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Sample GSM51450 Query DataSets for GSM51450
Status Public on Nov 16, 2005
Title PhoR-null SeriesA Transition T+6.5 hours
Sample type RNA
Source name Total RNA SeriesB
Organism Bacillus subtilis
Extracted molecule total RNA
Description Total RNA was extracted from the wild-type strain (Bacillus subtilis, 168) and phoR and sigB-null mutants before, during (T0) and after transition to phosphate-limited growth. Cell harvesting, preparation of RNA, synthesis of radioactively labeled cDNA and hybridization of B. subtilis macroarrays (Sigma-Genosys, The Woodlands, Tex., USA) were performed as described by Eymann and co-workers (Eymann, C., H. Mach, C. R. Harwood, and M. Hecker. 1996. Phosphate-starvation-inducible proteins in Bacillus subtilis: a two-dimensional gel electrophoresis study. Microbiology 142:3163-70.). Each analysis was carried out twice, using two independently isolated RNA preparations and two different array batches. The arrays were exposed to a phosphorescent screen which was subsequently scanned with a Storm 860 PhosphorImager (Molecular Dynamics, Sunnyvale, CA, USA) at a resolution of 50 µm and a 16-bit color depth. For quantification of the hybridization signals and background subtraction, the ArrayVision software (Version 5.1, Imaging Research, Onteria, Canada) was used. Calculation of normalized intensity values of the individual spots was performed using the over-all-spot-normalization function of ArrayVision. To avoid extreme expression ratios for genes close to or below the detection limit, genes with signal intensity values corresponding to less that twice the background were not counted in the analysis. Subsequently, the average of the normalized intensity values of the duplicate spots of each gene was used to calculate the expression level ratios. Data analysis (statistical analysis, visualization and the generation of lists) was performed using the GeneSpring software (Version 4.2.12, Silicon Genetics, Redwood City, CA).
Keywords = phosphate starvation
Keywords = PhoP regulon
Keywords = signal transduction
Keywords = DNA-array
Keywords = gene expression
Submission date May 16, 2005
Last update date Nov 16, 2005
Contact name Nicholas Allenby
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Phone (+44) 191 2227708
Fax (+44) 191 2227736
Organization name The University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Department Institute for Cell and Molecular Biosciences
Lab Prof. Colin Harwood
Street address Leech Building, Medical School
City Newcastle upon Tyne
State/province Tyne and Wear
ZIP/Postal code NE2 4HH
Country United Kingdom
Platform ID GPL188
Series (1)
GSE2667 Genome-wide transcriptional analysis of the phosphate starvation stimulon of Bacillus subtilis

Data table header descriptions
SPOTA spot A
SPOTB spot B
RAW average of spot A and spot B
BACK background
VALUE normalised value

Data table
349 32034.82613 26460.08386 29247.45499 16490.10226 0.263086148
1371 48893.50888 47564.49134 48229.00011 16490.10226 0.654529553
564 24488.4057 23495.73911 23992.07241 16490.10226 0.154707992
1083 73363.31599 62394.92496 67879.12048 16490.10226 1.059760527
1018 29060.2881 26115.61721 27587.95266 16490.10226 0.228863368
2809 138828.5938 148757.283 143792.9384 16490.10226 2.625279202
1290 44084.84278 44657.45878 44371.15078 16490.10226 0.574971768
985 22475.62086 24849.81766 23662.71926 16490.10226 0.147915968
984 115633.6365 120802.0615 118217.849 16490.10226 2.097861649
1591 22808.57328 20507.10541 21657.83934 16490.10226 0.106570703
3919 45682.55734 49101.68036 47392.11885 16490.10226 0.637271124
1638 16729.82305 19352.91912 18041.37109 16490.10226 0.031990755
3169 33579.31914 39357.24357 36468.28135 16490.10226 0.411996305
3170 22524.08645 22847.46743 22685.77694 16490.10226 0.127769156
1639 19347.72299 17309.29032 18328.50666 16490.10226 0.037912155
3171 24562.20625 26406.17271 25484.18948 16490.10226 0.185478901
3328 87889.97427 92335.54268 90112.75847 16490.10226 1.518269616
1878 99917.98927 88605.17286 94261.58107 16490.10226 1.603827943
2000 23217.5489 29370.60036 26294.07463 16490.10226 0.202180608
2777 43977.82587 33936.8772 38957.35153 16490.10226 0.463326694

Total number of rows: 4107

Table truncated, full table size 257 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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