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Sample GSM67030 Query DataSets for GSM67030
Status Public on Aug 02, 2006
Title CtrXM_8hr.2_m
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name Zebrafish liver tissue
Organism Danio rerio
Characteristics Zebrafish liver tissue exposed to arsenic
Growth protocol Zebrafish were reared at room temperature (27 ± 2°C)
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA of tissue samples were extracted using Trizol reagent (Invitrogen) according to the manufacturers instructions.
Label Cy5
Label protocol For fluorescence labeling of cDNAs, 20 µg of total RNA from the reference and experimental samples were
reverse transcribed in the presence of Cy3-dUTP and Cy5-dUTP (Amersham Inc.), respectively. Labeled cDNA were pooled, concentrated, and
resuspended in DIG EasyHyb (Roche Applied Science) buffer for hybridization.
Channel 2
Source name Zebrafish liver tissue
Organism Danio rerio
Characteristics Reference RNA was obtained by pooling equal amount of male and female total RNA extracted from liver tissues
of wild-type zebrafish.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA of tissue samples were extracted using Trizol reagent (Invitrogen) according to the manufacturers instructions.
Label Cy3
Label protocol For fluorescence labeling of cDNAs, 20 µg of total RNA from the reference and experimental samples were reverse
transcribed in the presence of Cy3-dUTP and Cy5-dUTP (Amersham Inc.), respectively. Labeled cDNA were pooled, concentrated, and resuspended in
DIG EasyHyb (Roche Applied Science) buffer for hybridization.
Scan protocol The arrays were scanned using the GenePix 4000B microarray scanner (Axon Instruments, USA) and the generated images with their fluorescence signal intensities were analyzed using GenePix Pro 4.0 image analysis software (Axon Instruments, USA).
Description Fish were treated with arsenic [As(V)] acid (Na2HAsO4.7H2O; Sigma, USA) at 60 mg/L in a static condition for 96 hours (h) whereby less than 10% mortality occurred in arsenic-treated group within the experiment duration. No mortality was observed in the control group. The concentration was chosen based on an initial survival versus concentration experiment. Fish livers were sampled at 8 h, 24 h, 48 h and 96 h, and 12 fish livers were separated into 3 pooled-samples (each pooled samples consist of 4 livers) at each time point.
Three biological replicates are performed for each time point (8,24,48,96 hrs). Test and control samples are hybridized against a reference. No dye swap experiment has been performed.
Data processing The data were global median normalized.Normalized ratio of means defined by CH1/CH2
Submission date Aug 03, 2005
Last update date Aug 03, 2005
Contact name Siew Hong Lam
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Phone (65)- 68742860
Fax (65)-67792486
Organization name National University of Singapore
Department Biological Sciences
Street address 14 Science Drive 4
City Singapore
ZIP/Postal code 117543
Country Singapore
Platform ID GPL2715
Series (1)
GSE3048 Trancriptome Kinetics of Arsenic-induced Adaptive Response in Zebrafish Liver.

Data table header descriptions
ID_REF Unique ID
CH1_Median CH1(F635) median fluorescence intensity
CH1_MEAN CH1 (F635) mean fluorescence intensity
CH1_SD CH1 (F635) fluorescence intensity standard deviation
CH1_BKD_Median CH1 (F635) background median fluorescence intensity
CH1_BKD_MEAN CH1 (F635) background mean fluorescence intensity
CH1_BKD_SD CH1 (F635) background fluorescence intensity standard deviation
%>CH1_BKD_+2SD % of feature pixels greater than two standard deviations over the background
CH2_Median CH2(F532) median fluorescence intensity
CH2_MEAN CH2 (F532) mean fluorescence intensity
CH2_SD CH2 (F532) fluorescence intensity standard deviation
CH2_BKD_Median CH2 (F532) background median fluorescence intensity
CH2_BKD_MEAN CH2 (F532) background mean fluorescence intensity
CH2_BKD_SD CH2 (F532) background fluorescence intensity standard deviation
%>CH2_BKD_+2SD % of feature pixels greater than two standard deviations over the background
Ratio_of_Means Unnormalized ratio of means defined by CH1/CH2
AREA Number of feature pixels
BKD_AREA Number of feature background pixels
CH1_Median-CH1_BKD Channel 1 median signal
CH2_Median-CH2_BKD Channel 2 median signal
CH1_Mean-CH1_BKD Channel 1 mean signal
CH2_Mean-CH2_BKD Channel 2 mean signal
PRE_VALUE Normalized ratio of means defined by CH1/CH2

