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Sample GSM78667 Query DataSets for GSM78667
Status Public on Dec 31, 2005
Title EB017.066 Oct 19 16k Coho Salmon GH Transgenic Study
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name Cy3 labeled full-ration GH transgenic (T)
Organism Oncorhynchus kisutch
Characteristics GRASP microarray studies were conducted using liver samples. To minimize technical variability within a study, all targets were synthesized in one round, and all hybridizations were conducted simultaneously on slides from a single batch (EB017). Total RNA, prepared from flash-frozen adult liver tissues using TRIzol reagent and methods (Invitrogen), was quantified and quality-checked by spectrophotometer and agarose gel. The microarray experiments used pooled RNA templates: pooled C contained equal quantities from 10 individual C fish, pooled R contained equal quantities from 10 individual R fish, and pooled T contained equal quantities from 10 individual T fish. Microarray experimental design involved 3 comparisons (C vs. R, C vs. T, R vs. T), each run in duplicate (1 chip and a dye flip). Microarray hybridizations were performed using the Genisphere Array50 kit and instructions. Briefly, 20 ug total RNA (pooled C, pooled R, or pooled T) were reverse transcribed using oligo d(T) primers with 3' or 5' unique sequence overhangs for the Cy3 or Cy5 labeling reactions, respectively. Microarrays were prepared for hybridization by washing 2 X 5 min in 0.1% SDS, washing 5 X 1 min in MilliQ H2O, immersing 3 min in 95 C MilliQ H2O, and drying by centrifugation (5 min 2000 rpm in 50 ml conical tube). Microarray hybridizations were run in the dark under HybriSlips hybridization covers (Grace Biolabs) in slide hybridization chambers (Corning) submerged in a 48 C water bath. The coho salmon liver cDNAs were hybridized to the salmonid cDNA microarray in a formamide-based buffer (25% formamide, 4X SSC, 0.5% SDS, 2X Denhardt's solution) 16 h at 48 C. Coverslips were floated off in 48 C (2X SSC, 0.1% SDS), and arrays were washed 1 X 10 min in 2X SSC, 0.1% SDS at 48 C, 2 X 5 min in 2X SSC, 0.1% SDS at room temperature (RT), 2 X 5 min in 1X SSC at RT, and 2 X 5 min in 0.1X SSC at RT, and dried by centrifugation as before. The Cy3 and Cy5 3-dimensional fluorescent molecules (3DNA capture reagent, Genisphere) were hybridized to the bound cDNA on the microarray in a formamide-based buffer (25% formamide, 4X SSC, 0.5% SDS, 2X Denhardt's solution) for 3 h at 48 C, and washed and dried as before.
Fluorescent images of hybridized arrays were acquired using ScanArray and extracted using QuantArray (Perkin Elmer). The same laser power (90%) and photomultiplier tube (PMT) settings were used for all slides in each study (Cy3 PMT 78-80, Cy5 PMT 72-76).
Extracted molecule total RNA
Label Cy3
Channel 2
Source name Cy5 control non-transgenic (C)
Organism Oncorhynchus kisutch
Characteristics GRASP microarray studies were conducted using liver samples. To minimize technical variability within a study, all targets were synthesized in one round, and all hybridizations were conducted simultaneously on slides from a single batch (EB017). Total RNA, prepared from flash-frozen adult liver tissues using TRIzol reagent and methods (Invitrogen), was quantified and quality-checked by spectrophotometer and agarose gel. The microarray experiments used pooled RNA templates: pooled C contained equal quantities from 10 individual C fish, pooled R contained equal quantities from 10 individual R fish, and pooled T contained equal quantities from 10 individual T fish. Microarray experimental design involved 3 comparisons (C vs. R, C vs. T, R vs. T), each run in duplicate (1 chip and a dye flip). Microarray hybridizations were performed using the Genisphere Array50 kit and instructions. Briefly, 20 ug total RNA (pooled C, pooled R, or pooled T) were reverse transcribed using oligo d(T) primers with 3' or 5' unique sequence overhangs for the Cy3 or Cy5 labeling reactions, respectively. Microarrays were prepared for hybridization by washing 2 X 5 min in 0.1% SDS, washing 5 X 1 min in MilliQ H2O, immersing 3 min in 95 C MilliQ H2O, and drying by centrifugation (5 min 2000 rpm in 50 ml conical tube). Microarray hybridizations were run in the dark under HybriSlips hybridization covers (Grace Biolabs) in slide hybridization chambers (Corning) submerged in a 48 C water bath. The coho salmon liver cDNAs were hybridized to the salmonid cDNA microarray in a formamide-based buffer (25% formamide, 4X SSC, 0.5% SDS, 2X Denhardt's solution) 16 h at 48 C. Coverslips were floated off in 48 C (2X SSC, 0.1% SDS), and arrays were washed 1 X 10 min in 2X SSC, 0.1% SDS at 48 C, 2 X 5 min in 2X SSC, 0.1% SDS at room temperature (RT), 2 X 5 min in 1X SSC at RT, and 2 X 5 min in 0.1X SSC at RT, and dried by centrifugation as before. The Cy3 and Cy5 3-dimensional fluorescent molecules (3DNA capture reagent, Genisphere) were hybridized to the bound cDNA on the microarray in a formamide-based buffer (25% formamide, 4X SSC, 0.5% SDS, 2X Denhardt's solution) for 3 h at 48 C, and washed and dried as before.
Fluorescent images of hybridized arrays were acquired using ScanArray and extracted using QuantArray (Perkin Elmer). The same laser power (90%) and photomultiplier tube (PMT) settings were used for all slides in each study (Cy3 PMT 78-80, Cy5 PMT 72-76).
Extracted molecule total RNA
Label Cy5
Description See Channel Characteristics.
Data processing log2 of (CH2 signal median/CH1 signal median)
Submission date Oct 19, 2005
Last update date Nov 29, 2005
Contact name Matthew Lawrence Rise
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Phone 414-382-1700
Fax 414-382-1705
Organization name University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Department Great Lakes WATER Institute
Street address 600 E. Greenfield Ave.
City Milwaukee
State/province WI
ZIP/Postal code 53204
Country USA
Platform ID GPL2989
Series (1)
GSE3477 Hepatic gene expression profiling of GH transgenic coho salmon with and without ration restriction

