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Sample GSM699443 Query DataSets for GSM699443
Status Public on May 10, 2015
Title V3bissal-R7coc_Low-accumbens
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name Accumbens nucleus from mouse submitted to conditioned place preference
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics tissue: Accumbens nucleus
Sex: male
treatment: received saline solution at D2 D3 D4 of conditioned place preference protocol
background: C57BL6
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Kit Picopure (Arcturus)
Label Cy5-CTP Agilent
Label protocol Briefly, 50-ng aliquots of total RNA were labeled using the Agilent Linear Amplification/Labeling kit (Agilent Technologies).
Channel 2
Source name Accumbens nucleus from mouse submitted to conditioned place preference
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics tissue: Accumbens nucleus
Sex: male
treatment: received cocaine (15 mg/kg) at D2 D3 D4 of conditioned place preference protocol
background: C57BL6
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Kit Picopure (Arcturus)
Label Cy3-CTP Agilent
Label protocol Briefly, 50-ng aliquots of total RNA were labeled using the Agilent Linear Amplification/Labeling kit (Agilent Technologies).
Hybridization protocol After checking the labeling efficiency and the product integrity, 750 ng Cy3- and 750 ng Cy5-labeled targets were mixed and incubated on an Agilent microarray slide for 17 hours at 65°C, in a rotating oven, using an Agilent in situ hybridization kit. The slides were washed and then any traces of water were removed by centrifugation at 800 rpm for 1 min.
Scan protocol Slides were scanned using an Agilent G6525 Microarray Scanner at 5-μm resolution. The photo multiplier tube (PMT) levels of the two channels at 635 nm (for Cy5) and 532 nm (for Cy3) were balanced to limit the number of saturated pixels for generating gray scale 16-bit TIFF image files
Data processing The data were extracted using Feature Extraction software (Agilent).The pre-processing of the data and its quality assessment were done using the MANGO (MicroArray Normalization tool of GODMAP) tools suit (version 1.0, CNRS BioInfome Team []), an R script that allows integrated analysis of two-color microarrays. The background level was calculated using morphological operators (a short closing followed by a large opening) and subtracted. Raw data were normalized using the print-tip lowess method, i.e. local regression normalization within an artificial print-tip block.
Submission date Mar 29, 2011
Last update date May 10, 2015
Contact name Gilles Maussion
Organization name INSERM U675
Street address 16 rue Henri Huchard
ZIP/Postal code 75018
Country France
Platform ID GPL2872
Series (2)
GSE28529 Transcriptome of accumbens nuclei from mice having low scores of cocaine-dependent conditioned place preference
GSE28828 Transcriptomes of subthalamic nuclei, globus pallidus, and accumbens nuclei from mice with low and high scores of cocaine-dependent conditioned place preference

Data table header descriptions
INV_VALUE log2 lowess normalized ratio 635/532

Data table
1 0.726982 -0.726981505593584
2 0.668379 -0.668378508908794
3 0.244073 -0.244073316749399
4 -0.0356239 0.0356239097307212
5 0.313158 -0.31315788525963
6 0.640919 -0.640918906695172
7 0.521537 -0.521537120579523
8 0.146389 -0.146389486981523
9 0.702319 -0.702319451359315
10 0.19651 -0.196509787033274
11 -0.092002 0.0920020008655068
12 0.710493 -0.710493382805015
13 0.626542 -0.626541604472556
14 0.625835 -0.625834782136684
15 0.661584 -0.661583782324069
16 -0.00850209 0.00850209482883221
17 0.10497 -0.104969559601543
18 0.604071 -0.604071323668861
19 0.540568 -0.540568381362703
20 -0.302161 0.302160737123615

Total number of rows: 44290

Table truncated, full table size 1441 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM699443.gpr.gz 3.1 Mb (ftp)(http) GPR
Processed data included within Sample table

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