Bc ATCC 14579 OD600 0.5 exposed to pH4.8 for 0 min
Extracted molecule
total RNA
Extraction protocol
RNA was extracted as described by van Schaik et al., 2007
Label protocol
Complementary DNA was synthesized and labeled using 15 μg of total RNA, and the CyScribe Post-Labeling kit (Amersham Biosciences Europe GmbH) according to the supplier's instructions.
Bc ATCC 14579 OD600 0.5 exposed to pH4.8 for 10 min
Extracted molecule
total RNA
Extraction protocol
RNA was extracted as described by van Schaik et al., 2007
Label protocol
Complementary DNA was synthesized and labeled using 15 μg of total RNA, and the CyScribe Post-Labeling kit (Amersham Biosciences Europe GmbH) according to the supplier's instructions.
Hybridization protocol
The target was denatured by boiling for 1 min and immediate cooling on ice prior to hybridization. A total of 200ng of both samples was mixed and applied with the Agilent hybridization buffer to the microarray, according to Agilent manual. Hybridization was performed at 60 °C. The slide was washed according to the Agilent microarray wash protocol.
Scan protocol
Microarrays were scanned with the Agilent DNA Microarray Scanner, Model G2565BA, according to the Agilent protocol at 50% laser intensity, and 10 micron scan resolution.
No extra description.
Data processing
Lowess-normalization, performed in Feature Extract, Agilent. Subsequently normalized data was processed with the Vampire webbased microarray suite.