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Sample GSM5115960 Query DataSets for GSM5115960
Status Public on Jul 21, 2022
Title granulosa cells_12h_H3K4me3
Sample type SRA
Source name mouse granulosa cells
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics strain: C57BL/6
genotype: wild type
age: post natal day 21-28
treatment/time point: 12 hours after hCG injection
tissue: ovary
cell type: mouse granulosa cells
chip antibody: H3K4me3 (generous gifts from Dr. H. Kimura, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan)
Treatment protocol The ovaries were obtained before hCG (0), and 4, 12 hours (h) after hCG injection. The follicles were punctured to isolate GCs.
Growth protocol C57BL/6 female mice were injected intraperitoneally with 4 IU of eCG to promote follicular growth followed by 5 IU of hCG injection to induce ovulation and luteinization.
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol Lysates were clarified from sonication/enzymatic digested nuclei and histone-DNA complexes were isolated with antibody. The ChIP DNA and the Input DNA ends were repaired using T4 DNA polymerase, Klenow enzyme, and T4 polynucleotide kinase(PNK) (New England Biolabs), followed by treatment with Klenow exo- to add an A base to the 3’ end. After ligation of the Solexa adaptor using TaKaRa ligation Mix (TaKaRa), the adaptor-ligated DNAs were amplified using Solexa PCR primers for 18 cycles, and the amplified library was isolated from an agarose gel. The samples were purified using the QIAquick MinElute kit (Qiagen) at each preparation step.
The purified library was used for cluster generation and sequencing analysis using the Genome Analyzer GAIIx (Illumina).
Library strategy ChIP-Seq
Library source genomic
Library selection ChIP
Instrument model Illumina Genome Analyzer IIx
Description C3-12h-H3K4me3_S34_L005
Data processing Basecalls performed using CASAVA version 1.8
ChIP-seq reads were aligned to the mm10 genome assembly using bowtie version 2.2.3 with the default parameters
Data were filtered using the following specifications…
peaks were called using MACS version 2.0.9 with the following setting: effective genome size = 1.87x10^9 (Mus musculus); upper and lower limit for model building = 5 and 50; q-value cutoff = 0.05; bandwidth = 300; broad mode = “off” ; nolambda=”on”.
Genome_build: mm10
Supplementary_files_format_and_content: peak BED file
Submission date Mar 01, 2021
Last update date Jul 21, 2022
Contact name Yuichiro Shirafuta
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Phone 0836222288
Organization name Yamaguchi university
Street address 1-1-1, minami-kogushi
City Ube
State/province Yamaguchi
ZIP/Postal code 7558505
Country Japan
Platform ID GPL11002
Series (2)
GSE167938 Integrated analysis of transcriptome and histone modifications in granulosa cells during ovulation in female mice [ChIP-seq]
GSE167940 Integrated analysis of transcriptome and histone modifications in granulosa cells during ovulation in female mice
BioSample SAMN18093702
SRA SRX10194327

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM5115960_C3-12h-H3K4me3_nolambda_peaks.bed.gz 229.4 Kb (ftp)(http) BED
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Raw data are available in SRA
Processed data provided as supplementary file

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