Data table
5269516 0.5970 6017 6048 1425 128 141 79 100 4257 4411 1315 243 260 100 100 1.4199999999999999 80 560 5889 4014 5907 4151 1.5126150047320328
5269517 0.6895 14769 14717 1639 125 155 168 100 10192 9879 2701 243 287 255 100 1.514 52 420 14644 9949 14562 9592 1.6126957349767987
5269518 0.1893 306 319 102 122 137 67 75 412 424 134 240 254 87 50 1.071 80 560 184 172 182 170 1.1402046580543601
5269519 0.4031 384 408 137 110 121 56 93 464 469 166 229 241 83 62 1.242 80 560 274 235 287 228 1.3223287184948536
5269520 0.4724 1113 1116 216 122 139 81 100 992 1005 215 242 256 85 100 1.3029999999999999 52 420 991 750 977 749 1.387382634268352
5269521 -1.9092 120 131 52 118 128 57 4 286 305 128 253 269 98 8 .25 156 1106 2 33 3 36 .266240681576145
5269522 -0.0776 327 337 130 127 140 63 71 509 495 154 259 278 105 56 .89000000000000001 32 236 200 250 197 217 .9476363242540754
5269523 -0.0267 388 399 118 128 138 58 92 552 556 158 262 279 130 53 .92200000000000004 52 414 260 290 261 277 .98164931574333736
5269524 -0.6192 268 283 87 132 148 76 43 512 518 121 271 282 112 56 .61099999999999999 32 236 136 241 135 236 .6510500877408566
5269525 -0.5439 221 221 69 145 157 67 25 332 358 125 240 258 119 11 .64400000000000002 52 420 76 92 64 100 .68590819660294977
5269526 0.1553 854 849 213 163 172 73 97 951 940 277 284 299 100 93 1.046 80 554 691 667 677 641 1.1136652900075332
5269527 -4.2311 127 140 53 141 151 64 1 258 268 74 248 268 141 0 -.050000000000000003 156 1206 -14 10 -11 0 .053248136315229004
5269528 0.3781 395 412 149 124 136 75 82 463 488 185 252 268 92 55 1.22 80 554 271 211 276 220 1.2996155304055892
5269529 0.6744 1619 1639 229 106 119 61 100 1192 1241 273 218 242 121 100 1.4990000000000001 52 340 1513 974 1520 999 1.5958825605326696
5269530 0.9807 739 777 221 121 159 155 96 582 592 181 238 260 104 81 1.853 80 630 618 344 618 332 1.9734902498751539
5269531 -0.0602 384 385 88 104 116 56 98 524 540 175 228 247 108 69 .90100000000000002 52 420 280 296 269 293 .95914912208841985
5269532 0.1157 472 465 148 115 125 54 93 582 605 177 261 270 87 81 1.0169999999999999 80 560 357 321 340 335 1.0835376575773343
5269533 -2.4117 110 120 49 117 127 55 3 252 273 99 256 269 91 4 .17599999999999999 156 1101 -7 -4 -7 4 .18793459875963178
5269534 0.2063 135 148 61 122 135 62 7 308 330 133 306 396 272 0 1.083 156 973 13 2 13 -66 1.1537096201632948
5269535 -0.4144 154 164 64 133 143 66 8 285 309 100 265 284 115 5 .70499999999999996 156 1038 21 20 21 25 .7503146480782269

Total number of rows: 16512

Table truncated, full table size 2024 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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