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Sample GSM664651 Query DataSets for GSM664651
Status Public on Oct 06, 2011
Title Col_leaf_0mM NaCl_rep1 (wt + tg set)
Sample type RNA
Source name Col plant, 0mM NaCl, 6 d
Organism Arabidopsis thaliana
Characteristics tissue: leaf
genotype: wt
age: 20 days after sowing
genetic background: Col-0
treatment: 0mM NaCl
Treatment protocol Plants subjected to salt stress were watered with NaCl solution which was dissolved in ½ Strength Hoagland Solution. Salt treatment started at 14 DAS . Plants were watered from below to field capacity and then sprayed with the same concentration of NaCl solution from the top, ensuring adequate leaching and preventing excess salinity. The concentrations of NaCl supplementation were increased stepwise by 50 mM every 2 days for each line, to the indicated maximum (0, 100 mM). Plants were then watered every 2 days with or without NaCl at the indicated concentrations. The flats were rotated in the growth chamber everyday to minimize the effect of growth condition.
Growth protocol Seeds of both transgenic and wild type plants were sown as described above with two replicate pots for each genotype and salt combination. Plants were grown at 23/18 °C in the growth chamber under a short-day cycle (10h light/14 h dark) at 350 μmol m-2s-1 and 70% relative humidity in order to increase seedling leaf area and growth while not promoting bolting. Sampling time was performed at 20 DAS by collecting developed but not senescent leaves (about 0.5cm width × 1.5cm length) from at least 15 seedlings.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA was extracted and purified using QIAGEN-RNeasy Mini Kit according to guidelines specified by the manufacturer.
Label biotin
Label protocol Ten µg of total RNA was processed to produce biotinylated cRNA targets.
Hybridization protocol standard Affymetrix procedures
Scan protocol standard Affymetrix procedures
Description Gene expression data in Col in the absence of salt
Data processing All the Affymetrix data files produced with Affymetrix GCOS software (*.CEL files) were analyzed using Bioconductor, a public source software for the analyses of genomic data rooted in the statistical computing environment R. The data were normalized by robust multioiarray normalization of probe-level data with RMA and analyzed using affylmGUI running on R software.
Submission date Jan 31, 2011
Last update date Oct 07, 2011
Contact name Zhulong Chan
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Organization name Wuhan Botanic Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Street address Wuchang District, Moshan
City Wuhan
State/province Hubei
ZIP/Postal code 430074
Country China
Platform ID GPL198
Series (1)
GSE26983 Comparison of salt stress resistance genes in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana indicates that extent of transcriptomic change may not predict secondary phenotypic or fitness effects
Reanalysis of GSM420236

Data table header descriptions
VALUE RMA-calculated log2 intensity

Data table
244901_at 4.700318323
244902_at 4.793655862
244903_at 5.867350647
244904_at 5.561427749
244905_at 4.161827635
244906_at 5.450507972
244907_at 4.133394241
244908_at 4.134941379
244909_at 3.930468845
244910_s_at 3.705758168
244911_at 3.576892198
244912_at 6.852499552
244913_at 4.089207453
244914_at 4.016919975
244915_s_at 4.930709738
244916_at 4.293077547
244917_at 3.967916598
244918_at 3.664700259
244919_at 5.113819839
244920_s_at 6.9363995

Total number of rows: 22810

Table truncated, full table size 490 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM664651_Col-0mM-1.CEL.gz 2.1 Mb (ftp)(http) CEL
Processed data included within Sample table

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