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Sample GSM754676 Query DataSets for GSM754676
Status Public on Jul 05, 2012
Title E. coli O157:H7 EDL933 in LB at 37oC for 7 hrs incubation with indole-3-acetaldehyde
Sample type RNA
Source name RNA extracted from e. coli o157: H7 EDL933 cells grown (7 hrs incubation) in LB at 37ºC with 0.1 mg/ml of IAAld
Organism Escherichia coli
Characteristics serotype: O157:H7
strain: EDL933
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol E. coli O157:H7 EDL933 was inoculated in 100 ml of LB in 250 ml shake flasks with overnight cultures that were diluted 1:100. Cells were shaken with 4 g of glass wool at 250 rpm and 37°C for 7 hrs. Cells were immediately chilled with dry ice and 95% ethanol (to prevent RNA degradation) for 30 sec before centrifugation in 50 ml centrifuge tubes at 13,000 g for 2 min; cell pellets were frozen immediately with dry ice and stored -80°C. RNA was isolated using Qiagen RNeasy mini Kit (Cat# 74104) with Qiagen RNase-free DNase I (Cat# 79254).
Label biotin
Label protocol Following affymetrix protocol.
cDNA was synthesized first using Promega M-MLV Reverse transcriptase (cat# M1705). After removing RNA, DNA fragmentation was performed to obtain and 50-200 base cDNA fragments. The fragmented cDNA was labelled with Biotin-ddUTP using Enzo BioArray Terminal Labeling Kit (Affymetrix, P/N 900181).
Hybridization protocol Following affymetrix protocol.
Prepared hybridization cocktail for Single Probe Array (49 Format) with total 200 ul volume including 1X hybrization buffer, 50 pM B2 Control Oligo, 0.1 mg/mL Herring Sperm DNA, 0.5 mg/mL BSA, and at least 1 ug fragmented and labelled cDNA.
After loading of hybridization cocktail in Affymetrix E. coli Antisense Genome Array, the hybridization was performed at 45ºC, with 60 rpm for 16 hours.
After hybridization, the probe array was washed and stained using Affymetrix Genechip Fluidics Station 450 and the software GenomeChipOperating Software (GCOS).
Scan protocol Following affymetrix protocol.
After washing and staining, the probe array was scanned using Affymetrix Genechip scanner GCS3000 7G system and the software GenomeChipOperating Software (GCOS).
Description RNA extracted from E. coli EDL933 cells grown on glass wool for 7 hrs in LB at 37ºC
Data processing MAS 5.0 Expression Analysis Default Setting
Submission date Jul 06, 2011
Last update date Jul 05, 2012
Contact name Jintae Lee
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Phone 82-53-810-2533
Organization name Yeungnam University
Department Chemical engineering
Lab Biotechnology
Street address 214-1 Daedong
City Gyeongsan-Si
State/province Gyeongsangbuk-Do
ZIP/Postal code 712-749
Country South Korea
Platform ID GPL3154
Series (1)
GSE30424 Indole-3-Acetaldehyde Inhibits Escherichia coli O157:H7 Biofilm Formation by Reducing Curli Formation

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Signal intensity accepted from the probeset
ABS_CALL Probeset signal: absent or present
DETECTION P-VALUE Probeset signal: p-value (shows the coherency of the results)

Data table
AFFX-BioB-5_at 380.562 P 0.000753643
AFFX-BioB-M_at 305.073 P 5.16732e-05
AFFX-BioB-3_at 201.916 A 0.239063
AFFX-BioC-5_at 62.8841 A 0.0726999
AFFX-BioC-3_at 138.734 P 0.0103112
AFFX-BioDn-5_at 55.7651 M 0.0542134
AFFX-BioDn-3_at 218.386 P 0.0138105
AFFX-CreX-5_at 4.4024 A 0.772364
AFFX-CreX-3_at 2.50766 A 0.999419
AFFX-DapX-5_at 4640.08 P 4.42873e-05
AFFX-DapX-M_at 3363.81 P 4.42873e-05
AFFX-DapX-3_at 2952.85 P 4.42873e-05
AFFX-LysX-5_at 405.212 P 0.000856509
AFFX-LysX-M_at 206.281 P 0.000445901
AFFX-LysX-3_at 129.383 P 0.00140803
AFFX-PheX-5_at 674.627 P 4.42873e-05
AFFX-PheX-M_at 476.929 P 0.000146581
AFFX-PheX-3_at 342.669 P 0.000445901
AFFX-ThrX-5_at 1076.08 P 4.42246e-05
AFFX-ThrX-M_at 1457.89 P 0.000258358

Total number of rows: 10208

Table truncated, full table size 326 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM754676.CEL.gz 774.1 Kb (ftp)(http) CEL
GSM754676.CHP.gz 110.8 Kb (ftp)(http) CHP
Processed data included within Sample table
Processed data provided as supplementary file
Processed data are available on Series record

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