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Sample GSM2803443 Query DataSets for GSM2803443
Status Public on Jun 21, 2018
Title Lean control rat 2
Sample type RNA
Source name rat tibialis anterior after 12 weeks of diet feeding
Organism Rattus norvegicus
Characteristics Sex: male
genotype: Zucker lean
diet: control
tissue: tibialis anterior muscle
age: 18 weeks
Treatment protocol Lean and obese control rats were given unrestricted access to the control diet (AIN-93G). The LA diet (AIN-93G + 10% safflower oil) and the ALA diet (AIN-93G + 10% flaxseed oil) were pair-fed in comparison to obese controls.
Growth protocol Lean and obese Zucker rats (5 weeks) were received from Charles River. Rats were housed in environmentally controlled rooms with ad libitum access to water. Obese animals fed the ALA and LA supplemented diets were pair-fed to match for caloric intake of obese controls.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Rats were anesthetized with an injection of pentobarbital sodium (60 mg/kg), and the red tibialis anterior muscle was excised and immediately placed in liquid nitrogen.
Label biotin
Label protocol Biotinylated cRNA was prepared according to the standard GeneAtlas WT Plus Affymetrix protocol from 100 ng total RNA.
Hybridization protocol Following fragmentation, 5.5 ug of ss-cDNA was hybridized for 20 hr on Rat Transcriptome arrays incubated at 48°C. Strips were washed and stained using the Gene Atlas Fluidics Station.
Scan protocol Rat Transcriptome arrays were scanned using the Gene Atlas Imaging Station
Description Gene expression data from tibialis anterior following 12 weeks of diet
Data processing Data were analyzed with the Bioconductor package 'oligo' (v1.32.0). Data were preprocessed (background correction and normalization) with the Robust Multichip Average algorithm ('rma' function in 'oligo') with default settings.
Signal intensity after RMA preprocessing
Submission date Oct 03, 2017
Last update date Jun 22, 2018
Contact name David M Mutch
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Phone +1-519-824-4120
Organization name University of Guelph
Department Human Health & Nutritional Sciences
Lab ANNU 308
Street address 50 Stone Road East
City Guelph
State/province Ontario
ZIP/Postal code N1G 2W1
Country Canada
Platform ID GPL19271
Series (1)
GSE104567 Expression data from tibialis anterior muscle of rats fed different fatty acid enriched diets

Data table header descriptions
VALUE RMA signal

Data table
17600001 2.844894059
17600003 5.113260116
17600005 3.743407093
17600007 4.676599639
17600009 3.034706023
17600011 3.873227316
17600013 4.429667965
17600015 2.62637967
17600017 3.426218334
17600019 3.323447073
17600021 3.659872677
17600023 4.86583712
17600025 4.895223139
17600027 3.794568299
17600029 2.201992361
17600031 3.351151346
17600033 3.195946726
17600035 4.518367825
17600037 4.214740651
17600039 3.209705305

Total number of rows: 36685

Table truncated, full table size 748 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource 5.1 Mb (ftp)(http) CEL
Processed data included within Sample table

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