Data table header descriptions
VALUE log2 of (CH2 Signal Median/CH1 Signal Median)
CH1 Signal Median Median pixel intensity computed over the local signal region
CH1 Background Median Median pixel intensity computed over the local background region
CH1_SD Standard deviation of pixel intensities over the local signal region
CH1_BKD_SD Standard deviation of pixel intensities over the local background region
CH2 Signal Median Median pixel intensity computed over the local signal region
CH2 Background Median Median pixel intensity computed over the local background region
CH2_SD Standard deviation of pixel intensities over the local signal region
CH2_BKD_SD Standard deviation of pixel intensities over the local background region

Data table
ID_REF VALUE CH1 Signal Median CH1 Background Median CH1_SD CH1_BKD_SD CH2 Signal Median CH2 Background Median CH2_SD CH2_BKD_SD
1010101 -0.553850446 1191.229492 450.578125 492.432129 376.227722 811.465088 372.328125 234.595337 299.38913
1010102 -0.289448446 1162.515625 391.6875 1108.873291 326.668121 951.1875 358.78125 320.429291 283.915497
1010103 -0.46641521 1354.43335 520.484375 380.198456 407.605743 980.285706 407.734375 192.000031 285.020477
1010104 -0.8110866 1478.400024 520.6875 645.543884 427.820862 842.617676 378.640625 228.834595 319.262299
1010105 -0.447536638 1501.444458 594.890625 331.481201 434.083282 1101 552.3125 132.847275 412.1698
1010106 -0.715101133 1423.317017 517.109375 688.509888 384.566925 867.03125 358.953125 222.175827 265.004242
1010107 -0.341727647 1123.304321 460.78125 426.478546 357.44043 886.394714 340.8125 304.50061 245.000732
1010108 -0.223920036 1139.46875 460.0625 267.941986 332.67865 975.65387 408.265625 268.724548 329.006744
1010109 -0.400920522 1348.894775 518.015625 484.236542 414.47934 1021.619019 432.21875 445.406952 308.756165
1010110 -1.121937396 1921.800049 566 881.694763 373.605927 883.021729 370.453125 329.509705 381.790802
1010111 -0.694445897 1452.79541 474.625 690.023621 381.70401 897.75 391.421875 404.484833 342.317993
1010112 -0.849955978 2925.506592 481.09375 2562.917969 378.412262 1623.075928 351.75 1289.118408 328.876404
1010113 -0.476829011 1756.828613 458.59375 979.721924 317.82135 1262.378418 419.5 629.236267 337.331207
1010114 -0.655689375 1496.396851 444.875 917.730652 401.44458 949.870972 387.671875 261.668976 314.353363
1010115 -0.89846332 2900.13916 486.078125 1655.566162 436.792664 1555.802368 385.484375 1004.115662 339.24646
1010116 -0.961791434 1481.246338 435.265625 1105.6875 455.64267 760.5 354.296875 290.141235 321.267273
1010117 -0.3243246 1298 505.375 426.297821 387.325531 1036.676514 382.6875 228.385727 256.456482
1010118 -0.813230766 1513.361694 554.265625 686.569946 460.97168 861.263184 326.46875 385.061371 280.369873
1010119 -0.870358806 1349.365845 514.5625 484.008148 482.120636 738.117676 339.046875 220.083008 292.36026
1010201 -0.766692451 1728.717407 607.734375 859.307556 544.012024 1016.076904 343.484375 517.990234 276.322723

Total number of rows: 17328

Table truncated, full table size 1822 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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