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Sample GSM2507681 Query DataSets for GSM2507681
Status Public on Sep 24, 2017
Title E06_Bl006_Cross4006
Sample type genomic
Source name Blastomere
Organism Bos taurus
Characteristics cell type: Blastomere
dna sample: Single Cell
wga: MDA (Repli-G Single Cell kit)
Treatment protocol The embryos were treated with pronase to dissolve the zona pellucida (0.1% protease from S. griseus, P88110, Sigma-Aldrich in TCM-199 for IVM-IVF and OPU-IVF embryos and 1% for in vivo derived embryos) and were subsequently washed in TCM-199 with 10% FBS followed by Ca+2/Mg+2 free PBS with 0.05% BSA to stimulate blastomere dissociation. Subsequently, the zona-free embryos were washed in Ca+2/ Mg+2 free PBS with 0.1% PVP (wash medium) and were transferred onto a petri dish for blastomere dissociation. Blastomere pick-up and tubing was performed with the use of a mouth-pipetting system using a 75μm capillary.
Growth protocol The zygotes of IVM-IVF and OPU-IVF embryos were transferred to synthetic oviductal fluid (SOF) supplemented with essential and non-essential amino acids (SOFaa), 0.4% BSA and ITS (5 µg/ml insulin, 5 µg/ml transferrin and 5 ng/ml selenium). In vitro culture (IVC) occurred in 4-well dishes in 20 µL drops (1 per donor cow) covered with mineral oil. Embryos were incubated at 38.5°C in 5% CO2, 5% O2 and 90% N2. In vivo derived embryos were obtained by flushing of the oviduct
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol The isolated blastomeres were placed immediately on dry ice and stored in -20oC for 30 minutes prior to whole genome amplification (WGA). WGA was performed on the day of blastomere isolation. DNA from single blastomeres was whole-genome amplified using commercial MDA kit (REPLI-g Single Cell Kit, Qiagen). MDA amplification of single blastomeres with the single-cell Repli-g kit was performed according to the manufacturer’s instructions for the fast 3-hour protocol. WGA products were purified using SPRI-beads (AMPure) at 0.8x of total reaction volume.
Label Cy5/Cy3
Label protocol The samples were not labelled before the hybridization. The staining is based on post-hybridization Cy5/Cy3 labelling by extension, according to the manual of Infinium II Assay (Illumina, USA).
Hybridization protocol According to the manual of Infinium II Assay (Illumina, USA).
Scan protocol The scanning of the bead-chips was performed on an iScan, using the iScan Control software (Illumina, USA)
Description DNA extracted from single blastomere derived from cleavage stage IVM-IVF derived embryo of pedigree 4006 and subsequently whole genome amplified by Repli-G Single cell kit according to manufacturer's 3h protocol.
data structures: The data is provided as five family pedigrees (Cross4757, Cross4006, Cross4770, Cross9617 and Cross8301).
Data processing The genotypes, B allele frequencies and LogR values were processed by the Genotyping module of GenomeStudio software. The discrete genotypes were determined using a threshold of 0,75. We subsequently fed these data into siCHILD algorithm, which is equipted with haplarithmisis (Zamani Esteki et al. 2015, AJHG).
Submission date Feb 24, 2017
Last update date Sep 24, 2017
Contact name Masoud Zamani Esteki
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Phone +31 43 38 75306
Organization name Maastricht University Medical Center
Department Clinical Genetics
Lab Cellular Genomic Medicine
Street address P. Debyelaan 25
City Maastricht
State/province Limburg
ZIP/Postal code 6229 HX
Country Netherlands
Platform ID GPL21267
Series (1)
GSE95358 In vitro procedures exacerbate chromosome instability in early cleavage stage embryos

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Image data was analyzed using Genomestudio with genotyping module (Illumina).

Data table
ID_REF VALUE B_Allele_Freq Log_R_Ratio
BovineHD0100000005 NC 0.9029199 0.2252366
BovineHD0100000015 NC 0.09569433 -0.4733593
BovineHD0100000024 NC 0.215509 -2.155554
BovineHD0100000026 NC 0.1590065 -0.8185779
BovineHD0100000027 NC 0.7113932 -1.442557
BovineHD0100046367 NC 0.3781852 -0.5385306
BovineHD0100000030 NC 0.5898868 0.6269686
BovineHD0100000033 NC 0.8696438 0.67414
BovineHD0100000035 NC 0.2550032 -0.02435999
BovineHD0100000037 AA 0 0.8307978
Hapmap43437-BTA-101873 NC 0.6674067 0.5216895
BovineHD0100000038 BB 1 0.6509945
BovineHD0100000039 NC 0.3076147 0.4464735
BovineHD0100000040 NC 0.1907113 0.2204573
BovineHD0100000042 NC 0.197932 0.5992203
BovineHD0100000043 NC 0.6052129 0.6227489
BovineHD0100000044 NC 0.3062326 0.4402737
BovineHD0100000046 AB 0.5198124 -0.1321128
BovineHD0100000047 AA 0.001743818 -0.3706426
BovineHD0100000048 AA 0.04026628 -0.5696193

Total number of rows: 741249

Table truncated, full table size 28949 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM2507681_E06_Bl006_Cross4006_Grn.idat.gz 5.2 Mb (ftp)(http) IDAT
GSM2507681_E06_Bl006_Cross4006_Red.idat.gz 5.3 Mb (ftp)(http) IDAT
Processed data included within Sample table

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