201 0.7795229 -0.359336689 -0.375088148 3831 327 2268 254 3504 2014 0 0
1010301 0.9612723 -0.056982933 -0.056982933 1366 286 757 236 1080 521 0 0
1010401 0.6921773 -0.530786466 -0.389274618 1419 322 965 228 1097 737 0 0
1010501 0.9780098 -0.032079173 0.098018604 8196 374 3565 268 7822 3297 0 0
1010601 null null null 1738 307 768 266 1431 502 0 QU
1010102 0.7781168 -0.361941366 -0.271186705 6225 323 3476 233 5902 3243 0 0
1010202 1.2070009 0.271426752 0.11138326 3932 311 1603 263 3621 1340 0 0
1010302 1.4495674 0.535622415 0.597365931 4979 320 1677 237 4659 1440 0 0
1010402 1.530339 0.613851273 0.674943729 5130 382 1636 245 4748 1391 0 0
1010502 1.0245988 0.035059107 0.124724358 8558 361 3544 263 8197 3281 0 0
1010602 0.87912476 -0.185860177 -0.185860177 1640 309 958 255 1331 703 0 0
1010103 0.94373804 -0.083541639 -0.200131529 23530 347 9042 253 23183 8789 0 0
1010203 0.81928235 -0.28756736 -0.28756736 1124 312 708 244 812 464 0 0
1010303 1.0563128 0.079037115 0.15753479 1976 299 949 221 1677 728 0 0
1010403 1.1401117 0.189175176 0.338399882 8505 361 3202 239 8144 2963 0 0
1010503 1.1047311 0.143695249 0.143695249 1260 331 634 240 929 394 0 0
1010603 0.95856524 -0.06105147 0.069406312 3644 316 1796 240 3328 1556 0 0
1010104 0.57681465 -0.793820288 -0.588173543 1435 301 1138 228 1134 910 0 0
1010204 null null null 6398 336 2961 248 6062 2713 0 QU

Total number of rows: 6912

Table truncated, full table size 484 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM234621.gpr.gz 580.1 Kb (ftp)(http) GPR
Processed data included within Sample table

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