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Sample GSM6021902 Query DataSets for GSM6021902
Status Public on Sep 09, 2022
Title planula2d
Sample type SRA
Source name Early planula 2dpf
Organism Nematostella vectensis
Characteristics sample type: Early planula
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Whole embryos, animals, or dissected tissues were treated with TrypLETM Select Enzyme (A1217702, Thermo Fisher Scientific). Enzyme concentration and incubation time were adapted to each stage. Cell viability and counts were assayed with a Cellometer X2 (Nexcelom). Cell suspensions were diluted and loaded into a 10x Genomics single cell platform using vs2 and vs3 reagents.
10X Genomics Chromium v2/v3 chemistry
Library strategy RNA-Seq
Library source transcriptomic
Library selection cDNA
Instrument model Illumina NextSeq 500
Data processing cellranger pipeline using default parameters with forced recovery of 7000 cells for each library
cells filtered for minimum 250 (vs2) or 350 (vs3) detected genes
library names were appended to barcodes from individual libraries
count matrices were concatenated into a single dataset
Assembly: Reads were mapped to the JGI genome assembly (Vs1) using a customized transcriptome (David Fredman 2013), wherein all gene models were extended by 1000bp in the 3’ direction, or until the start of the next gene model in the same orientation.
Supplementary files format and content: alldata.mtx: count matrix after demultiplexing, mapping, and UMI reduction for all libraries
Supplementary files format and content: alldata.genes.csv text file with gene names (NVE models: rows)
Supplementary files format and content: alldata.cells.csv text file with sample names (columns)
Supplementary files format and content: NVEmodels.gtf mapping coordinates for genome mapping
Submission date Apr 05, 2022
Last update date Sep 09, 2022
Contact name Alison G Cole
Organization name University of Vienna
Department Neurosciences and Developmental Biology
Street address Djerassiplatz 1
City Vienna
ZIP/Postal code 1030
Country Austria
Platform ID GPL23029
Series (1)
GSE200198 A time course of sea anemone development
BioSample SAMN27350026
SRA SRX14746742

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