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Sample GSM5970784 Query DataSets for GSM5970784
Status Public on Nov 30, 2022
Title 418_syn_6
Sample type SRA
Source name Hoechst-negative subneuronal compartments
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics genotype: 5XFAD
gender: Female
age: 9-mo
tissue: hippocampus
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol The frozen brain tissues were homogenized by Dounce Homogenizer, and the homogenate was fixed by incubating with 3% PFA at room temperature for 10 min. Hoechst-postive single nuclei and Hoechst-negative single synapses were sorted out by FANS.
Total-RNA based transcriptome library was generated with MATQ-Drop chemistry.
Library strategy RNA-Seq
Library source transcriptomic
Library selection cDNA
Instrument model Illumina NextSeq 500
Data processing Base-calling was performed with the standard Illumina NextSeq500 procedure.
The 3’ polyA tail of cDNA on Read 1 was trimmed with cutadapt v3.1, the Read 2 covering cell barcode sequences was assigned to a pre-defined barcode list.
Reads with successfully assigned cell barcodes were extracted with umi_tools extract (v1.0.1). Extracted Read 1 was mapped to the mm10 genome with STAR v2.5.3a, and the uniquely mapped reads with mapping q score no smaller than 250 was used for downstream analysis.
The filtered reads were assigned to genes by featureCounts v2.0.1 with appropriate Gencode annotation gtf files. (stradness parameter: -s 2)
For the reads with unambiguously assigned gene features, umi_tools “count” command was used to generate the transcript-based or exon-based digital gene expression matrix (parameter: --per-gene --gene-tag=XT --per-cell –method=directional).
Nuclei with mitochondrial UMI fraction higher than 5% were removed. Synapses with mitochondrial UMI fraction smaller than 5% were removed. Next, genes on chrMT and rRNA genes (based on Ensembl annotation) were removed from downstream analysis.
Assembly: mm10
Supplementary files format and content: tab-delimited files include the transcript-based, intron-based, and exon-based UMI count matrix for each sample.
Submission date Mar 24, 2022
Last update date Nov 30, 2022
Contact name Chenghang Zong
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Organization name Baylor College of Medicine
Lab Zong Lab
Street address 1 Baylor Plaza
City Houston
State/province TX
ZIP/Postal code 77030
Country USA
Platform ID GPL19057
Series (2)
GSE199344 High-Throughput Transcriptome Profiling of Single Nuclei and Single Synapses Using Single-Cell Total-RNA-Seq [Mm]
GSE199346 High-Throughput Transcriptome Profiling of Single Nuclei and Single Synapses Using Single-Cell Total-RNA-Seq
BioSample SAMN26931451
SRA SRX14598353

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