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Sample GSM3376333 Query DataSets for GSM3376333
Status Public on Jun 03, 2019
Title gene_expression_HIVpos_DLBCL_pt28
Sample type RNA
Source name DLBCL
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics subject id: pt28
tissue: Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL)
tissue preparation: FFPE
specimen site: Lt axilla
hiv status: HIV positive
Sex: Male
age (yrs): 44
coo: GCB
fov: 543
binding density: 0.24
Treatment protocol One 5mm and two 10mm sections were cut from each FFPE tissue block. H&E staining was performed on the 5mm section. H&E stained sections were reviewed by a hematopathologist to confirm diagnosis and assess tumor content (tumors with <70% were macrodissected)
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Qiagen Allprep DNA/RNA FFPE kit (cat#80204) was used to extract total mRNA and DNA from FFPE sections as per manufacturer guidelines found here. No more than two 10mm sections were applied to a single spin column.
Label Biotin capture probe, fluorescent barcoded reporter probe
Label protocol 300 ng of total RNA was hybridized for 12-20 hours at 65°C with the NanoString biotin labeled capture and flourescent barcoded reporter codesets as described here.
Hybridization protocol The now hybridized RNA/capture/reporter complexes are loaded onto the automated nCounter Prep Station where it is bound to the stredavidin coated glass cartridge via the biotin labeled capture probe.
Scan protocol Once the RNA/capture/reporter complex is bound to the glass cartridge, the cartridge is transferred to the nCounter Digital Analyzer. An E-field orientates RNA complexes for imaging. Up to 555 fields of view (FOV) are imaged and the flourescent barcodes are enumerated.
Description The commerical PanCancer Pathways panel was customised with the addition of 9 genes. This necessitated two RLF files, which were merged prior to running samples on the nCounter system. PanCancer rlf file = NS_CANCERPATH_C2535. BCL2 spike-in rlf file = PLS_SCHATZ_C5316
RLF File version: 1.7
Data processing Expression data was extracted and QC'd using nSolver 3.0. Using the internal NanoString negative controls, the 99% CI threshold was determined and the data normalized as described and demonstrated in this webinar.
The sample table data is the QC'd and normalised data used to perform differential expression analysis using the statistical method NanoStringDiff described here.
Submission date Sep 05, 2018
Last update date Jun 03, 2019
Contact name Alanna Maguire
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Organization name Mayo Clinic
Department Research
Lab CRB 1-250A
Street address 13400 East Shea Blvd
City Scottsdale
State/province Arizona
ZIP/Postal code 85259
Country USA
Platform ID GPL25534
Series (2)
GSE119534 Enhanced DNA repair and genomic stability identify a novel HIV related Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma subtype [nanostring]
GSE119537 Enhanced DNA repair and genomic stability identify a novel HIV related Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma subtype

Data table header descriptions
VALUE normalized signal

Data table
BAK 129.33
BCLW 37.08
BIK 30.75
BIM 235.15
BMF 264.09
HRK 40.7
MCL1 2814.52
NOXA 11.76
PUMA 61.5
ABL1 111.24
ACVR1B 20.8
ACVR1C 8.14
ACVR2A 22.61
AKT1 443.16
AKT2 665.64
AKT3 98.58
ALK 30.75
ALKBH2 122.09
ALKBH3 28.94
AMER1 52.46

Total number of rows: 739

Table truncated, full table size 8 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM3376333_pt28_20170510_206782431017_03.RCC.gz 8.5 Kb (ftp)(http) RCC
Processed data included within Sample table

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