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Sample GSM35727 Query DataSets for GSM35727
Status Public on Nov 18, 2005
Title 3-5cm/0-2cm - rep2
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name 0-2 cm from the tip of inflorescence stems totalling 5 cm in length (reference, Cy3)
Organism Arabidopsis thaliana
Extracted molecule total RNA
Channel 2
Source name 3-5 cm from the tip of inflorescence stems totalling 10 cm in length (sample, Cy5)
Organism Arabidopsis thaliana
Extracted molecule total RNA
Description Arabidopsis plants (ecotype Ler) were grown under short day conditions (8h cool white fluorescent light at 100 uE, 16h dark) at 20 °C and ambient humidity in PGW36 phytochambers (Controlled Environment Ltd., Winnipeg, MB, Canada). Plants were grown in Redi soil (Grace & Co, Ajax, ON, Canada) in 12 cm pots at a density of five plants per pot without fertilization for 8 weeks. Light conditions were then changed to long day (16h light, 8h dark), and plants were fertilized once with standard 10-15-10 plant fertilizer (150 ul in 300 ml water per pot) (Schultz, St. Louis, MO, USA). Twelve and 14 days after changing to long day conditions we harvested sections from stems totalling 4-6cm (“5cm stem”) and 9-11cm (“10cm stem”) in length, respectively. All flowers, siliques, cauline leaves, and secondary branches were discarded and the remaining bolting stems were cut with a razor blade to generate the following sections: 0-2cm and 2-4cm from 5cm stems; and 0-3cm, 3-5cm, 5-7cm, and 7-9cm from 10cm stems. For array hybridizations, labelled cDNA derived from each section was co-hybridized with cDNA from 0-2cm sections as a reference. Microarrays were scanned with a ScanArray Express (Perkin Elmer, Woodbridge, ON, Canada) scanner with laser power set to 90% and photo-multiplier-tube set to 62 (channel 1) and 61 (channel 2).
This file describes results for replicate 2 of 4 comparing 3-5 cm sections (Channel 2, Cy5) with 0-2 cm sections (Channel 1, Cy3)

Keywords = fiber
Keywords = lignin
Keywords = stem development
Lot batch = FOAR03-S1-000-DE001, array 011
Submission date Nov 20, 2004
Last update date Oct 28, 2005
Contact name Carl J Douglas
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Phone +1 (604) 822-3554
Fax +1 (604) 822-6089
Organization name University of British Columbia
Department Department of Botany
Street address
City Vancouver
State/province BC
ZIP/Postal code V6T 1Z4
Country Canada
Platform ID GPL1713
Series (1)
GSE2000 primary stem development

Data table header descriptions
VALUE background corrected and normalized log2-ratio (3-5cm/0-2cm)
CH1_MEDIAN Median pixel intensity of foreground in channel 1 (0-2cm, Cy3, ImaGene)
CH1_BCK Median pixel intensity of background in channel 1 (0-2cm, Cy3, ImaGene)
CH2_MEDIAN Median pixel intensity of foreground in channel 2 (3-5cm, Cy5, ImaGene)
CH2_BCK Median pixel intensity of background in channel 2 (3-5cm, Cy5, ImaGene)
FLAG flag=0: good spot (ImaGene), flag=1: manually flagged, flag=2: poor spot (ImaGene)

Data table
1 245.5 204 151 122 2
2 -1.01847828 3270 181 2115 151.5 0
3 -0.78866855 1726.5 187 1241 140 0
4 -0.346213634 251.5 207.5 152 160.5 2
5 0.005343641 287 199 219 146 2
6 0.620371382 1235.5 174.5 2261 163 0
7 -0.556010772 2891 206 2555.5 175 0
8 -0.499999971 859 182 681.5 152.5 0
9 1.713752809 2048.5 178 8544.5 133.5 0
10 0.041281494 221 184 151 106.5 2
11 0.193815308 26608.5 202.5 34838 138.5 0
12 631 183.5 744 122 0
13 -0.782605915 1162.5 164.5 800 121 0
14 0.652873113 210.5 183.5 187 127.5 2
15 0.279843775 2092.5 212 3223.5 191.5 0
16 0.494665643 2193 204 3941 153.5 0
17 -0.028844625 3345 213 4295.5 151.5 0
18 0.594131436 201 167 167 139 2
19 0.023393006 373 177.5 323 184.5 2
20 -0.35179526 1275.5 245.5 1192.5 215.5 0

Total number of rows: 28800

Table truncated, full table size 1111 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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