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Sample GSM568415 Query DataSets for GSM568415
Status Public on Jan 01, 2011
Title JR32 strain grown to exponential phase (SCOTS treated), replicate 6
Sample type mixed
Channel 1
Source name 3XSCOTS cDNA obtained from JR32 grown to exponential phase
Organism Legionella pneumophila subsp. pneumophila str. Philadelphia 1
Characteristics media: AYE broth, 37C
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol TRIzol reagent (Gibco BRL) was used according to the manufacturer instruction. RNA was treated with DNase I (Ambion). RNA sample was converted to cDNA in 5 independent reverse-transcription reactions as described previously (Graham, J. 1999. PNAS 96:11554-559). Bacterial transcript were purified from host transcript by using 3 rounds of the SCOTS procedure (Daigle, F. 2002. Methods Enzymol. 358:108-122).
Label AlexaFluor 546
Label protocol 2 µg of cDNA was labeled using amino-allyl dUTP (GE Healthcare) by random priming with Klenow (New England Biolabs) as previously described (Porwollik, S. 2001. Mutat Res 483:1-11.). Subsequently, the resulting cDNA was coupled to the succinimidyl ester fluorescent dye AlexaFluor 546.
Channel 2
Source name Genomic DNA used as reference channel
Organism Legionella pneumophila subsp. pneumophila str. Philadelphia 1
Characteristics reference: genomic DNA
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol Wizard Genomic Purification Kit (Promega).
Label AlexaFluor 647
Label protocol 5 ug of genomic DNA was labeled with amino-allyl dUTP with klenow fragment and random hexamer as previously described (Porwollik, S. 2001. Mutat Res 483:1). Subsequently, the resulting DNA was coupled to the succinimidyl ester fluorescent dye AlexaFluor 647.
Hybridization protocol Hybridization was performed as previously described (Hovel-Miner, G 2009. JB, 191:2461).
Scan protocol Scanning and image acquisition was performed on a Scan Array Express (Perkin Elmer) using ScanArray 3.0 software as previously described (Hovel-Miner, G 2009. JB, 191:2461).
Description L. pneumophila was grown to exponential phase in rich AYE broth. This is the control condition to identify L. pneumophila genes differentially expressed during intracellular multiplication.
Data processing The data was background subtracted and normalized by calculating the contribution of each spot to the total intensity and the ratio to gDNA was recorded.
Submission date Jul 20, 2010
Last update date Jan 01, 2011
Contact name Sebastien Faucher
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Phone 514-398-7886
Organization name McGill University
Department Natural Resource Sciences
Lab Faucher
Street address 21,111 Lakeshore
City St-Anne-de-Bellevue
State/province QC
ZIP/Postal code H9X 3V9
Country Canada
Platform ID GPL7283
Series (2)
GSE23029 Legionella pneumophila transcriptome during intracellular multiplication in human macrophages
GSE23032 Comparison of SCOTS and standard microarray protocol

Data table header descriptions
VALUE log2 ratio of Ch1 over Ch2. Values for both channel have been background subtracted and % total normalised
Ch1_Median Channel 1 median
Ch1_B_Median Channel 1 background median
Ch2_Median Channel 2 median
Ch2_B_Median Channel 2 background median

Data table
ID_REF VALUE Ch1_Median Ch1_B_Median Ch2_Median Ch2_B_Median
lpg0001 0.969006979 2902 221.5 4297.5 911.5
lpg0002 -2.520579029 9511.5 214.5 1905 861.5
lpg0003 -0.87256888 8717.5 209 3837.5 840
lpg0004 2.402012117 5910 232.5 20231.5 901.5
lpg0005 -0.873343669 7557.5 213.5 3388.5 804
lpg0006 0.179183375 3945 211 3611.5 887.5
lpg0007 0.123861338 12527.5 215 9476 835.5
lpg0008 -2.501149852 1949.5 209.5 1088 886.5
lpg0009 -1.150572056 3051 224.5 1728.5 907.5
lpg0010 -1.395449601 9099 226 2983 813
lpg0011 -2.778734083 5469.5 217 1331.5 811
lpg0012 -1.080019295 9289.5 210.5 3599.5 835.5
lpg0013 0.866525674 10705 231 13277.5 978
lpg0014 -1.5907419 8017.5 222 2487 817.5
lpg0015 null 1152 210 760 824.5
lpg0016 -4.57638268 25757 233.5 1524.5 832.5
lpg0017 -1.822556451 22670.5 243.5 4987 906.5
lpg0018 1.030085397 2115 239.5 3383 916
lpg0019 -0.067469092 4383.5 207 3392 823.5
lpg0020 0.772790739 11099 228.5 12900 933

Total number of rows: 2976

Table truncated, full table size 123 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided
Processed data included within Sample table

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