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Sample GSM783820 Query DataSets for GSM783820
Status Public on Sep 01, 2012
Title Bemisia tabaci adults fed on PAP Purple plants for 6hr vs wild type- Replicate1- dye swap
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name Bemisia tabaci adults fed on wild type plants for 6hr
Organism Bemisia tabaci
Characteristics developmental status: adult
feeding: fed on wild type plants for 6hr
Treatment protocol Feeding B.tabaci adults on PAP Purple transgenic plants for 6hr compared to wild type.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol TRIZOL
Label Cy5
Label protocol Cy3 and cy5 stnadard aminoallyl labeling
Channel 2
Source name Bemisia tabaci adults fed on PAP Purple plants for 6hr
Organism Bemisia tabaci
Characteristics developmental status: adult
feeding: fed on PAP Purple plants for 6hr
Treatment protocol Feeding B.tabaci adults on PAP Purple transgenic plants for 6hr compared to wild type.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol TRIZOL
Label Cy3
Label protocol Cy3 and cy5 stnadard aminoallyl labeling
Hybridization protocol The labeled cDNAs were purified by QIAquick PCR purification kit (QIAGEN) and mixed in 20XSSC with 20µg poly(A) and 0.15% v/v SDS and then hybridized to the microarray in a 65° C water bath for 16-18hr. The slides were washed for 2 minutes in each of the following solutions: 1.14 X SSC with 0.0285% SDS, then 1.14 X SSC, 0.228 X SSC and 0.057 X SSC. Next, the slides were dried at 1000 X g for 5 in a table-top centrifuge.
Scan protocol Agilent automatic scanner (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA).
Description Hyb16
Data processing ScanArray Express - Microarray Analysis System, version3 was used for data acquisition. (Perkin Elmer LAS, Inc, 2004)
The fluorescence intensity of the spots was quantified using the ScanArray software (Waltham, MA, USA). Statistical analysis was performed using the Limma (Linear Models for Microarray Data) package from the Bioconductor project ( The gpr files (raw data) were read into limma using the function "read.maimages". Probes with flag values less than -74 were filtered out. Local background subtraction and lowess normalization were applied within arrays and a quantile normalization between arrays. Standard quality control was performed using the plot functions of Limma. The statistical analysis was performed using an approach called linear models for designed microarray experiments. We estimated the fold-changes and standard errors by fitting a linear model for each gene and applying empirical Bayes smoothing to the standard errors. FDR (false discovery rate) was used to correct for multiple comparisons. A 1.5-fold cut-off was considered as a filtering criterion for identifying B. tabaci ESTs that are significantly up- or down-regulated during short-term feeding (6 h) on PAP versus WT plants.
Submission date Aug 22, 2011
Last update date Sep 01, 2012
Contact name Michal Alon
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Phone 972-8-9489365
Fax 972-8-9466768
Organization name Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Department Department of Entomology
Lab Dr. Shai Morin
Street address Herzel St.
City Rehovot
ZIP/Postal code 76100
Country Israel
Platform ID GPL9003
Series (1)
GSE31569 Insights into the transcriptomics of polyphagy: Bemisia tabaci adaptability to phenylpropanoids involves coordinated expression of defense and metabolic genes

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Lowess normalized log2 ratio (Bemisia tabaci fed on PAP transgenic plants/Bemisia tabaci fed on wild type plants)

Data table
BT_TYLCV002_A03 0.405686586
BT_TYLCV002_A07 0.221617846
BT_TYLCV002_A08 -0.143837771
BT_TYLCV002_A10 0.234307619
BT_TYLCV002_B02 0.129060288
BT_TYLCV002_B05 0.464701603
BT_TYLCV002_B07 -0.10222346
BT_TYLCV002_B10 -0.121617827
BT_TYLCV002_C04 -0.341975386
BT_TYLCV002_C09 0.184462141
BT_TYLCV002_C12 -0.241339551
BT_TYLCV002_D10 0.081415306
BT_TYLCV002_E03 -0.326641357
BT_TYLCV002_E04 0.280121453
BT_TYLCV002_E05 0.316123561
BT_TYLCV002_E09 -0.109495777
BT_TYLCV002_F01 -0.185828849
BT_TYLCV002_F02 -0.144311438
BT_TYLCV002_F05 -0.004455957
BT_TYLCV002_F08 0.115678238

Total number of rows: 5738

Table truncated, full table size 195 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM783820.gpr.gz 809.1 Kb (ftp)(http) GPR
Processed data included within Sample table
Processed data are available on Series record

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